We have a Code of Conduct that we expect all contributors to follow. Please read it before contributing.
All developers need to have a working rust developer environment setup. You can install rust via rustup.
After that you can run the following command to install all the other tools.
cargo xtask dev-tools
If you want to install the tools manually you can do so with the following commands.
You should install both the stable and nightly rust toolchains.
rustup install stable
rustup install nightly
After installing rust you should also install a few components.
rustup component add clippy
rustup component add rustfmt
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
rustup component add rust-src
rustup component add rust-docs
Then we need to install cargo-binstall
to be able to install the other crates.
cargo install cargo-binstall
then all of the other crates can be installed with cargo binstall
cargo binstall just cargo-llvm-cov cargo-nextest cargo-insta cargo-hakari miniserve
You need to have ffmpeg 7.1, with dev headers and shared libraries, installed.
Package managers often have an out-dated version of ffmpeg, so make sure you check your package manager before installing ffmpeg.
For MacOS (or Linux) you can install ffmpeg via homebrew.
brew install ffmpeg
For Windows you can install ffmpeg via chocolatey or scoop.
choco install ffmpeg
scoop install ffmpeg
However its far easier to download pre-built binaries from here (linux or windows).
Platform | Download |
Windows | ffmpeg-n7.1-latest-win64-gpl-shared-7.1.zip |
Windows ARM | ffmpeg-n7.1-latest-win64-gpl-shared-7.1.zip |
Linux | ffmpeg-n7.1-latest-linux64-gpl-shared-7.1.zip |
Linux ARM | ffmpeg-n7.1-latest-linuxarm64-gpl-shared-7.1.tar.xz |
You can download it from source and build it with at least the following libraries:
- libx264
- libx265
- libvpx
- libopus
- libdav1d
For more information on building ffmpeg from source, you can refer to the FFmpeg Documentation.
You need to have valgrind (at least version 3.24) installed.
You can either build it from source or download it from our pre-built binaries here.
Make sure ffmpeg is actually installed. If you are on linux or macos that you have pkg-config
# Ubuntu / Debian
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
# MacOS
brew install pkg-config
If this fails, try setting the following environment variables:
These assume you have the path to ffmpeg installed in ${FFMPEG_ROOT}
and that you have an environment variable FFMPEG_ROOT
export FFMPEG_PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${FFMPEG_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig"
export PATH="${FFMPEG_ROOT}/bin:${FFMPEG_ROOT}/lib:${FFMPEG_ROOT}/include:${PATH}"
On windows you need to include not just the binary directory but also the lib and include directories in your path, so that the linker can find the libraries.
Command | Description |
just test |
Run all tests |
just grind |
Run tests with valgrind |
just lint |
Lint the code & try auto-fix linting errors |
just format |
Format the code |
just workspace-hack |
Update the workspace hack cache, when adding / removing dependencies |
just powerset <command> |
Run the powerset tests for a command |
just deny |
Check that all dependencies have allowed licenses |
just docs |
Build the docs |
just docs-serve |
Serve the docs locally |
just coverage-serve |
Serve the coverage report locally |
We require all contributors to sign a Contributor License Agreement before we can accept any contributions.
To sign the CLA, please head over to cla.scuffle.cloud and sign the CLA.
We do not squash any commits, we prefer if commits are meaningful and descriptive but this is not required.
The body of the pull request should be a summary of the changes made in the pull request as well as a list of the tickets & issues that are affected by the changes.
The title of the pull request should be a short and descriptive title of the changes made in the pull request.
We use a custom changelog format, you can read more about it here.
We require that all public methods, types, and functions are documented, with ideally doc examples on how to use the method when applicable.
We have a ci job that will check that the code is formatted correctly, you can run just format
to format the code locally.
We have a ci job that will check that the code is linted correctly, you can run just lint
to lint the code locally.
A common issue with rust crates with many features is that some combinations of the features do not work together but are expected to do so. To prevent this we have created a tool to powerset test feature combinations. You can run just powerset <command>
to run the powerset tests locally. We run these tests only when attempting to merge a PR via ?brawl merge
or ?brawl try
When adding deps, we need to make sure their licenses are allowed, you can run just deny
to check the licenses of the deps.
We have a ci job that will check that the docs are built correctly, you can run just docs
to build the docs locally. You can preview the docs by running just docs-serve
We have a ci job that will check that the tests are passing, you can run just test
to run the tests locally.
