- huydx: theory of computation next (base https://blog.rudolph-miller.com/2016/06/11/create-regexp-engine/ )
- nguyenquangminh0711:
- Ebook research HTTP: The Definitive Guide (Definitive Guides) (continue) 💀
- Implement simple HTTP client and simple HTTP server based on TCP sockets.
- huytd: Generalized Linear Models (Still updating)
- huynhquancam: Ruby VM - YARV
- Book [Ruby Under a Microscope]
- Output: Ruby Internal - Compilation
- kiennt: Operating System Scheduling algorithm
- checkraiser: Neural Network Basic
- anhduy: 💀
- lucdang: 💀
- unrealhoang: 💀
- giangnh: References and borrowing, lifetimes in Rust