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[explore] Exercises 9: External API-based Access to the RAP BO with the Entity Manipulation Language (EML)


So far, the Entity Manipulation Language (EML) was used in the so-called IN LOCAL MODE to implement the transactional behavior of the Travel BO entity in the behavior pool.

In the previous exercise, you've written an ABAP Unit test for your Travel BO using EML. (see Exercise 8).

In the present exercise, you will explore how to use EML to consume - i.e. read, update, create, and delete - instances of the Travel BO entity from outside the RAP context. An ABAP class containing sample EML-based access implementations for the Travel BO entity is provided for the purpose.

This exercise is all about exploring and better understanding EML. Follow the instructions below - and feel free to copy and modify the sample implementations as you like.

Do not forget to replace the suffix placeholder ### with your choosen or assigned group ID in the exercise steps below.
Make use of the classic F1 Help to get detailed information on each ABAP and EML statement in ABAP editors

About Entity Manipulation Language (EML)

The Entity Manipulation Language (EML) is an extension of the ABAP language which offers a type-safe, API-based access to RAP business objects directly by using ABAP. EML has an SQL-like syntax.

EML is used to implement the transactional behavior of RAP BOs and also access existing RAP BOs from outside the RAP context.
EML interacts with business objects by triggering their operations for specified entities. An operation can only be triggered by EML if the operation is specified for the relevant entity in the behavior definition and if it implemented accordingly.

When consuming a RAP BO instance via EML, the consumer application is responsible for triggering the COMMIT operation after MODIFY statement to persist the changes temporary stored in the transactional buffer to the SAP HANA database.

The EML reference documentation is provided in the ABAP Keyword Documentation. You can use the classic F1 Help to get detailed information on each statement by pressing F1 in the ABAP editors.

Further reading: EML@RAP Development Guide | EML@ABAP Keyword Documentation | ABAP for RAP Business Objects | RAP BO Contract

Exercise 9.1: Create the ABAP Class

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In this step you will create the class class iconZRAP100_CL_EML_###, where ### is your group ID, to play around with EML.

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Right-click on your package package iconZRAP100_### and choose New > ABAP Class

  2. Maintain the needed information (where ### is your group ID) and choose Next > to continue:

    • Name: ZRAP100_CL_EML_###
    • Description: EML Playground
    • Interfaces: if_oo_adt_classrun
      For that, press Add, enter the interface name in the filter area, choose the correct entry from the list, and confirm with OK.

    Assign a transport request and choose Finish to create the class.

    The ABAP class skeleton is generated and displayed in the class editor.

    ABAP Class

  3. Delete the whole generated code and replace it with the one provided in the source code document linked below.
    Do not forget to replace all occurences of the placeholder ### with your group ID using the Replace All function (Ctrl+F).

document Source code document: ddls iconABAP Class ZRAP100_CL_EML_###

  1. Save save icon and activate activate icon the class.

  2. Take a look at the class to understand how it works.

    Brief explanation of the class definition

    1. (1) Constant data for the allowed instance states

      • is_draft: for draft instances (if_abap_behv=>mk-on = 01)
      • is_active: for active instances (if_abap_behv=>mk-off = 00)
    2. (2) Static attributes accessible everywhere in the class

      • travel_id: used to specify the ID of a travel instance
      • instance_state: used to specify the instance state (draft or active)
      • console_output: reference object used to write output to the Console view
    3. (3) Different methods with a sample implementation of the EML-based access:

      • read_travel( ): to read a travel BO entity instance
      • update_travel( ): to update a Travel BO entity instance
      • create_travel( ): to create a Travel BO entity instance
      • delete_travel( ): to delete a Travel BO entity instance
      • activate_travel_draft( ): to activate a draft Travel BO entity instance
      • discard_travel_draft( ): method to discard a draft Travel BO entity instance

    Brief explanation of the class implementation

    1. The method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) is executed when pressing F9. Its logic is quite simple: Methods are executed depending on the value set in the variable execute:

      • READ: 1 | UPDATE: 2 | CREATE: 3 | DELETE: 4 | ACTIVATE draft: 5 | DISCARD draft: 6 | All Methods: 55
    2. The EML statements READ ENTITY, ENTITIES and MODIFY ENTITY, ENTITIES are used to implement the different operations.

