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Research Projects


Software developed

  • perfectphyloR: An R package to reconstruct a partition of sequences known as a perfect phylogeny at a user-given focal point on the genome, and to depict and test association in a genomic region based on the reconstructed partitions doi: 10.1101/674523
  • SimRVSequences: An R package to simulate genetic sequence data for pedigrees, with functionality to simulate genetic heterogeneity among pedigrees doi: 10.1101/534552
  • SimRVpedigree: An R package to simulate pedigrees ascertained on the basis of multiple affected members doi: 10.1101/234153. Note: Selected as one of the "Top 40"" new packages available on CRAN in Dec 2017 by R views. Profiled by the popular "R bloggers" site in Jan 2018 at and by SFU Faculty of Science in Dec 2018
  • trioGxE: An R package implementing a data-smoothing approach to explore and test gene-environment interaction in case-parent trio data, described in Shin et al. (2014).
  • sampletrees and Rsampletrees: A C++ program and R package interface implementing the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for sampling gene genealogies conditional on either phased or unphased SNP genotype data, described in Burkett et al. (2013a) and Burkett et al. (2013b). For a description of the software please see Burkett et al. (2016).
  • CrypticIBDcheck: An R package to identify cryptic relatedness in genetic association studies. For a description of the features of the package and examples of its use, please see Nembot-Simo et al. (2013).
  • rJPSGCS: An R interface to programs for fitting LD models and performing gene drops from Alun Thomas' Java Programs for Statistical Genetics and Computational Statistics (JPSGCS).
  • elrm: An R package implementing Exact Logistic Regression via MCMC, using the methods described in Zamar et al. (2007).
  • luca: An R package implementing the methods described in Shin et al. (2007) for case-control inference of statistical interaction between genetic and nongenetic risk factors under covariate assumptions.
  • LDheatmap: An R package implementing a graphical tool for exploring pairwise linkage disequilibria between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). For a description of the features of the package and examples of its use, please see Shin et al. (2006) or the package's homepage on GitHub
  • hapassoc: The hapassoc R package implementing methods described in Burkett et al. (2004) for likelihood inference of trait associations with SNP haplotypes and other attributes using the EM Algorithm. For a description of the features of the package and examples of its use, please see Burkett et al. (2006).
  • stepwise: R package and stand-alone C program implementing methods described in Graham et al. (2005) for stepwise detection of recombination breakpoints in sequence alignments

Recent Publications

  • Nieuwoudt C, Binte Farooq F, Brooks-Wilson A, Bureau A, Graham J (2024). Statistics to prioritize rare variants in family-based sequencing studies with disease subtypes. Genetic Epidemiology, 48(7): 324-343. DOI: 10.1002/gepi.22579.
  • Ratnasekera P, Graham J, McNeney B (2023). Inference of gene-environment interaction from heterogeneous case-parent trios. Front. Genet. - Statistical Genetics and Methodology DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1065568.
  • Nickchi P, Karunarathna C, Graham J (2022). An exploration of linkage fine-mapping on sequences from case-control studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 47(1):1– 17. DOI: 10.1002/gepi.22502.
  • Yu Y, Chen S, Jones SJ, Hoque R, Vishnyakova O, Brooks-Wilson A, McNeney B (2022) Penalized logistic regression analysis for genetic association studies of binary phenotypes Human Heredity DOI: 10.1159/000525650.
  • Epasinghege Dona N and Graham J (2022). Datasets for a simulated family-based exome-sequencing study. Data in Brief 42: 108311. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108311.
  • Gill E, Smith M, Gibson K, Morishita K, Lee A,, Falsafi R, Graham J, Foell D, Benseler S, Ross C, Luqmani R, Cabral D, Hancock R, Brown KL, the PedVas Initiative Investigators (2021). Different disease endotypes in phenotypically similar vasculitides affecting small-to-medium sized blood vessels. Frontiers in Immunology 12: 396.  DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.638571
  • Ratnasekera P and McNeney B (2021). Re-analysis of a genome-wide gene-by-environment interaction study of case-parent trios, adjusted for population stratification. Front. Genet. 11:600232. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.600232
  • CB Karunarathna and J Graham. perfectphyloR: An R package for reconstructing perfect phylogenies. BMC Bioinformatics 20, Article number: 729 (2019). DOI 10.1186/s12859-019-3313-4.
