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148 lines (133 loc) · 43.5 KB


  • File: SDRAM_Controller.vhd




This controller is able to work with any burst length and any mode supported by the target SDRAM. Currently burst termination is not supported! If it's configured to run in 8 burst mode, you have to supply 8 words of data or read 8 words. If you have dynamically changing burst lengths, configure it to run in single mode or bursts of 1. You'll have to set most of the generics according to your target SDRAM. Please take a look at the hardware docs.


Generic name Type Value Description
G_CLK_FREQ real 96.0 Frequency with which the SDRAM is operated. Used to calculate the delay counters.
G_CAS_LATENCY natural 2 Delay in clock cycles between a read command and the output of valid data.
G_WRITE_BURST_MODE std_logic '0' Decides if the sdram is run in burst or single access mode.
G_BURST_LENGTH natural 8 If sdram is used in burst mode, this value sets the burst length. Otherwise it gets overridden to 1.
G_USE_AUTO_PRECHARGE std_logic '0' Decides if the controller uses the auto precharge function. Auto precharge can cause unnecessary delays!
G_BURST_TYPE std_logic '0' The ordering of the accesses within a burst
G_ADDR_WIDTH natural Address width of the controller. Sum of row, col and bank width.
G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH natural Width of the sdram address register. Either row- or column register size, whichever is larger.
G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH natural Width of the sdram data input.
G_SDRAM_COL_WIDTH natural Width of the sdram column input.
G_SDRAM_ROW_WIDTH natural Width of the sdram row input.
G_SDRAM_BANK_WIDTH natural Width of the sdram bank input.
G_T_DESL real Startup delay - Time until the initilization cycle may begin after power up in ns.
G_T_MRD real Mode register programm time - Time needed to program the mode register at init in ns.
G_T_RC real row cycle time - Time to wait between two active commands, two refresh commands or between refresh and active in ns.
G_T_RCD real RAS to CAS delay - Time to wait between an active and a subsequent write/read command in ns.
G_T_RP real Precharge to active delay - Time to wait after a precharge command in ns.
G_T_WR real Write recovery time - Sometimes called t_dpl. Time to wait until precharge after the last write command in ns.
G_T_REFI real Refresh cycle time - Time until the sdram needs a refresh in ns.


Port name Direction Type Description
I_RESET_N in std_logic Low-active async reset input.
I_CLOCK in std_logic clock
I_ADDRESS in unsigned(G_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) address bus - Target for the next read or write command.
I_DATA in std_logic_vector(G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) input data bus - Data for the next write cycle. Not relevant if next cmd is a read.
I_REQUEST in std_logic When the request signal is asserted, an operation will be performed.
I_WRITE_ENABLE in std_logic When request is asserted, this signal decides if the next command is a read or write.
O_ACKNOWLEDGE out std_logic When acknowledge is asserted, the next address (and if it's a write the next data) was registered.
O_VALID out std_logic The valid signal is asserted when there is a valid word at the output
O_Q out std_logic_vector(G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) output data bus
O_SDRAM_A out unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Address bus connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_BA out unsigned(G_SDRAM_BANK_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) bank bus connected to the sdram.
IO_SDRAM_DQ inout std_logic_vector(G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Data bus connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_CKE out std_logic Clock enable signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_CS out std_logic Chip select signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_RAS out std_logic Row address strobe signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_CAS out std_logic Column address strobe signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_WE out std_logic Write enable signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_DQML out std_logic dqml signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_DQMH out std_logic dqmh signal connected to the sdram.
O_SDRAM_INITIALIZED out std_logic indicates if the initilization process is done.