      • READ ENTITY, ENTITIES is used to perform read-only operations on RAP BO instances.
      • MODIFY ENTITY, ENTITIES is used to perform transactional modify operations on RAP BO instances.
        This includes standard operations (CREATE, CREATE BY, UPDATE, DELETE) - as well as standard draft operations (EDIT, ACTIVATE, and DISCARD) and non-standard operations (actions) using the keyword EXECUTE.
    3. You will go through the different method implementations and try them out in the exercises below.

Exercise 9.2: READ a Travel BO Entity Instance

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The method read_travel( ) in class class iconZRAP100_CL_EML_### provides a sample implementation on how to read draft or active Travel BO entity instances.
This method is executed when the variable execute is set to 1 or 55 in the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ).

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Go to the implementation of the method read_travel( ) and take a look at it.

    1. (1) The internal table travels

      • is declared using the BDEF derived type (TYPE TABLE FOR READ IMPORT). It is used to specify the READ request.
        You can set the cursor on the table name and press F2 to view the element info.

        Read more about BDEF Derived Types

      • The table for the request is filled with the information about the relevant instances.
    2. (2) The READ ENTITIES is specified and the internal table travels with the relevant information.

      • Instead of declaring and passing an internal table, the values can be declared inline with the VALUE constructor. We will do so in the other methods.
      • Instead of the ALL FIELDS, a specific list of the fields to be read can be specified using the addition FIELDS ( FieldName1, FieldName2, FieldName3 ).
    3. (3) Console output: Some information will be displayed in the Console view after the execution of the READ statement.

    ABAP Class

  2. Now go to the implementation of the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) and set the variable execute to 1.
    Also specify the ID (travel_id) and the state (instance_state) of the travel instance to be read.
    You can get this information in your Travel Fiori elements app.

    ABAP Class

  3. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  4. Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the result in the Console view.
    Compare the result with the value in the Travel Fiori elements app. You can also use the ABAP Debugger to investigate the response parameters.

    ABAP Class

  5. Repeat the test with different values (travel ID and instance state) if you like.

Further Reading: READ

Exercise 9.3: UPDATE a Travel BO Entity Instance

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The method update_travel( ) in class class iconZRAP100_CL_EML_### provides a sample implementation on how to update active Travel BO entity instances. The field Description is updated.
This method is executed when the variable execute is set to 2 or 55 in the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ).

The EML statement MODIFY ENTITIES with the standard operation UPDATE is used in this example.
PS: You can only update your own Draft instances when using EML APIs. The standard draft operation EXECUTE Edit must be used first when manipulating an active BO entity instance with no associated draft instance.

The UPDATE statement enables the editing of entity instances.

Read more: MODIFY >> General Information: UPDATE

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Check the implementation of the method update_travel( ).
    You can see that the data (i.e. internal table) for the UPDATE request is filled inline with VALUE operator.
    Make use of the classic F1 Help to get detailed information on each ABAP and EML statement in ABAP editors.

  2. Now go to the implementation of the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) and set the variable execute to 2.
    Also specify the ID (travel_id) and the state (instance_state) of the travel instance to be updated.
    You can get this information in your Travel Fiori elements app.

    Check the current description in the App before executing the class.

    As stated above draft instances cannot be updated with this method, but you can give it a try to see what will happen.

      "specify the operation to be executed
      DATA(execute) = 2.     
      "UPDATE a Travel BO entity instance
      IF execute = 2 OR execute = 55.
        travel_id      = '0000000'.
        instance_state = is_active.
        update_travel( ).
  3. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  4. Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the result in the Console view.

