Chromium kiosk is simple package turning your Linux based PC/Raspberry into simple web kiosk using chromium.
Currently chromium-kiosk
supports these backends:
- qiosk A kiosk first browser specially made for
written in QT5/QT6
Chromium kiosk can be installed on multiple Linux based distributions, officially supported are Debian 11 and Archlinux other distributions based on Debian may work too.
- Debian
- Archlinux
- Raspberry Pi
You can install chromium kiosk using debian automated instal, just:
- Download/use latest Debian net-inst image to boot.
- In install GRUB menu select "Advanced options" -> "Graphical automated install"
- When prompted to provide preseed file, enter this URL:
- Press
, install should automatically installchromium-kiosk
& tux-control and you should end up with runningchromium-kiosk
Default password for all accounts created isqiosk
Do not forget to remove install media or change boot order to your HDD/SSD/etc. after first reboot, otherwise you will end up in install GRUB again.
For Debian there are prepared DEB packages in my repository, package is tested for debian netinst with only SSH and base utils installed:
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date
apt update && apt upgrade
- Install required dependencies
apt install wget
- Add GPG key for my repository
wget -O- | tee /usr/share/keyrings/salamek-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
- Add repository
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/salamek-archive-keyring.gpg] all main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
- Update packages info
apt update
- Install chromium-kiosk
apt install chromium-kiosk
WARNING: Debian 11
has broken integrated PDF reader, if you need to use PDFs in your kiosk, you will need to add debian backports repo and installqt6-qiosk
(QT6 port of qiosk):
- Add backports repository
echo "deb bullseye-backports main contrib non-free" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
- Install QT6 version of qiosk
apt install qt6-qiosk
WARNING: Debian 12 armhf qt6-webengine
used by QT6 qiosk
is crashing with SIGBUS
code but QT5 version works fine, use qt5-qiosk
(QT5 port of qiosk):
- Install QT5 version of qiosk
apt install qt5-qiosk
For Archlinux there are prepared packages in my repository:
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date
pacman -Syu
- Add repository by adding this into your
Server =$arch
SigLevel = Optional
- Install chromium-kiosk
pacman -Sy chromium-kiosk
Installation on Raspberry Pi is a bit different since we use Debian arm64 for Raspberry installs:
(Official Raspbian images/repos are missing some qiosk
- Download required image (Debian 11) from for you Raspberry Pi version
# Example download for RPI3B+ (Please use URL you have obtained from link above, this one my not work)
- Extract image to SD-CARD (You can also use GUI apps like disks-tool, Etcher, rufus, etc...)
xzcat 20220121_raspi_3_bullseye.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdX status=progress
- After successful boot of your Raspberry Pi, you can continue with installation by following steps for Debian
Content of configuration file is self-explanatory
WINDOW_MODE: 'fullscreen' # In what mode to run, one of hidden|automaticvisibility|windowed|minimized|maximized|fullscreen
TOUCHSCREEN: true # Enables support for touchscreen
HOME_PAGE: '' # Url to load as homepage
IDLE_TIME: 0 # Seconds, How log must be kiosk idle to redirect to HOME_PAGE, 0=disabled
ENABLED: false # is white list enabled
URLS: [] # List of whitelisted urls, glob format is supported (eg,: *,google.*/news)
IFRAME_ENABLED: true # True to enable all iframes, list of urls to specify enabled iframes
ENABLED: false # is nav bar enabled
ENABLED_BUTTONS: ['home', 'reload', 'back', 'forward'] # Enabled buttons on navbar, order matters
HORIZONTAL_POSITION: 'center' # horizontal position on the screen
VERTICAL_POSITION: 'bottom' # Vertical position on the screen
WIDTH: 100 # Width of a bar in %
HEIGHT: 5 # Height of a bar in %
UNDERLAY: false # true to display navbar under the web view
ENABLED: false
DISPLAY_ROTATION: 'normal' # normal|left|right|inverted
