SDA Spring Boot Commons 3 updates
- Spring Boot from 2.7.x to 3.1.x and
- Spring Cloud from 2021.x.x to 2022.x.x.
This comes with some breaking changes introduced by Spring and some from SDA Spring Boot Commons as well. Other libraries are upgraded or replaced as well.
In addition to this migration guide, the official migration guide of Spring Boot should be consulted.
Summary of noticeable changes:
dependencies are replaced byjakarta
dependencies.- Tracing moved from Sleuth to Open Telemetry.
- AsyncAPI setup has been changed, as well as the used library to generate Json Schemas from code. Using of the generator is simpler now as described in its documentation.
- A major upgrade of Spring Security is included.
- Spring configuration properties changed.
- S3 libraries changed to a new and different Java API of AWS.
- WireMock dependency changed to standalone variant that provides transitive dependencies directly in new packages.
Spring Boot 3 requires reflection information about parameters in compiled classes.
If no such information is added, warning logs will complain about it.
To avoid warnings, the -parameters
flag must be added to the compile task.
=== "Gradle"
groovy tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach { options.encoding = 'UTF-8' options.compilerArgs << '-parameters' }
=== "Maven"
xml <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <compilerArgs> <arg>-parameters</arg> </compilerArgs> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Please make sure dependencies do not pull in transitive javax
modules and migrate all javax
imports to jakarta
The provided dependency management should take care about all dependencies by referring to the
dependency management of Spring Boot as mentioned in the migration guide.
Please note that Wiremock repackaged javax
They will be available in tests but should not be used in your code.
If Feign Clients are declared with JAX-RS annotations like @POST
and the
configuration, it must be changed
- to Jakarta annotations and the
configuration - or to Spring Boot annotations.
Tracing uses OpenTelemetry now.
Any configuration that references zipkin
or sleuth
is not considered anymore, such as
environment variables JAEGER_ENABLED
The environment variable JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME
was replaced by the spring's default system
Please refer to the respective management.tracing
and other migrated properties in
the documentation.
Json Schemas for AsyncAPI are generated with Victools' Json Schema Generator now. The previously used library is barely maintained in the past years.
The old library provided their own annotations.
Now, annotations of Jackson (e.g. @JsonSchemaDescription
), Swagger (e.g. @Schema
) and Jakarta
Validation (e.g. NotNull
) can be used.
Note that not all attributes of all annotations are covered and multiple examples are not possible
Only one example can be defined with @Schema(example = "value")
How the Java classes for schema definitions in the AsyncAPI are defined has changed.
Previously, classes to integrate were defined in the code
(.withSchema("./schema.json", BaseEvent.class)
) and referenced in the AsyncAPI template
($ref: './schema.json#/definitions/CarManufactured'
Now the classes are referenced directly in the template ($ref: 'class://com.example.BaseEvent
The builder method withSchema
does not exist any more.
Please review the differences in the generated AsyncAPI file. Both libraries work different and have a different feature set. The new generator may have some limitations but a great API for extensions. Please file an issue if something important can't be expressed.
If you use de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo
for testing, change to
To define the database version used for tests, use the property
instead of spring.mongodb.embedded.version
The simple interface
Java 1.x), available on version 2.x, was
replaced by the service
Java 2.x) in this version, so you
should replace your autowired beans with this new service client and its methods.
If you define this bean with custom configuration you need to update your configuration, e.g.:
public class Foo {
- private AmazonS3 createClientWithCustomConfiguration() {
- final AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKeyId, secretKey);
- return AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
- .withEndpointConfiguration(new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(endpoint, region))
- .withPathStyleAccessEnabled(true)
- .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials))
+ private S3Client createClientWithCustomConfiguration() {
+ return S3Client.builder()
+ .region(Region.of(region))
+ .credentialsProvider(
+ StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create(accessKeyId, secretKey)))
+ .endpointProvider(S3EndpointProvider.defaultProvider())
+ .endpointOverride(URI.create(endpoint))
+ .forcePathStyle(true)
You can check the new API definition here.
There has been introduced a new default value for the sda.kafka.consumer.dlt.pattern
which is dlt-<topic>
. If you want to keep the old behaviour, which is appending .DLT
to the
consumed topic, you have to
explicitly unset the property (sda.kafka.consumer.dlt.pattern=
!!! Info We do not recommend using a '.' within the topic name, since it does not allow the standard replacement approach in our kustomize deployments and let to errors in customer's environments.
WireMock changed from wiremock-jre8
to wiremock-jre8-standalone
suggested here.
The standalone variant repackages transitive dependencies to a new package and avoids the
Tests are affected if Jackson classes are used to interact with WireMock, e.g.
.willReturn(jsonResponse(jacksonsJsonNode, 200))
All imports related to Jackson classes interacting with WireMock, including an ObjectMapper
is used to read or write these objects, must be updated from com.fasterxml.…