The repository contains the Maven modules for the Semantic Reasoner component of SODALITE. More specifically:
: parent module (pom) that encapsulates three sub-modulesreasoner-api
: The reasoner's REST API (war)reasoning-engine
: The reasoning infrastructure and application API (jar)tosca-mapper
: The mapper from tosca to exchange format
This module depends on:
- The SODALITE sub-project defect-prediction. Thus, first built it.
The information about building defect predictor can be found at
- The graph-db which can be downloaded from here. After started, you can access it here http://localhost:7200/.
- Java 11 or newer
- Graph db 9.3.0 or newer
- Docker engine 19.03 or newer
- cd to
folder - run:
mvn install
- Deploy the war file in a web container (e.g. Tomcat)
- Download the defect predictor, and build it as a maven project. Extract the bug-predictor.war to the tomcat webapps folder.
- Download graph-db from here.
After graph-db is up and running, create a TOSCA repository with ruleset = owl-2rl and disable owl-sameas.
Load the ontologies from semantic-models.
Specifically, load the ontologies under ontology-definitions folder:
- Build the semantic reasoner as a maven project. Run it on a tomcat server. The reasoner should be up and running, waiting for receiving API requests.
The access to the KB is restricted to authenticated users. All apis have as input token for aunthenticating and authorizing the user. For the local environment, auth check is disabled.
docker-compose up
You can access the graph database here and send requests to the reasoner http://localhost:8080/reasoner-api/v0.6/<service_name>
maven install
docker build -t semantic-reasoner -f docker/web/Dockerfile .
docker build -t graphdb -f docker/graph-db/Dockerfile .
- Docker engine 19.03 or newer
A sample scenario for checking that reasoner communicates successfully with knowledge base (graph-db) and the bug predictor (tosca-smell) Send a GET request with no parameter:
- Successful scenario
Reasoner communicates successfully with its dependencies, a 200 code response will be returned with plain/text message:
"Successfully connected to both defect predictor and graph-db"
- Wrong url set
Defect predictor or graph-db url has not been set. A 400 status response will be returned with plain/text message:
"no <defect predictor/graphdb> url set"
- Error in communication
Reasoner cannot communicate with the defect predictor or graph-db, a response with 400 status code will be returned: For defect predictor, the error plain/text message is:
"error while trying to connect to defect-predictor"
For graph-db, the error plain/text message is:
"graphdb host is unknown: "
Send a POST request with the following parameters as x-www-form-urlencoded to the above url:
Resource model here
# baseURI:
# imports:
@prefix : <> .
@prefix exchange: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
owl:imports exchange: ;
owl:versionInfo "Created by the SODALITE IDE" ;
rdf:type exchange:RM ;
exchange:userId "27827d44-0f6c-11ea-8d71-362b9e155667" ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "property" ;
exchange:value 'docker_ip' ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "entity" ;
exchange:value 'SELF' ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "get_property" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_1 ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_2 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "value" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_3 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "docker_ip" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_4 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "path" ;
exchange:value '/workspace/iac-management/blueprint-samples/blueprints/sodalite-test/modules/vm/playbooks/set_ip.yaml' ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "content" ;
exchange:value '- hosts: all\n gather_facts: no\n tasks:\n - name: Set attributes\n set_stats:\n data:\n private_address: "{{ docker_ip }}"\n public_address: "{{ docker_ip }}"' ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "primary" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_6 ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_7 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "implementation" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_8 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "create" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_5 ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_9 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "type" ;
exchange:value 'string' ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "required" ;
exchange:value 'false' ;
rdf:type exchange:Property ;
exchange:name "username" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_11 ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_12 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "type" ;
exchange:value 'string' ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "required" ;
exchange:value 'false' ;
rdf:type exchange:Property ;
exchange:name "docker_ip" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_13 ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_14 ;
rdf:type exchange:Parameter ;
exchange:name "type" ;
exchange:value 'tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard' ;
rdf:type exchange:Interface ;
exchange:name "Standard" ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_15 ;
exchange:hasParameter :Parameter_10 ;
rdf:type exchange:Type ;
exchange:name "sodalite.nodes.Compute" ;
exchange:derivesFrom 'tosca.nodes.Compute' ;
exchange:properties :Property_1 ;
exchange:properties :Property_2 ;
exchange:interfaces :Interface_1 ;
For the sake of this testing, leave rmURI empty. When rmURI is empty, a new resource model is created. Otherwise, the resource model with rmURI is overriden.
namespace: openstack
The namespace on which the model will be saved. If no namespace given, the model is saved in the global namespace.
name: test.rm
The file name of the model
If success, you 'll get an rmURI as response.
Successful Response
"rmuri": ""
Send a POST request with the following parameters as x-www-form-urlencoded to the above url:
Resource model here
# baseURI:
# imports:
@prefix : <> .
@prefix exchange: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
owl:imports exchange: ;
owl:versionInfo "Created by the SODALITE IDE" ;
rdf:type exchange:AADM ;
exchange:userId "27827d44-0f6c-11ea-8d71-362b9e155667" ;
rdf:type exchange:Property ;
exchange:name "username" ;
exchange:value "1" ;
rdf:type exchange:Property ;
exchange:name "docker_ip" ;
exchange:value "1" ;
rdf:type exchange:Template ;
exchange:name "sodalite-vm" ;
exchange:type 'openstack/sodalite.nodes.Compute' ;
exchange:properties :Property_1 ;
exchange:properties :Property_2 ;
For the sake of this testing, leave rmURI empty. When rmURI is empty, a new resource model is created. Otherwise, the resource model with rmURI is overriden.
namespace: test
The namespace on which the model will be saved. If no namespace given, the model is saved in the global namespace.
name: test.aadm
The file name of the model
If success, you 'll get an aadmURI as response.
Successful Response
"aadmuri": ""
There are various apis for accessing Knowledge Base
a) Get interfaces of a tosca normative type http://localhost:8080/reasoner-api/v0.6/interfaces?resource=tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard
b) Get properties of a tosca normative type http://localhost:8080/reasoner-api/v0.6/properties?resource=tosca.capabilities.Scalable