  • Choi JC, Lu D, Beg MF, Graham J, and McNeney B for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2019). The Contribution Plot: Decomposition and Graphical Display of the RV Coefficient, with Application to Genetic and Brain Imaging Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease. Human Heredity,
  • K Gibson, K Morishita, P Dancey, P Moorehead, B Drögemöller, X Xhan, J Graham, B Hancock, D Foell, S Benseler, R Luqmani, R Yeung, S Shenoi, M Bohm, A Rosenberg, C Ross, D Cabral, K Brown. Identification of novel Adenosine Deaminase 2 gene variants and varied clinical phenotype in pediatric vasculitis. Arthritis & Rheumatology  71: 1747-1755 DOI 10.1002/art.40913
  • Brown KL, Lubieniecki JM, Armaroli G, Kessel K, Gibson K, Graham JLiu D, Hancock REW, Ross C, Benseler SM, Luqmani R, Cabral DA, Foell D and Kessel C on behalf of the ARChiVe Investigators Network within the PedVas Initiative (2018). S100A12 serum levels and PMN counts are elevated in childhood systemic vasculitides especially involving proteinase 3 specific anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 23 November 2018,
  • C Nieuwoudt, SJ Jones, A Brooks-Wilson, J Graham (2018). Simulating pedigrees ascertained for multiple disease-affected relatives. Source Code for Biology and Medicine, 13:2.
  • Graham J, McNeney B, Platt RW (2018). Small sample methods. In N. Breslow, O. Borgan, N. Chatterjee, M. H. Gail, A. Scott, and C. J. Wild, editors, Handbook of Statistical Methods for Case-Control Studies, Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods, chapter 9, pages 134–162. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
  • Liu D, Graham J (2018). Simple measures of individual cluster-membership certainty for hard-partitional clustering.  The American Statistician DOI Published online June 5, 2018.
  • Karanurathna C, Graham J (2018).  Using gene genealogies to localize rare variants associated with complex traits in diploid populations. Hum Hered 2017–18;83:30–39. DOI Published online May 15, 2018.
  • Szefer E, Lu D, Nathoo FS, Beg MF, Graham J for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Multivariate association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms in Alzgene linkage regions and structural changes in the brain: discovery, refinement and validation. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 16: 349-366. DOI:
  • Jones SJ, Voong J, Thomas R, English A, Schuetz J, Slack GW, Graham J, Connors JM and Brooks-Wilson A. Non-random occurrence of lymphoid cancer types in 140 families. Leukemia and Lymphoma 57(9):2134-2143. DOI: 10.1080/10428194.2017.1281412
  • Burkett KM, McNeney B, Graham J and Greenwood CMT. Using gene genealogies to detect rare variants associated with complex traits. Hum Hered 2014;78:117-130, DOI: 10.1159/000363443. Published online Aug. 15, 2014.
  • Bull SB, Graham J and Greenwood CMT. Statistical Genetic Modeling and Analysis of Complex Traits. In JF Lawless ed. Statistics in Action: A Canadian Perspective. Chapman & Hall/CRC 2014, 125-146, URL:
  • Shin J-H, Infante-Rivard C, McNeney B and Graham J. A data-smoothing approach to explore and test gene-environment interaction in case-parent trios. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 159–171, ISSN (Online) 1544-6115, ISSN (Print) 2194-6302, DOI: 10.1515/sagmb-2013-0023, January 2014
  • Burkett KM, Greenwood CMT, McNeney B and Graham J. Gene genealogies for genetic association mapping, with application to Crohn's disease.  Frontiers in Statistical Genetics and Methodology  4:260. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00260, November 2013.
  • Lubieniecka JM, Graham J, Heffner D, Mottus R, Reid R, Hogge D, Grigliatti TA and Riggs WK. A discovery study of daunorubicin induced cardiotoxicity in a sample of acute myeloid leukemia patients prioritizes P450 oxidoreductase polymorphisms as a potential risk factor. Frontiers in in Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics. 4:231. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00231, November 2013.
  • Burkett K, McNeney B, Graham J. Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling of gene genealogies conditional on unphased SNP genotype data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 559–581, ISSN (Online) 1544-6115, ISSN (Print) 2194-6302, DOI: 10.1515/sagmb-2012-0011, August 2013.
