I'm purposely skipping a lot of details.
If you don't understand, read the original guide in README.md
- Cross compile toolchains for armhf here
Main steps:
git clone --depth=1
or download the zip for the latest active branch ofmeson-mx-integration
here -
Get kernel config file:
scp root@<s8xx_device_ip>:/boot/config* .config
- Build kernel:
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- LOADADDR=0x00208000 uImage modules
# Hold enter to go through the default configs
- Copy compiled linux source code to target device:
rsync -av -e ssh --progress linux-meson-mx-integration-x.xx-yyyymmdd root@<s8xx_ssh_ip>:/root/
- Install new headers and modules from the target device:
make modules_install && make headers_install
- Backup kernel, install new kernel and reboot:
cp /boot/uImage /boot/uImage.bak
cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /boot/
- Copy new config to /boot:
cp .config /boot/config-x.xx
- Delete kernel source:
rm -r linux-meson-mx-integration*