The intended audience of this document are developers wishing to contribute to the Kubecf project.
Here we explain how to deploy Kubecf using:
- A generic kubernetes cluster.
- A released cf-operator helm chart.
- A released kubecf helm chart.
In contrast to other recipes, we are not set on using a local cluster. Any Kubernetes cluster will do, assuming that the following requirements are met:
Presence of a default storage class (provisioner).
For use with a diego-based kubecf (default), a node OS with XFS support.
- For GKE, using the option
--image-type UBUNTU
with thegcloud beta container
command selects such an OS.
- For GKE, using the option
This can be any of, but not restricted to:
- GKE (Notes)
Note that how to deploy and tear-down such a cluster is outside of the scope of this recipe.
The cf-operator is the underlying generic tool to deploy a (modified) BOSH deployment like Kubecf for use.
It has to be installed in the same Kubernetes cluster that Kubecf will be deployed to.
Here we are not using development-specific dependencies like bazel,
but only generic tools, i.e. kubectl
and helm
Installing and configuring Helm is the same regardless of the chosen foundation, and assuming that the cluster does not come with Helm Tiller pre-installed.
helm install --name cf-operator \
--namespace kubecf \
--set "global.operator.watchNamespace=kubecf" \
In the example above, version 0.4.1 of the operator was used. Look
into the cf_operator
section of the top-level def.bzl
file to find
the version of the operator validated against the current kubecf
This form of deployment enables restarting the operator because it is not affected by webhooks. It further enables the deletion of the Kubecf deployment namespace to start from scratch, without redeploying the operator itself.
Tear-down is done with a standard helm delete ...
With all the prerequisites handled by the preceding sections it is now possible to build and deploy kubecf itself.
This again uses helm and a released helm chart.
helm install --name kubecf \
--namespace kubecf \ \
--set ""
In this default deployment, kubecf is launched without Ingress, and it uses the Diego scheduler.
Tear-down is done with a standard helm delete ...
To access the cluster after the cf-operator has completed the deployment and all pods are active invoke:
cf api --skip-ssl-validation "https://api.<domain>"
# Copy the admin cluster password.
admin_pass=$(kubectl get secret \
--namespace kubecf kubecf.var-cf-admin-password \
-o jsonpath='{.data.password}' \
| base64 --decode)
# Use the password from the previous step when requested.
cf auth admin "${admin_pass}"
Diego is the standard scheduler used by kubecf to deploy CF applications. Eirini is an alternative to Diego that follows a more Kubernetes native approach, deploying the CF apps directly to a Kubernetes namespace.
To activate this alternative, use the option
--set features.eirini.enabled=true
when deploying kubecf from its chart.
By default, the cluster is exposed through its Kubernetes services.
To use the NGINX ingress instead, it is necessary to:
- Install and configure the NGINX Ingress Controller.
- Configure Kubecf to use the ingress controller.
This has to happen before deploying kubecf.
helm install stable/nginx-ingress \
--name ingress \
--namespace ingress \
--set "tcp.2222=kubecf/kubecf-scheduler:2222" \
--set "tcp.<services.tcp-router.port_range.start>=kubecf/kubecf-tcp-router:<services.tcp-router.port_range.start>" \
--set "tcp.<services.tcp-router.port_range.end>=kubecf/kubecf-tcp-router:<services.tcp-router.port_range.end>"
The tcp.<port>
option uses the NGINX TCP pass-through.
In the case of the tcp-router
ports, one --set
for each port is required, starting with
and ending with services.tcp-router.port_range.end
. Those
values are defined on the values.yaml
file with default values.
Use the Helm option --set features.ingress.enabled=true
deploying kubecf.
By default, kubecf includes a single-availability database provided by the
cf-mysql-release. Kubecf also exposes a way to use an external database via the
Helm property features.external_database
. Check the values.yaml for more
For local development with an external database, the
bazel run //dev/external_database:deploy_mysql
command will bring a mysql database up and running
ready to be consumed by kubecf.
An example for the additional values to be provided to //dev/kubecf:apply
enabled: true
type: mysql
host: kubecf-mysql.kubecf-mysql.svc
port: 3306
name: uaa
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: cloud_controller
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: diego
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: routing-api
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: network_policy
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: network_connectivity
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: locket
password: <root_password>
username: root
name: credhub
password: <root_password>
username: root