    ABAP Class

  5. Check the updated description in the Travel Fiori elements app.

  6. You will notice that the description has not been updated. You can execute the class again by pressing F9 in ADT.

    Take a closer look at the implementation

    Question: Have you find out the reason for this erroneous behavior?

    Click to expand the solution!

    The COMMIT ENTITIES statement is currently commented out. It means that the updated description is only available in the transactional buffer but not persisted in the database!

    To solve this issue, just comment in the COMMIT ENTITIES block in the source code by removing the * at the begin of each line.

     "persist the transactional buffer
       RESPONSE OF ZRAP100_R_TravelTP_###
       FAILED DATA(failed_commit)
       REPORTED DATA(reported_commit).   

    Also comment in following lines in the console output section:

    ELSEIF failed_commit IS NOT INITIAL.
     console_output->write( |- Cause for failed commit = { failed_commit-travel[ 1 ]-%fail-cause } | ).

    Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

    Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the updated description in the Travel Fiori elements app.

    Your source code should look like this: ABAP Class

  7. Repeat the test with different values (travel ID and instance state) if you like.

Exercise 9.4: CREATE a Travel BO Entity Instance

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The method create_travel( ) in class class iconZRAP100_CL_EML_### provides a sample implementation on how to create new draft or active Travel BO entity instances. The action rejectTravel is also performed on the instance.
This method is executed when the variable execute is set to 3 or 55 in the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ).

The EML statement MODIFY ENTITIES is used with the standard operation CREATE and the non-standard operation EXECUTE action in this implementation.

The CREATE statement enables the creation of entity instances. The CREATE BY association statement uses an association of the entity specified in the EML statement in order to create instances of its child entity.
We will only use the CREATE statement in the current exercise.
Read more: MODIFY >> General Information: CREATE and CREATE BY Association

The EXECUTE Action statement enables the execution of actions.
Read more: MODIFY >> General Information: EXECUTE Action

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Go to the implementation of the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) and set the variable execute to 3.
    Also specify the state (instance_state) of the new travel instance to be created. The ID will be automatically assigned by the internal early numbering.

      "specify the operation to be executed
      DATA(execute) = 3.     
      "CREATE a Travel BO entity instance
      IF execute = 3 OR execute = 55.
        instance_state = is_active.
        create_travel( ).
  2. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  3. Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the result in the Console view.
    Check the new create instance in the Travel Fiori elements app.
    You can also use the ABAP Debugger to investigate the response parameters.

    ABAP Class

  4. Repeat the test with different instance states if you like.

Exercise 9.5: DELETE a Travel BO Entity Instance

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The method delete_travel( ) provides a sample implementation on how to delete active Travel BO entity instances.
This method is executed when the variable execute is set to 4 or 55 in the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ).

The EML statement MODIFY ENTITIES with the standard operation DELETE is used in this implementation.
PS: Draft instances cannot be deleted with this EML statement. The standard draft operation EXECUTE Discard should be used instead.

The DELETE statement enables the deletion of entity instances.

Read more: MODIFY >> General Information: DELETE

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Go to the implementation of the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) and set the variable execute to 4.
    Also specify the ID (travel_id) and the state (instance_state) of the travel instance to be deleted.
    You can get this information in your Travel Fiori elements app.

    As stated above draft instances cannot be deleted with this method, but you can give it a try to see what will happen.

      "specify the operation to be executed
      DATA(execute) = 4.     
      "DELETE a Travel BO entity instance
      IF execute = 4 OR execute = 55.
        travel_id      = '00000000'.
        instance_state = is_active.
        delete_travel( ).
  2. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  3. Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the result in the Console view.
    Check the deleted instance in the Travel Fiori elements app.
    You can also use the ABAP Debugger to investigate the response parameters.

