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Exercises 3 - SAP Analytics Cloud

In the last exercise you published your analytical app. You added IAM App in a business catalog that has been assigned beforehand to a business roles. Since this business role (in our case its the developer role) has been assigned to your user in the SAP BTP ABAP environment you have access to the analytical service.
In addition we have prepared the connectivity upfront so that the analytical service can be consumed by SAP Analytics Cloud as a Live Data Connection.

As a result you will now be able to find the query in the SAP Analytics Cloud and consume it to create a Model and a Story.

CORS Issues

If there are issues with CORS connection initially then make sure the below cookies and pop-ups are allowed in your browser settings . This needs to be enabled for CORS Connection. Since the direct connection use CORS, please verify your web browser configuration and access. Your web browsers must be configured to:

  • Allow pop-up windows from the SAP Analytics Cloud domain: [*.]

    • For Edge enter the following local URL edge://settings/content/popups
    • For Chrome enter the following local URL chrome://settings/content/popups
    • For FireFox use the following local URL about:preferences#privacy
  • Allow 3rd party cookies from the SAP S/4HANA server's domain. For example, in Internet Explorer 11, go to Internet Options Security Trusted Sites, add your domain name, then select Enable Protected Mode.

    • For Edge enter the following local URL edge://settings/content/cookies
    • For Chrome enter the following local URL chrome://settings/content/cookies
    • For FireFox use the following local URL about:preferences#privacy

Exercises 3.1. - Log on to the SAP Analytics Cloud

Please note:
The username and the password that you will use to log on to SAP Analytics Cloud will be the same that you have used to logon to your SAP BTP ABAP environment. This is because both systems use the same Identity Provider system for authentication.

When you participate in a workshop the URL to your SAP Analytics Cloud instance has been provided to you by your trainer.

Click to expand!
  1. Open the link to your SAP Analytics Cloud instance and use your username and password to connect to the SAP Analytics Cloud account.


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Exercises 3.2 - Create Model

Models transform your raw data into useful information that can then be used to create dynamic visualizations. Since we will use the unique feature Live Data Connection SAP Analytics cloud will create the model based on the analytical query that we have created and published in the previous exercise. Based on such a model you can perform online analysis without the need of data replication.

For more details about Live Data Connection check the SAP Online Help.

Click to expand!
  1. Expand navigation bar by clicking on the Hamburger icon.

navigation bar

  1. Choose Modeler and then click Live Data Model

live data

  1. In the popup choose SAP BW for System Type

system type

  1. Choose RAPDEVDAYS as Connection and login with your username and password that you use in the SAP BTP ABAP environment system in the second popup.

    The connection RAPWS has been prepared beforehand. It uses a communication arrangement that has been created in the SAP BTP ABAP enviroment. The connection type is a direct connection that uses SAML based Single Sign On.
    So when using this connection the user that is currently logged on to SAC in the browser will be used to authenticate to get access to the SAP BTP ABAP environment system that provides the analytical service.

    Please note: If both systems do not use the same Identity Provider you will be prompted to enter your credentials of the SAP BTP ABAP environment system. Otherwise you will be automatically be logged on.

Logon screen that will popup if different IdP's are used

  1. Select your created Query in the last exercise as Data Source.

    If your service does not show up in the list of available service you might have forgotten to press the button Publish Locally in your IAM app in ADT in Excercise 2.

data source

  1. Click OK to continue.


  1. In the model you can check all Dimensions and Measures. Lets start with the measures.

    You can see all available measures and the number of decimal places that have been retrieved.


  1. We can also see the list of all dimensions that are part of the model.

    On the left hand side in the column ID we find the technical names of the dimension fields. The technical names are all UUIDs. This is because we used the annotation @Analytics.internalName: #LOCAL in all our dimension views. Using UUID's as technical names has benefits when the model is changed later.
    Right next to the technical names we find the descriptions of our dimension fields. The descriptions can be changed if wished or needed.
    Please note, that we are also able to group the dimensions by adding appropriate names in the column Group.


  1. Save the new model and enter the following values:
  • Name: ZRAP510_###
  • Description: Model ###

save save

Click OK

  1. Check your model in the Modeler page.


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Exercises 3.3 - Create Story

A story is a presentation-style document that uses various elements such as charts, images or tables to visualizue your data.
Adding a chart starts with picking a chart type. Then you select your model and add measures and dimension and start on working how the data is displayed. Here we will create a story including several charts and a table.

Exercises 3.3.1 - Open a blank dashboard

Click to expand!
  1. Expand navigation bar and click Stories.


  1. Choose Dashboard as your template.


  1. A Blank Dashboard will be opened.


  1. Enter a Dashboard Title like RAP510_###.

    Now you can insert some charts or tables and use the model you created before based on your analytical query.

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Exercises 3.3.2 - Insert Donut Chart

We start by adding a donut chart that shows the number of total bookings per Airline.

Click to expand!
  1. To insert a chart, click on the chart icon in the task menu and select your model with double clicking your model.

    insert chart

  2. You can move the chart with click and drag around the page.

    move chart

  3. After you found a place for your chart, you need to add some measures and dimensions, which should be shown on the chart. You will find all settings on the right hand side under Builder.

  4. Choose Donut under Builder -> Chart Structure.


  5. Choose Total of Travel under + Add Measure and choose Country/Region Key under Color > + Add Dimension.

    We now have a visualization how the number of travels are distributed accross the different countries.


    chart donut

  6. You can change the color of your chart.


    Save your changes
    Before adding more items to your story, you should save the story.

  7. Click on save icon and choose Save.


  8. Enter following values and click OK

  • Name: RAP510_###_Story
  • Description: Story ###


  1. You will find your new created story undre Welcome to Stories


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Exercises 3.3.3 - Insert Line Chart

Go back to your story and insert a line chart

We add a line chart to visualize the flight price per Agency.

Click to expand!
  1. Open your sroty and click Edit.


  2. Insert another chart and choose Line under Builder -> Chart Structure -> Trend .


  3. Choose Total Price under + Add Measure -> Left Y-Axis and choose Agency ID under + Add Dimension.


  4. Click on save icon and choose Save.

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You have used the preconfigured connection of the SAP Analytics Cloud instance to connect to the SAP BTP ABAP environment system where you have developed an Analytical Query. The data is retrieved using a Live Data Connection so that any change in the data will immediately be reflected in the visualization of your query in SAP Analytics Cloud.

We will test this live data connection in the following exercise.

Continue to next execise - Excercise 4