  • Yazdanpanah M, Chen C, Graham J. Secondary analysis of publicly-available data reveals superoxide and oxygen radical pathways are enriched for associations between type 2 diabetes and low-frequency variants. Annals of Human Genetics. Volumne 77, Issue 6, pages 472-481. 14 AUG 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/ahg.12035
  • JM Lubieniecka, J Liu, J Graham, D Heffner,R Reid, D Hogge, WK Riggs and TA Grigliatti. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in reductase genes are not associated with response to daunorubicin based remission induction. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 22:1918-1920. October 2013. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-13-0671
  • Burkett K, McNeney B, Graham J. A Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampler for gene genealogies conditional on haplotype data. In Y.P. Chaubey ed. Some Recent Advances in Mathematics and Statistics, Proceedings of Statistics 2011 Canada/IMST 2011-FIM XX, Montreal, July 2011. Singapore: World Scientific 2013, 29-44. [PDF].
  • Nembot-Simo A, Graham J and McNeney B. CrypticIBDcheck: An R package for checking relatedness in nominally unrelated subjects. Source Code for Biology and Medicine  2013, 8:5. doi:10.1186/1751-0473-8-5
  • Lubieniecka JM, Liu J, Graham J, Reid R, Hogge D, Grigliatti TA, Riggs WK,. Non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in aldo-keto and carbonyl reductase genes are not associated with acute cardiotoxicity after daunorubicin based chemotherapy.  Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention November 2012 21:2118-2120 doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-12-1037 .
  • Gyllenberg A, Asad S, Piehl F, Swanberg M, Padyukov L, Van Yserloo B, Rutledge EA, McNeney B, Graham J, Orho-Melander M, Lindholm E, Graff C, Forsell C, Åkesson K, Landin-Olsson M, Carlsson A, Lindblad B, Forsander G, Ludvigsson J, Marcus C, Ivarsson S, Lernmark A, Alfredsson L, Åkesson K, Olsson T, Kockum I. Age dependent variation of genotypes in Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Transactivator in controls and association to type 1 diabetes. Genes and Immunity October 2012 13: 632-640 doi:10.1038/gene.2012.44.
  • Schuetz JM, Daley D, Graham J, Berry BR, Gallagher RP, Connors JM, Gascoyne RD, Spinelli JJ, Brooks-Wilson AR. Genetic variation in cell death genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. PLoS ONE 2012 7(2): e31560. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031560
  • Shin J-H, Infante-Rivard C, Graham J and McNeney B. Adjusting for spurious gene-by-environment interaction using case-parent triads. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 2012, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 1–21. DOI: 10.2202/1544-6115.1714
  • C Qu, JM Schuetz, JE Min, S Leach, D Daley, JJ Spinelli, A Brooks-Wilson and J Graham. Cost-effective prediction of gender-labeling errors and estimation of gender-labeling error rates in candidate-gene association studies. Frontiers in Statistical Genetics and Methodology. 2011 2:31. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2011.00031.
  • Min JE, Whiteside M, Brinkman F, McNeney B and Graham J. A statistical approach to high-throughput screening of predicted orthologs. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 2011 55:935-943. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2010.08.002.
  • Shin J-H, McNeney B and Graham J. On the use of allelic transmission rates for assessing gene-by-environment interaction in case-parent trios. Annals of Human Genetics 2010 Sep 1;74(5):439-51. PubMed ID: 20649530
  • Saferali A, Grundberg E, Berlivet S, Beauchemin H, Morcos L, Polychronakos C, Pastinen T, Graham J, McNeney B and Naumova AK. Cell culture-induced aberrant methylation of the imprinted IG DMR in human lymphoblastoid cell lines. Epigenetics 2010 5(1):5-16. Abstract. PubMed ID: 20026906

NB: In 2008-09, McNeney was on sabbatical leave and Graham was on parental leave.