    ABAP Class

  4. Repeat the test with different values (travel ID and instance state) if you like.

Exercise 9.6: ACTIVATE a Draft Travel BO Entity Instance

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The method activate_travel_draft( ) provides a sample implementation on how to activate draft Travel BO entity instances.
It is executed when the variable execute is set to 5 or 55 in the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ).

The EML statement MODIFY ENTITIES with the standard draft operation EXECUTE Activate is used in this implementation.

By executing the draft action ACTIVATE on a draft instance, you copy the draft instance to active application buffer. It invokes the PREPARE and a modify request to change the active BO instance according to the state of the draft instance. Once the active instance is successfully created or updated, the draft instance is discarded. The activate action does not save the active instance on the database. The actual save is executed separately, either by COMMIT ENTITIES via EML or by calling the save sequence in case of OData. In the case of OData requests, this is automatically done by the RAP framework. The activate action is only possible on draft instances.

Read more: Creating Active Data

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Go to the implementation of the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) and set the variable execute to 5.
    Also specify the ID (travel_id) of the draft travel instance to be activated.
    You can get this information in your Travel Fiori elements app. Create draft instances if needed.

      "specify the operation to be executed
      DATA(execute) = 5.     
     "ACTIVATE a draft Travel BO entity instance
     IF execute = 5 OR execute = 55.
       travel_id      = '00000000'.
       activate_travel_draft( ).
  2. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  3. Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the result in the Console view.

    Check in the Travel Fiori elements app if the specified draft instances have been activated.

    You can also use the ABAP Debugger to investigate the response parameters.

    ABAP Class

  4. Repeat the test with different values (travel ID and instance state) if you like.

Exercise 9.7: DISCARD a Draft Travel BO Entity Instance

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The method discard_travel_draft( ) provides a sample implementation on how to discard draft Travel BO entity instances.
It is executed when the variable execute is set to 6 or 55 in the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ).

The EML statement MODIFY ENTITIES with the standard draft operation EXECUTE Discard is used in this implementation.

By executing the draft action DISCARD, the draft instance is deleted from the draft database table. In addition, possible exclusive locks are released. The DISCARD can be executed on new-drafts and on edit-drafts. Apart from releasing the lock, the action has no impact on the active instance. It is just the draft data that is deleted.

Read more: Deleting Instances of a Draft BO >> Activate Action

🔵 Click to expand!
  1. Go to the implementation of the method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( ) and set the variable execute to 6.
    Also specify the ID (travel_id) of the draft travel instance to be discarded.
    You can get this information in your Travel Fiori elements app. Create draft instances if needed.

      "specify the operation to be executed
      DATA(execute) = 6.     
     "DISCARD a draft Travel BO entity instance
     IF execute = 6 OR execute = 55.
       travel_id      = '00000000'.
       discard_travel_draft( ).
  2. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  3. Press F9 to run the class as console application and check the result in the Console view.
    Check the discarded draft instance in the Travel Fiori elements app.
    You can also use the ABAP Debugger to investigate the response parameters.

    ABAP Class

  4. Repeat the test with different draft instances if you like.

Exercise 9.8: Play Around with EML

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As suggested by the title: Play around with EML!

For examples,

  • Copy the methods of your choice and adjust them as you like.
  • Execute all operations: For that, set the variable execute to 55 and specify the required values (travel_id and instance_state) for the different operations.
     DATA(execute) = 55. 

Feel free to ask questions.


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Now that you've played around with various EML statements to

  • read Travel entity instances,
  • update Travel entity instances,
  • create new Travel entity instances,
  • delete Travel entity instances,
  • activate draft Travel entity instances, and
  • discard draft Travel entity instances,

you are done with this hands-on. Congratulations!

In this hands-on session, you have learned how to build a simple Fiori elements app with managed implementation type of the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) and how to write a BO test with ABAP Unit, and access BOs outside of the RAP context using the Entity Manipulation Language (EML)!

Thank you for attending this workshop!