Request | Descripton |
POST /v1/watchedAddresses |
Create new address watch |
GET /v1/watchedAddresses |
Get list of watched addresses |
GET /v1/watchedAddresses/<address> |
Get details of watched address |
DELETE /v1/watchedAddresses/<address> |
Remove watched address |
Request body
"address": <string: address>,
"callback": <string: url>
Response body - 200 - OK
"id": <int>,
"address": <string: address>,
"callback": <string: url>",
"estimatesmartfee2blocks": <float: bitcoin>,
"estimatesmartfee6blocks": <float: bitcoin>,
"estimatesmartfee36blocks": <float: bitcoin>,
"estimatesmartfee144blocks": <float: bitcoin>
Response body - 503 - Resource temporarily unavailable
"reason": <string: reason>
Response body - 403 - Forbidden
Response body - 200 - OK
"id": <int>,
"address": <string: address>,
"imported": <bool>,
"callback": <string: url>,
"watching_since": <datetime: ISO8601-UTC>
Response body - 503 - Resource temporarily unavailable
"reason": <string: reason>
Response body - 403 - Forbidden
Response body - 200 - OK
"id": <int>,
"address": <string: address>,
"imported": <bool>,
"callback": <string: url>,
"watching_since": <datetime: ISO8601-UTC>
Response body - 503 - Resource temporarily unavailable
"reason": <string: reason>
Response body - 403 - Forbidden
Response body - 404 - Not found
Response body - 200 - OK
"address": "<address>",
"imported": <bool>,
"callback": <string: url>,
"watching_since": <datetime: ISO8601-UTC>
Response body - 503 - Resource temporarily unavailable
"reason": <string: reason>
Response body - 403 - Forbidden
Response body - 404 - Not found
Request body
"id": <int> ,
"address": <string: address>,
"hash": <string: hash>,
"vout_n": <int>,
"sent_amount": <float: bitcoin>,
"confirmations": <int>,
"received": <datetime: ISO8601-UTC>,
"size": <int: bytes>,
"vsize": <int: bytes>,
"fees": <float: bitcoin>,
"is_replaceable": <bool>,
"blockhash": <string: hash>,
"blocktime": <int>,
"blockheight": <int>
Response body - 200 - OK
Response body - 503 - Resource temporarily unavailable
"reason": <string: reason>