  • Wallace AM, Sandford AJ, English JC, Burkett KM, Li H, Finley RJ, Muller NL, Coxson HO, Pare PD, Abboud RT. Matrix metalloproteinase expression by human alveolar macrophages in relation to emphysema. COPD 2008. 5:13-23. PubMed ID: 18259971
  • Zamar D, McNeney B and Graham J. elrm: Software Implementing Exact-Like Inference for Logistic Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Software 2007, 21(3). Available at
  • Shin J-H, Janer M, McNeney B, Blay S, Deutsch K, Sanjeevi CB, Kockum I, Lernmark Å and Graham J for the Swedish Childhood Diabetes Study Group and the Diabetes Incidence in Sweden Study Group. IA-2 autoantibodies in incident type I diabetes patients are associated with a polyadenylation signal polymorphism in GIMAP5. Genes and Immunity 2007 Sept;8(6):503–512. PubMed ID: 17641683
  • Bekris LM, Shephard C, Janer M, Graham J, McNeney B, Shin J-H, Zarghami M, Griffith W, Farin F, Kavanagh TJ, Lernmark A. Glutamate cysteine ligase catalytic subunit promoter polymorphisms and associations with type 1 diabetes age-at-onset and GAD65 autoantibody Levels. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2007 Apr;115(4):221-8. PubMed ID: 17479437
  • Shin J-H, McNeney B, Graham J. Case-control inference of interaction between genetic and nongenetic risk factors under assumptions on their distribution. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 2007 Apr; 6(1), Article 13. Available at:
  • Tanaka G, Sandford AJ, Burkett K, Connett JE, Anthonisen NR, Pare PD, He JQ. Tumour necrosis factor and lymphotoxin A polymorphisms and lung function in smokers. Eur Respir J 2007 Jan; 29(1):34-41. PubMed ID: 16971410
  • Gupta M, Graham J, McNeney B, Zarghami M, Landin-Olsson M, Hagopian WA, Palmer J, Lernmark Å and Sanjeevi CB. MHC class I chain-related gene-A is associated with IA2 and IAA but not GAD in Swedish type 1 diabetes mellitus Ann N Y Acad Sci 2006 Oct; 1079: 229–239. PubMed ID: 17130560
  • Bergwitz C, Roslin NM, Tieder M, Loredo-Osti JC, Bastepe M, Abu-Zahra H, Frappier D, Burkett K, Carpenter TO, Anderson D, Garabédian M, Sermet I, Fujiwara TM, Morgan K, Tenenhouse HS, and Jüppner H. SLC34A3 mutations in patients with hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria predict a key role for the sodium-phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIc in maintaining phosphate homeostasis. Am J Hum Genet 2006 Feb; 78(2): 179–192. PubMed ID: 16358214
  • Shin J-H, Blay S, McNeney B, Graham J. LDheatmap: An R function for graphical display of pairwise linkage disequilibria between single nucleotide polymorphisms. Journal of Statistical Software 2006, 16 Code Snippet 3. Available at
  • Wallace AM, He JQ, Burkett KM, Ruan J, Connett JE, Anthonisen NR, Pare PD and Sandford AJ. Contribution of alpha- and beta-defensins to lung function decline and infection in smokers: an association study. Respir Res 2006 May 15;7:76. PubMed ID: 16700921
  • Burkett K, Graham J and McNeney B. hapassoc: software for likelihood inference of trait associations with SNP haplotypes and other attributes. Journal of Statistical Software 2006, 16(2). Available at
  • He JQ, Burkett K, Connett JE, Anthonisen NR, Pare PD, Sandford AJ. Interferon gamma polymorphisms and their interaction with smoking are associated with lung function. Hum Genet 2006 May;119(4):365-375. PubMed ID: 16474934
2004 and 2005
  • Burkett KM, Ghadessi M, McNeney B, Graham J, Daley D. A comparison of five methods for selecting tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Genet 2005 Dec 30;6 Suppl 1:S71. PubMed ID: 16451685
  • Valdes AM, Thomson G, Graham J, Zarghami M, McNeney B, Kockum I, Smith A, Lathrop M, Steenkiste AR, Dorman JS, Noble JA, Hansen JA, Pugliese A, Lernmark A; Swedish Childhood Study Group; Diabetes Incidence in Sweden Study Group; Type 1 Diabetes Component of the 13th International Histocompatibility Working Group. D6S265*15 marks a DRB1*15, DQB1*0602 haplotype associated with attenuated protection from type 1 diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 2005 Dec;48(12):2540-3. PubMed ID: 16320082
  • Daley D and Burkett K. Approaches to the study of inflammatory gene haplotypes and susceptibility to cardiac, vascular and pulmonary diseases. Curr Opin Mol Ther 2005 Jun;7(3):226-33. PubMed ID: 15977419