#SCREEN_ROTATION: 'normal' #Rotates screen individually (do not rotate touchscreen) when X server starts options are (normal|left|right|inverted), remove DISPLAY_ROTATION for this to work
#TOUCHSCREEN_ROTATION: 'normal' #Rotates touchscreen individually (do not rotate screen) when X server starts options are (normal|left|right|inverted), remove DISPLAY_ROTATION for this to work
#EXTRA_ARGUMENTS: # Pass extra arguments to used browser, in case of qiosk thse arguments are passed to chromium using QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS
# ENABLED: false # Show/hide address bar
# ENABLED: false # Show hide scroll bars
# Allowed features in browser
# Uncomment feature you want to enable
# - desktop-audio-video-capture # Allows recording desktop audio and video
# - desktop-video-capture # Allows recording desktop video
# - geolocation # Allows geolocation
# - invalid-certificate # Ignores invalid certificate
# - media-audio-capture # Allows recording audio from capture device (MIC)
# - media-audio-video-capture # Allows recording audio and video from capture device (Camera w/ MIC)
# - media-video-capture # Allows recording vide from capture device (Camera)
# - mouse-lock # Allows locking mouse inside browser full screen window
# - notifications # Allows notifications to be accepted from website
#REMOTE_DEBUGGING: # Set to port number to enable available only when using qiosk browser
# EXTRA_ENV_VARS: # Extra env vars set to the kiosk session
# PROFILE_NAME: 'default' # Name of profile to use, default for default off-the-record profile
# ENABLED: true # Cursor enabled by default
Since version 1.1.0 chromium-kiosk
no longer manages screensaver or installs xscreensaver dependencies for you, but it is still compatible with xscreensaver, you can install and configure xscreensaver in a standart way:
# For standart xscreensaver install
apt get install xscreensaver
# If you want to use chromium-kiosk text screensaver as before, you will need to install `xscreensaver-bouncing-text` package
apt get install xscreensaver-bouncing-text
For xscreensaver configuration we use standart xscreensaver configuration file in users home folder a ~/.xscreensaver:
nano /home/chromium-kiosk/.xscreensaver
and insert this configuration:
timeout: 0:00:10
cycle: 0
lock: False
visualID: default
dpmsEnabled: False
splash: False
fade: True
mode: one
selected: 0
programs: \
GL: xscreensaver-bouncing-text --text='Touch me please' \n\
is time to wait before displaying the screensaver in format H:mm:ss. to change the text, change text inside 'Touch me please'
to desired value. You can also configure screensaver from standart xscreensaver GUI config (xscreensaver-demo)
Sometines (when web page you are displaying has memory leak) only way how to keep your kiosk working is periodically restart the kiosk browser or even whole machine, here you can see how to do it:
We will use CRON, create file in /etc/cron.d/chromium-kiosk
nano /etc/cron.d/chromium-kiosk
With this content for browser restart each midnight:
0 0 * * * root /usr/bin/killall -u chromium-kiosk
or with this content for machine restart each midnight:
0 0 * * * root /usr/sbin/shutdown -r
How to configure VNC access to chromium-kiosk
Install x11vnc
apt update
apt install x11vnc
Setup systemd startup script
nano /etc/systemd/system/x11vnc.service
And insert this configuration into it (use CTRL+0 to save and CTRL+X to exit the nano editor)
Description=VNC Server for X11
ExecStart=/usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc.pwd -shared -forever -auth guess
ExecStop=/usr/bin/x11vnc -R stop
Setup your VNC password
x11vnc -storepasswd YOUR_VNC_PASSWORD /etc/x11vnc.pwd
chmod 600 /etc/x11vnc.pwd
chown chromium-kiosk:chromium-kiosk /etc/x11vnc.pwd
Enable and start VNC service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable x11vnc
systemctl start x11vnc
You can enable remote debugging by setting port in configuration (/etc/chromium-kiosk/config.yml
) and using chromium/chrome dev console to connect to this port:
(Enabling remote debugging requires restarting the browser (or whole machine)
On some displays you may need to force screen scale factor, to do that add this to your config.yml:
QT_SCALE_FACTOR: 1.3 # Change scale factor to required value