- update sick_visionary_cpp_shread to fix CoLa2 session timeout
- bump package.xml version
- fix CMakeLists.txt used wrong PCL LIBRARY variable, fix project version
- fix: bump package.xml version
- add tags to package.xml for ros-index
- add ROS diagnostics feature to check topic publishing frequencies (Contribution by 4am-robotics)
- update README with new parameters and fix relative links
- add new parameters to launch files
- First public release
- Enforce style guide using pre-commit
- simplify project structure
- remove support for discontinued devices
- Auto connect to device if connection is lost
- support for Visionary-T Mini CX (V3S105-1AAAAAA)
- Fix bug for Visionary-S CX (V3S102-1AAAAAA and V3S102-1AABAAB) pointcloud data
- adapted VisionayControl module to control also through CoLa 2 besides CoLa B
- support for control of Visionary-T CX VGA
- support for Visionary-T CX VGA
- increased performance
- support cartesian data e.g. for Visionary-T DT or AG
- support polar data
- rename to visionary
- usage of Visionary_Common library
- support for Visionary-S CX (V3S102-1AAAAAA and V3S102-1AABAAB)