Name Type Description
w_load_mode_done std_logic Indicates if the needed number of cycles after issuing the load mode cmd is over.
w_active_done std_logic Indicates if the needed number of cycles after issuing the active cmd is over.
w_refresh_done std_logic Indicates if the needed number of cycles after issuing the refresh cmd is over.
w_read_done std_logic Indicates if the current read burst is over. If auto precharge is on it indicates that the next active cmd can be issued.
w_write_done std_logic Indicates if the current write burst is over. It also indicates that the next active cmd can be issued.
w_write_done_no_ap std_logic Indicates if the current write burst is over.
w_write_recovery_done std_logic Indicates if the needed number of cycles after issuing the last write command is over.
w_precharge_done std_logic Indicates if the needed number of cycles after issuing the precharge cmd is over.
w_should_refresh std_logic Indicates if the number of cycles until the next refresh is needed is over.
w_next_address unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Next address to load into the register based on the current state and input address.
w_next_bank unsigned(G_SDRAM_BANK_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Next bank to load into the register based on the current state and input address.
w_next_data std_logic_vector(G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Next data to load into the register based on the current state and input data.
w_next_ack std_logic Next valid indicator to load into the flip flop based on the current valid shifter state.
w_next_and_current_row_equal std_logic Indicates if the currently opened row is the same as the row of the next requested address.
w_next_cmd t_command Next command to issue based on the current state and inputs.
w_col unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Decoded column based on the currently pending address.
w_row unsigned(G_SDRAM_ROW_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Decoded row based on the currently pending address.
w_bank unsigned(G_SDRAM_BANK_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Decoded bank based on the currently pending address.
w_next_state t_state Next pending state
r_state t_state Current state.
r_cmd t_command Currently running command.
r_wait_counter natural range 0 to c_init_wait + 100 Stores the number of cycles since the last state change.
r_refresh_counter natural range 0 to c_refresh_interval + 100 Stores the number of cycles since the last refresh.
r_pending_data_count_dq natural range 0 to 20 Stores the number of output data in the current burst.
r_pending_burst_count natural range 0 to 20 Stores the number of burst left .
r_recent_row unsigned(G_SDRAM_ROW_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Stores the last loaded row.
r_valid_shift std_logic_vector(G_CAS_LATENCY downto 0) Stores the state of the valid shift register.
r_address unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Stores the currently loaded address that will be forwarded to the sdram.
r_bank unsigned(G_SDRAM_BANK_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Stores the currently loaded addbankress that will be forwarded to the sdram.
r_dq std_logic_vector(G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Stores the data that will be forwarded to the sdram.
r_q std_logic_vector(G_SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) Stores the data that will be forwarded to the data output.
r_valid std_logic Stores the valid state that will be forwarded to o_valid.
r_cke std_logic Stores the current state of the clock enable signal that will be forwarded to the sdram.


Name Type Value Description
c_cmd_deselect t_command "1---" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a deselect command.
c_cmd_load_mode t_command "0000" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a load mode command.
c_cmd_auto_refresh t_command "0001" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate an auto refresh command.
c_cmd_precharge t_command "0010" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a precharge command.
c_cmd_active t_command "0011" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate an active command.
c_cmd_write t_command "0100" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a write command.
c_cmd_read t_command "0101" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a read command.
c_cmd_stop t_command "0110" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a burst stop command.
c_cmd_nop t_command "0111" Combination of chip select, row address strobe, column address strobe and write enable to initiate a nop command.
c_calculated_burst_length natural decide_burst_length(G_WRITE_BURST_MODE,
c_mode_reg unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ( "000" & G_WRITE_BURST_MODE & "00" & to_unsigned(G_CAS_LATENCY,
3) & G_BURST_TYPE & to_unsigned(natural(ceil(log2(real(c_calculated_burst_length)))),
3) )
c_clk_period real 1.0 / G_CLK_FREQ * 1000.0 Calculated clock period based on the clock frequency.
c_init_wait natural natural(ceil(G_T_DESL / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait before initialising the device.
c_load_mode_wait natural natural(ceil(G_T_MRD / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait while a LOAD MODE command is being executed
c_active_wait natural natural(ceil(G_T_RCD / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait while an ACTIVE command is being executed
c_refresh_wait natural natural(ceil(G_T_RC / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait while a REFRESH command is being executed
c_precharge_wait natural natural(ceil(G_T_RP / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait while a PRECHARGE command is being executed
c_read_wait natural G_CAS_LATENCY + c_calculated_burst_length The number of clock cycles to wait while a READ command is being executed
c_recovery_wait natural natural(ceil((G_T_WR) / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait after the last write command was issued until precharge
c_write_wait natural c_calculated_burst_length + natural(ceil((G_T_WR + G_T_RP) / c_clk_period)) The number of clock cycles to wait while a WRITE command is being executed
c_refresh_interval natural natural(floor(G_T_REFI / c_clk_period)) - 10 The number of clock cycles before the memory controller needs to refresh the SDRAM
c_a10_bitmask unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) (10 => G_USE_AUTO_PRECHARGE,
others => '0')
Bitmask for setting the A10 autoprecharge (or not)
c_bitmask_padding unsigned(G_SDRAM_ADDR_WIDTH - G_SDRAM_COL_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) (others => '0') All zero vector to append to the column address. Needed to combine the auto precharge setting with the column.


Name Type Description
t_state (INIT,
Defines the states of the state machine.


  • decide_burst_length (write_burst_mode_a : std_logic;
    burst_length_a: natural) return natural


  • STATE_TRANSITION: ( r_pending_data_count_dq, w_bank, I_DATA, w_col, w_next_and_current_row_equal, r_state, r_wait_counter, I_REQUEST, w_load_mode_done, w_active_done, w_refresh_done, w_read_done, w_write_done, w_should_refresh, w_precharge_done, w_write_done_no_ap, r_recent_row, I_WRITE_ENABLE, w_write_recovery_done, w_row )