RecipeBuddy is a straightforward web app, leveraging Streamlit's front-end and FastAPI's back-end to provide recipe suggestions based on user input. It displays an assortment of recipes, each with a clear image, ingredient list, and preparation instructions, sourced from a diverse array of culinary sites. An uncomplicated solution for those seeking cooking inspiration tailored to their preferences.
Initial target segment for RecipeBuddy is literally anyone who wants some interesting recipe ideas without doing a lot of search.
3 APIs are written when I open sourced the repo. Testcases are written using playwright and pytest. CI is integrated as well. CD is not enabled as the repo needs to stabilize, solid features to be added. I plan to maintain a feature roadmap along with a sprint plan.
The code was developed on Windows platform, but it's designed to run seamlessly on any other platform without modifications. To start with, the solution is deployed in fly
All contributions are welcome!
- Create a virtual environment. Here's a good link that'll help you create one
- For the repository using the fork button on top right corner
- Before setting up the code, sign up at
- Go to My Console -> Profile -> Generate new API Key. This will be your Spoonacular API Key for your local use. Free plan is good enough for local development and testing
- Open a terminal and navigate to recipebuddy/src/
- Create a .env file
- Add the following entries SPOONACULAR_BASE_URL="" SPOONACULAR_API_KEY="Replace your API Key here"
- Save the file
- Now navigate to recipebuddy/src/recipebuddy_backend
- Execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once the packages are installed, navigate to recipebuddy/src/recipebuddy_frontend
- Again execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once all packages are installed, navigate to root directory i.e. recipebuddy
- Execute
docker-compose build
- Once both the images corresponding to both images are built successfully, execute
docker-compose up
- This will bring up the application in your local machine. To test, goto
- You should see the home page of your-recipe-buddy
- For Github Actions to work, add secrets to your repository
- Go to your Github repo of your-recipe-buddy
- Choose Settings -> Security -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions
- Click on New Repository Secret
- Add the same values as present in .env file
- Save them. Now github workflow file will run smoothly when you try to commit your code
- Follow the steps under
How to set it up in your local machine?
- Once setup is successful, proceed to the next step
- Choose an issue to work on
- Update on comments section that you are working on a particular issue
- Create a new branch from the issue before you start working
- Checkout the newly created branch
- Work on the issue
- Add test cases to ensure that your code does what it's intended to do
- Commit your code to the branch you created
- Open a Pull Request (PR)
- On successful code review, your changes will be merged to main
Two reasons:
(1) I was bored of cooking the same recipes again and again. Wanted some variety 😀
(2) I've also been wanting to open source my work, collaborate with people of similar interests and build 🤝
This situation seemed to fit both my bills. I developed a few features myself, and then opening it up so that there is a wall for everyone to start sketching.