  • Graham J, McNeney B, Seillier-Moiseiwitsch F. Stepwise detection of recombination breakpoints in sequence alignments. Bioinformatics 2005 Mar 1;21(5):589-95. PubMed ID: 15388518
  • Burkett K, McNeney B, Graham J. A note on inference of trait associations with SNP haplotypes and other attributes in generalized linear models. Hum Hered 2004;57(4):200-6. PubMed ID: 15583426
  • Tebbutt SJ, He JQ, Burkett KM , Ruan J, Opushnyev IV, Tripp BW, Zeznik JA, Abara CO, Nelson CC, Walley KR. Microarray genotyping resource to determine population stratification in genetic association studies of complex disease. Biotechniques 2004; 37(6):977-85.PMID: 15597547


June 2024 2024 Meeting of the European Society for Human Genetics, Online poster session; ATXN2 gene variants in neurodegenerative diseases. D Jethnani (presenter), J Lubieniecka, K Lubieniecki, S Bernsen, K Audoire, M Yusenko, C Hippert, K Doring, N Jovancevic, S Hofjan, P Weydt, J Graham, H Nguyen
Sept. 2022 International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, Paris; An Exploration of Linkage Fine-Mapping on Sequences from Case-Control Studies. P Nickchi, C Karunarathna and J Graham (presenter)
Sept. 2022 International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, Paris; Inference of gene-environment interaction from heterogeneous case-parent trios}. P Ratnasekera, J Graham and B McNeney (presenter)
May 2022 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, online; Sampling Partial Genealogies Using Sequential Importance Sampling. D Liu (presenter) and J Graham
Oct. 2021 International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, online; A Comparison of Association Methods for Fine-mapping Rare Variants in Case-Control Studies. P Nickchi (presenter) C Karunarathna and J Graham
Oct. 2021 International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, online; Shrinkage Parameter Estimation in Penalized Logistic Regression Analysis of Case-Control Data. Y Yu (presenter) S Chen and B McNeney
Oct. 2021 International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting, online; Re-analysis of a Genome-Wide Gene-By-Environment Interaction Study of Case Parent Trios, Adjusted for Population Stratification. P Ratnasekera (presenter), J Graham and B McNeney
May 2019

Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Calgary AB; Sampling Partial Genealogies Using Sequential Importance Sampling. D Liu (presenter) and J Graham.

August 2018 Workshop on New Statistical Methods for Family-Based Sequencing Studies, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, AB; SimRVSequences: Simulating Sequence Data for Pedigrees. C Nieuwoudt (presenter), A Brooks-Wilson and J Graham.
August 2018 Workshop on New Statistical Methods for Family-Based Sequencing Studies, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, AB; On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants, P Nickchi (presenter) and J Graham.
August 2018 Workshop on New Statistical Methods for Family-Based Sequencing Studies, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, AB; Sampling Partial Genealogies Using Sequential Importance Sampling. Dongmeng Liu (presenter) and Jinko Graham.
July 2018 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Vancouver, BC; On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants, P Nickchi (presenter) and J Graham
June 2018 7th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting,  Harrison Hot Springs Resort, BC; On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants, P Nickchi (presenter) and J Graham.
June 2018 7th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs, BC; SimRVSequences: Simulating Sequence Data for Pedigrees. C Nieuwoudt (presenter), A Brooks-Wilson, and J Graham.
July 2016 28th International Biometrics Conference, Victoria, BC; Using Gene Genealogies to Understand the Patterns of Case-control Association in Sequencing Data. CB Karunarathna (presenter) and J Graham.
April 2015 Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Using Gene Genealogies to Understand the Patterns of Case-control Association. CB Karunarathna (presenter) and J Graham.
April 2015 Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Is There Anticipation in the Age of Onset of Familial Lymphoid Cancers? D Liu (presenter), S Jones, R Thomas, GW Slack, JM Connors, A Brooks-Wilson, and J Graham.
