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ThreeJS + WebVR Boilerplate

How to use this boilerplate

  • Copy or fork this repo
  • install threejs using npm install
  • customize initContent() with whatever you want


The Pointer class unifies mouse, touch and vr controller events into special POINTER events. It does not yet handle cardboard / gaze input, but that is coming. To remove it just don't initialize it. To capture the events add listeners for them:

  • POINTER_ENTER: fires when a ray cast from the pointer enters an object in the scene
  • POINTER_PRESS: fires when the pointer is pressed down and a ray cast from the pointer intersects an object in the scene
  • POINTER_RELEASE: fires when the pointer is pressed down and a ray cast from the pointer intersects an object in the scene
  • POINTER_EXIT: fires when a ray cast from the pointer exits an object in the scene
  • POINTER_CLICK: fires when the mouse/finger/vr controller is released and a ray cast enters an object in the scene.
  • POINTER_MOVE: fires whenever the mouse, controller, or finger moves.

To listen for clicking on a cube do:

cube.addEventListener(POINTER_CLICK, (e)=>{
    console.log("clicked on cube at ", e.point)

Note that all of these events fire on an object that intersects the ray from the pointer. You will not get events from the pointer itself. This means you will not receive events if the scene is empty. To get events as the user moves the pointer around, regardless of what the pointer is pointing at, create an invisible sphere around the user/camera and listen for events on that.

The VRStats class gives you stats within VR. To remove it just don't initialize it.

The progress bar is tied to the default loader. If you aren't loading anything, meaning no textures or fonts or sounds, then the progress events will never fire and it will never dismiss the overlay. In this case simply delete the overlay.


  • fixed clicking does not work inside of VR
  • a way to customize the ray object easily
  • handle the nothing to load case
  • support touch events
  • support gaze cursor for zero-button cases