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How to run CAP cached VM

Alex Harford edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 12 revisions

Download VM image

# Save this file to somewhere libvirt can access it

Import and Start VM

Usually nice to create a disk clone to start from so you don't actually modify the VM image that's been provided.

# An example of using the images storage directory in a home directory
# to create a disk image that's based off of the image you download.
# Providing the absolute path to the original file is required.
qemu-img create -b ~/images/cap.scf-opensuse-2.7.0.cf1.9.0.0.g2d95fcb5.console-1.0.0.qcow2 -f qcow2 ~/images/scf-ephemeral.qcow2

# Ensure the network has been started:
virsh net-start default

# Start the instance
# Adjust the amount of RAM depending on your host system. 10G is the minimum.
virt-install --connect=qemu:///system --name=scf --ram=$((16*1024)) --vcpus=2 --disk path=~/images/scf-ephemeral.qcow2,format=qcow2 --import

Logging in

NAT Mode

sudo virsh domifaddr <name-of-vm>

If the domifaddr command isn't available, an alternate way to find the IP is to get the MAC address, then look in the DHCP lease information:

MAC=$(virsh dumpxml scf | grep "mac address" |sed "s/.*'\(.*\)'.*/\1/g")
grep ${MAC} /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.leases

Bridged Mode

If you're using bridged mode, you'll have to log in via the terminal to find the IP with ip -4 -o a since libvirt won't know the VM IP.

Connecting via SSH

ssh scf@<ip-address>

Credentials are:

username: scf
password: changeme

Creating storage class

echo '{"kind":"StorageClass","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"name":"persistent"},"provisioner":""}' | kubectl create -f -


Put the following configuration in values.yaml, ensure to change all the places with VMIPADDRESS to the address of the VM (ip -4 -o a to find it):

    # Password for the cluster

    # Domain for SCF. DNS for *.DOMAIN must point to the a kube node's (not master)
    # external ip. This must match the value passed to the
    # script.

    # Password for SCF to authenticate with UAA
    UAA_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET: uaa-admin-client-secret

    # UAA host/port that SCF will talk to. If you have a custom UAA
    # provide its host and port here. If you are using the UAA that comes
    # with the SCF distribution, simply use the two values below and
    # substitute the for your DOMAIN used above.
    UAA_PORT: 2793
    # The IP address assigned to the kube node pointed to by the domain. The example value here
    # is what the vagrant setup assigns, you will likely need to change it.
    external_ip: VMIPADDRESS
            # Make sure to change the value in here to whatever storage class you use
            persistent: persistent
    # The next line is needed for CaaSP 2, but should _not_ be there for CaaSP 1
    auth: rbac

Installing UAA

helm install helm/uaa-opensuse/ -n uaa --namespace uaa --values values.yaml

Ensure UAA is ready 1/1 (k get pods : can show you this) before continuing.

Copying the cert

# Put this in a variable for the next statement
CA_CERT="$(kubectl get secret secret --namespace uaa -o jsonpath="{.data['internal-ca-cert']}" | base64 --decode -)"

Installing CF

# The cert below has been renamed recently, so we'll set both values to ensure
# these instructions stay good for longer.
helm install helm/cf-opensuse/ -n scf --namespace scf --values values.yaml --set "env.UAA_CA_CERT=${CA_CERT}" --set "env.HCP_CA_CERT=${CA_CERT}"

Installing Web UI

helm install console --name console --namespace ui --values values.yaml

Connecting to SCF

Note: Only works from within box if nat, external only possible with bridged address or some custom ssh tunneling)

cf api --skip-ssl-validation
cf login -u admin -p changeme

Connecting to UI

Note: Only works from within box if nat, external only possible with bridged address or some custom ssh tunneling)

First we need to get the port that it's running on

# Retrieve the list of services for the UI
k get svc ui:

# Sample output
# NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
# console-mariadb   ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP         3m
# console-ui-ext    NodePort   8443:31174/TCP   3m

We need to look for the port of the console-ui-ext service, and we need its external port and IP. In this example what we would enter into our web browser would be the following:

CONSOLE_PORT=$(k get svc ui:console-ui-ext -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
CONSOLE_IP=$(k get svc ui:console-ui-ext -o jsonpath='{.spec.externalIPs[0]}')
echo https://${CONSOLE_IP}:${CONSOLE_PORT}

Ports for IaaS use

TCP Ports: 22, 80, 443, 2222, 2793, 4443, 20000-20008