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Day 8 .md

File metadata and controls

427 lines (315 loc) · 8.7 KB

💎 Day 8 💎

Introduction 🎯🚀

Whenever there's a divergence between what your brain thinks is happening, and what the computer does, that's where bugs enter the code.

// ex

let x = 2;
++x;  // 3
// this means 
x = x +1

let x = "2"
++x; // shoudl be 21
// but it's 3 beacuse JS is written like this

Types 🫧💭

❓🤔 Evrey thing inside JS is an object ???

💁🏻‍♀️ Evereh thing can bevhave as an object

Primitive Types 🔮⚡️

  • undefined
  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • object
  • symbol: in ES6 used for suto private keys
  • bigInt (future): let x = 34n

function & arrays are a subtype of a object type

  • undefined • string • number • boolean • object • symbol • null • bigint (future)⇒Not
  • object • function • array ⇒ Objects

📌 Note:

In JavaScript, variables don't have types, values do.

💡 Notes:

  1. typeof : always return string
  2. function & arrays not types of the top level they are sub types of object, but when using typeof array ⇒ object while function ⇒ function
  3. type of null = object it is a bug in JS, ih they want to correct it a lot of things will fail in the JS

Nan: ⏳✨

(Special Values)is the only value that is not equall to it self

Typy of Nan 💻🔥

NaN type is number (invalid number), becuase it cmoes from numeric operations

is Nan method ✨☄️

// evaluate any argument to number then cheak weather it's a Nan or not

// better than the prevous

isNaN("Sarah")          // ✅ true
Number.isNaN("Sarah")   // ❌ false , )

it’s built in cheaker

better way for cheaking equality (better than ===)

 // we might use -0 for directons in some applecaions which the sign means direc.
-0 === 0                // ✅ true ,0 )       // ❌ false

🪐 Note:

=== failed in Nan & -0


// TODO: define polyfill for ``

if (! || true){   // to disaple the built in method & build my own = function ObjectIs(x,y){
        const xNegZero = isItNegZero(x)
        const yNegZero = isItNegZero(y)

        if (yNegZero || xNegZero ){
            return yNegZero && xNegZero
        }else if (isItNane(x) && isItNane(y)){
            return true
        }else {
            return x===y

        function isItNegZero(v){
            return v===0 && (1/v)=== -Infinity

        function isItNane(v){
            return v !==v

// tests:
console.log(,42) === true);
console.log("foo","foo") === true);
console.log(,false) === true);
console.log(,null) === true);
console.log(,undefined) === true);
console.log(,NaN) === true);
console.log(,-0) === true);
console.log(,0) === true);

console.log(,0) === false);
console.log(,-0) === false);
console.log(,NaN) === false);
console.log(,0) === false);
console.log(,"42") === false);
console.log("42",42) === false);
console.log("foo","bar") === false);
console.log(,true) === false);
console.log(,undefined) === false);
console.log(,null) === false);

Coercion 🍄🍃

type conversion

Abstract Operations: ToPrimitive🧐🪩

.toString () 🎆🌟

(null).toString()                  // "null"
undefined.toString()               // "undefined"
true.toString()                    // "true"
false.toString()                   // "false"
3.14159.toString()                 // "3.14159"
(0).toString()                     // "0"
(-0).toString()                    // "0"

([]).toString()                    // ""
[1, 2, 3].toString()               // "1,2,3"
[null, undefined].toString()       // ","
[[[], [], []], []].toString()      // ",,,"
([,,,,]).toString()                // ",,,"

{}      "[object Object]"
{a:2}   "[object Object]"

ToNumber 💡💎

// using Number(x)

""        // 0
"0"       // 0
"-0"      // -0
" 009 "   // 9
"3.14159" // 3.14159
"0."      // 0
".0"      // 0
"."       // NaN
"0xaf"    // 175 // consvert hexacecimal to decimal

false      // 0
true       // 1
null       // 0
undefined  // Nan

[""]        // 0
["0"]       // 0
["-0"]      // 0-
[null]      // 0
[undefined] // 0
[1,2,3]     // NaN
[[[[]]]]    // 0
{ .. }      // NaN

Why true & false shouldn’t convert to 1&0 🔑🎆

3 > 2 > 1
(true) > 1
1 > 1 // false !!!!


// Falsy values:
0, -0
// anything eles will be truthy value

Cases of coercion: 🌟🌠

// coercions: 

// string concatination calls toString method
"Sarah" + 15

`hhh ${variable}`
// also use toString

`hh ${variable.toString()}
// impicit `coercion, primitve types don't have methods

// all of the above are implicit
// explicit 

Coding Exercises for challenges: 🔥💪

  1. Complete a Promise with resolve and reject

My solution:

const makeServerRequest = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // responseFromServer represents a response from a server
  let responseFromServer;
  if(responseFromServer) {
    resolve("We got the data")
  } else {  
    reject("Data not received")
  1. Handle a Fulfilled Promise with then

My solution:

const makeServerRequest = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // responseFromServer is set to true to represent a successful response from a server
  let responseFromServer = true;
  if(responseFromServer) {
    resolve("We got the data");
  } else {	
    reject("Data not received");

makeServerRequest.then(result => {
  1. Handle a Rejected Promise with catch

My solution:

const makeServerRequest = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // responseFromServer is set to false to represent an unsuccessful response from a server
  let responseFromServer = false;
  if(responseFromServer) {
    resolve("We got the data");
  } else {  
    reject("Data not received");

makeServerRequest.then(result => {
  1. Use the JavaScript Console to Check the Value of a Variable

My solution:

let a = 5;
let b = 1;
// Only change code below this line

let sumAB = a + b;
  1. Understanding the Differences between the freeCodeCamp and Browser Console

My solution:

// Open your browser console.
let output = "Get this to show once in the freeCodeCamp console and not at all in the browser console";

// Use console.log() to print the output variable.

// Use console.clear() to clear the browser console.

Problem Solving: 💪🚀

  1. Split Strings

My solution:

function solution(str){
   let sliced = str.slice('')
   sliced+= sliced.length%2 !==0 ? '_' : ''
   const ans = []
   for (let i=0; i<sliced.length; i+=2){
   return ans
  1. Roman Numerals Decoder

My solution:

function solution(roman) {
    const data = { M: 1000, D: 500, C: 100, L: 50, X: 10, V: 5, I: 1 };
    const numbers = roman.split('');
    let sum = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        if (data[numbers[i]] < data[numbers[i + 1]]) {
            sum += data[numbers[i + 1]] - data[numbers[i]];
        else {
            sum += data[numbers[i]];
    return sum;