This is a hobby learning repository where I am trying to write parallel implementation of some of the commonly used simple algorithms. I will be writing algorithms in all known parallel methods such as OpenMP, MPI, TBB etc
This folder contains algorithms written in OpenMP which I have created while learning OpenMP.
I have followed Tim Mattson's Introduction to OpenMP video playlist on youtube. It is definitely the one which every OpenMP learner should reffer.
I am learning OpenMP as part of my hobby learning. In the process of learning I am trying to use it to some of the common yet simple case where I think OpenMP can be beneficial. It is more of my experiements with OpenMP hence it will not be a comprehensive tutorial guide.
Build Steps
build command : g++ -fopenmp src/omp_omp_random_num_generator.cpp utils/common.cpp -o bin/omp_random_num_generator
run command: ./bin/omp_random_num_generator -N 100000000 -T 8
[Note: -N : Number of elements , -T : Number of threads]
common.h and common.cpp are two files which has common implements. For example commandline parser, routine to generate reports. I have used them in other programs hence during compilation of source I have included them. I have used GCC for compilation and collecting results.
File name | Description |
omp_helloworld.cpp | Printing Hello World using OpenMP |
omp_random_num_generator.cpp | Simple random number generator |
omp_sequential_search.cpp | Searching an integer value in an unsorted list |
omp_count_frequency.cpp | Counts how many times one has occured in an random list of 0/1 |
omp_linked_list.cpp | Travers the linked list to count even elements using OpenMP task |
omp_standard_deviation.cpp | Calculate SD of a given set of random integers |
omp_matrix_search.cpp | Search an element in 2D matrix |