April 2015 Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Principal Component-based Analysis of High-dimensional Gene Expression Guided by Clinical Data. JM Lubieniecka (presenter), J Graham, A Sarmiento, KL Brown, C Ross, R Luqmani, D Foell, E Gill, REW Hancock, S Benseler, DA Cabral.
April 2015 Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Prioritizing Rare Variants in Lymphoid Cancer Families. C Nieuwoudt (presenter), J Graham, S Jones, R Thomas, GW Slack, JM Connors, and A Brooks-Wilson.
April 2015 Fourth Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Joint Analysis of Imaging and Genomic Data to Identify Associations Related to Cognitive Impairment. E Szefer (presenter) MF Beg and J Graham.
May 2014 Third Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Victoria, BC; Controlling for Ethnicity Using Supervised Principal Components in Genetic Association Studies. E Szefer (presenter) and J Graham.
May 2014 Third Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Victoria, BC; Genetics of Pediatric ANCA-associated Vasculitides (AAVs). JM Lubieniecka (presenter), J Graham, A Sarmiento, KL Brown, C Ross, R Luqmani, D Foell, REW Hancock, S Benseler and DA Cabral
October 2013 Workshop on Coalescent Theory: New Developments and Applications, Montreal, QC.  Coalescent Model Through Simulations. B Jonoska Stojkova and WL Premarathna (co-presenters).
October 2012 International Genetic Epidemiology Meeting, Steveston WA.  Incorporating gene genealogies in rare variant mapping methodology. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney, J Graham and C Greenwood.
October 2012 International Genetic Epidemiology Meeting, Steveston WA.  A data-smoothing approach to graphical displays and testing of  gene-environment interaction using data from case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, B McNeney and J Graham
April 2012 Inaugural  Canadian Human & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.   Sampling genealogies conditional on unphased genotype data.  K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
April 2012 Inaugural  Canadian Human & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.   A data-smoothing approach to graphical displays and testing of  gene-environment interaction using data from case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, B McNeney and J Graham.
May 2011 6th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON.   Sampling genealogies conditional on genotype data at surrounding markers. K Burkett (presenter) , B  McNeney and J Graham.
May 2011 6th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON.   Testing gene-environment interaction in case-parent trios when we do not have a causal SNP.  J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, J Graham and B  McNeney
April 2011 CRM Workshop in Computational Statistical Methods for Genomics and Systems Biology, Montreal QC.  Sampling genealogies conditional on genotype data at surrounding markers. K Burkett (presenter), B. McNeney and J Graham
April 2011 CRM Workshop in Computational Statistical Methods for Genomics and Systems Biology, Montreal QC.  Testing gene-environment interaction in case-parent trios when we do not have a causal SNP.  J-H Shin (presenter), C  Infante-Rivard, J Graham and B. McNeney
August 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver BC.  Graphical displays to uncover gene-environment interaction from data on case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C. Infante-Rivard, B. McNeney and J Graham.
August 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver BC.  Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K. Burkett (presenter), B  McNeney and J Graham.
April 2010 5th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON.  Graphical displays to uncover gene-environment interaction from data on case-parent trios. J-H Shin (presenter), C Infante-Rivard, B McNeney and J Graham
April 2010 5th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON.  Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter) , B  McNeney and J Graham
April 2010 5th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Meeting, King City, ON.  Multiple Hypothesis Testing Procedures with Application to Epidemiologic Studies of Genetic. C Qu (presenter), J Spinelli and J Graham
October 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Kahuku HI.  Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter) , B McNeney and J Graham
June 2009 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC.  Multiple hypothesis testing procedures with applications to epidemiologic studies of genetic susceptibility. C Qu (presenter), J Spinelli and J Graham
June 2009 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC.  A statistical method for high-throughput screening of predicted orthologs.J-E Min (presenter), M Whiteside, F Brinkman, B McNeney and J Graham.
June 2009 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC.  Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham
May 2009 4th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort.  Can gene-by-environment interaction be inferred from parent-case transmission rates?J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
May 2009 4th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort.  Multiple hypothesis testing procedures with applications to epidemiologic studies of genetic susceptibility. C Qu (presenter) , J Spinelli and J Graham.
May 2009 4th Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology & Statistical Genetics Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs Resort.  Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
September 2008 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, St Louis.  Can Gene-by-Environment Interaction be Inferred from Parent-Case Transmission Rates?J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
September 2008 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, St Louis.  Sampling ancestries at a genomic location conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter),  B McNeney and J Graham.
May 2008 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Ottawa. Case Study Competition.  Do TNF-alpha gene polymorphisms modify the association between polyunsaturated fatty acids and HDL/apo A-1?  K. Burkett (leader), C. Qu (presenter) , J.-H. Shin (contributor), B McNeney (mentor), J Graham (mentor).
April 2008 Third Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Toronto.  Sampling ancestries at a hidden disease locus conditional on data from surrounding genetic. K. Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
September 2007 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, York, England.  Sampling ancestries at a hidden disease locus conditional on data from surrounding genetic markers. K Burkett (presenter),  B McNeney and J Graham.
September 2007 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, York, England.  Inferring Gene-by-Environment Interaction: Do Transmission Rates Reflect Genotype Relative Risks of Disease?J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
April 2007 Second Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and StatisticalMeeting, Toronto.  Semiparametric likelihood inference ofassociations with a genetic factor and independent continuousin a case-control study of a rare disease.J-H Shin (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
April 2007 Second Annual Canadian Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Workshop, Toronto.  Markov Chain Monte Carlo exact inference in logistic regression models.D Zamar (presenter) , B McNeney and J Graham.
November 2005 The Third Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics:Genetics and Genomics.  hapassoc: Software for likelihood inference of trait associations with SNP haplotypes and other attributes. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
November 2005 The Third Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics: Statistical Genetics and Genomics.  Semiparametric likelihood inference in case-control studies of a rare disease under independence of genetic and continuous non-genetic covariates, with application to a case-control study of type 1 diabetes. J-H Shin (presenter),  L Bekris, A Lernmark,  B McNeney and J Graham.
October 2005 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Park City.  Semiparametric maximum likelihood inference of disease associations with a genetic risk factor and independent continuous attribute in a case-control study of type 1 diabetes. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham.
May 2005 MITACS Annual Conference and Interchange, Calgary.  A semiparametric likelihood method with improved precision to detecti genetic interactions in type 1 diabetes, J-H Shin (presenter),  L Bekris, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham.
September 2004 Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Noordwijkerhout NL. Semi-parametric likelihood inference of disease associations with a genetic factor and independent continuous attribute in a case-control study. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, T Farin, T Kavanagh, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham.
September 2004 International Genetic Analysis Workshop 14,, Noordwijkerhout NL.  A comparison of three methods selecting tagging SNPs. M Pratola (presenter), M Ghadessi, K Burkett,  J Graham, B McNeney and D Daley.
March 2004 Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore.  Glutathione-s-transferase polymorphisms and associations with T1DM. L Bekris (presenter), C Shepard, F Farin, J Graham, B McNeney, T Kavanagh, A Lernmark. 
November 2003
Annual Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Redondo Beach California. Maximum-likelihood estimation of type 1 diabetes associations with a genetic factor and independent continuous attribute. J-H Shin (presenter), L Bekris, F Farin, T Kavanagh, A Lernmark, B McNeney and J Graham.
November 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Los Angeles, CA. Incorporating uncertain phase into estimation and testing of haplotype associations. K Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham
May 2003 MITACS Annual Conference and Interchange, Ottawa.  Incorporating haplotype uncertainty in disease risk estimation. K. Burkett (presenter), B McNeney and J Graham.
October 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, MD. PEDMST, a new program for identity coefficients calculation and IBD patterns enumeration. C Zhu (presenter) and J Graham
August 2002 Eric K. Fernstrom Foundation Symposium on Diabetes, Ystad, Sweden.  Study of multilocus age-dependent genetic effects on type 1 diabetes risk (MAGENTA). J Graham (presenter), B McNeney,  W Hagopian, I Kockum, L Chen, C Sanjeevi, R Lowe, J Schaefer, M Zarghami, H Day, M Landin-Olsson, J Palmer, M Janer-Villanueva, L Hood, G Sundkvist, A Lernmark, N Breslow, G Dahlquist for the Swedish Childhood Diabetes Study Group and G Blohme for the Diabetes Incidence in Sweden Study Group.
October 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, MD. Disequilibrium mapping via coalescent models of gene ancestry. J Graham (presenter) and EA Thompson.