You can also see the coverage of the tests generated by the command by either previewing the lcov.info
file or by running just coverage-serve
to serve the coverage report.
We use valgrind to check for memory leaks in our tests. You can run just valgrind
to run the tests with valgrind. Some tests are disabled because they are tests based on timings and valgrind runs them much too slow. If you add a test that is based on timings, you should disable it with valgrind #[cfg(not(valgrind))]
If you add some new tests that leak some memory into the global state you need to update the valgrind_supressions.log
file in order to keep the CI green.
After you run just grind
you will see an output of all of the failed tests along with a valgrind output like such
──── STDERR: scuffle-metrics collector::tests::test_metric_with_string_attribute
==551264== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==551264== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==551264== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==551264== Command: /home/simao/Projects/rust/scuffle/target/debug/deps/scuffle_metrics-44942b38869cd765 --exact collector::tests::test_metric_with_string_attribute --nocapture
==551264== HEAP SUMMARY:
==551264== in use at exit: 139,300 bytes in 32 blocks
==551264== total heap usage: 718 allocs, 686 frees, 230,102 bytes allocated
==551264== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 4 of 28
==551264== at 0x48457A8: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:446)
==551264== by 0x61A6F1: alloc::alloc::alloc (alloc.rs:96)
==551264== by 0x61A7F9: alloc::alloc::Global::alloc_impl (alloc.rs:192)
==551264== by 0x61A178: allocate (alloc.rs:254)
==551264== by 0x61A178: alloc::sync::Arc<[T]>::allocate_for_slice::{{closure}} (sync.rs:2039)
==551264== by 0x619E6E: alloc::sync::Arc<T>::allocate_for_layout (sync.rs:1952)
==551264== by 0x61A121: alloc::sync::Arc<[T]>::allocate_for_slice (sync.rs:2037)
==551264== by 0x619FD2: alloc::sync::Arc<[T]>::copy_from_slice (sync.rs:2051)
==551264== by 0x35C9C0: from_slice<u8> (sync.rs:2142)
==551264== by 0x35C9C0: from<u8> (sync.rs:3631)
==551264== by 0x35C9C0: <alloc::sync::Arc<str> as core::convert::From<&str>>::from (sync.rs:3669)
==551264== by 0x385E61: scuffle_metrics::collector::tests::test_metric_with_string_attribute::example::request_with_method (collector.rs:608)
==551264== by 0x38555C: scuffle_metrics::collector::tests::test_metric_with_string_attribute (collector.rs:624)
==551264== by 0x37E3D6: scuffle_metrics::collector::tests::test_metric_with_string_attribute::{{closure}} (collector.rs:607)
==551264== by 0x359A25: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once (function.rs:250)
match-leak-kinds: possible
At the end of the output there is a section that starts with {
and ends with }
. This is the suppression that you need to add to the valgrind_supressions.log
file. We typically clean up this supression a bit by removing unneeded function calls.
In the above it would be the fun:_ZN15scuffle_metrics9collector5tests33test_metric_with_string_attribute17hc35b598541e835dfE
line as that maps to scuffle_metrics::collector::tests::test_metric_with_string_attribute (collector.rs:624)
in the code.
We must remove the end hash (17hc35b598541e835dfE
) and replace it with a *
So it looks like fun:_ZN15scuffle_metrics9collector5tests33test_metric_with_string_attribute*
Then we can remove all other lines and replace it with a ...
So the final supression comes out to
match-leak-kinds: possible
We then add a useful description for why we are supressing this leak, and then we add it to the valgrind_supressions.log
file and run just grind
again to make sure the leak is fixed.
Hackari is a way to improve build times when using workspaces. If you make any dependency changes, you should run just workspace-hack
to update the hackari cache.
We use a custom bot named brawl to merge pull requests. When a PR has been approved by a maintainer, we will then do ?brawl merge
to add the PR to the merge queue. The reason we do this is because we want to make sure that the PR is ready to be merged and that it has been tested with changes that were not directly present in the PR. Since we do not require PRs to be rebased before merging we want to make sure that the PR works on the latest main
Releasing crates is done by running a workflow dispatch on the Create Release PR
workflow with the crate name as the input. This will then create a new PR with the crate's version bumped and the changelog updated.
If you have any questions, please ask in the discord server or create an issue on the repo or in the discussion section
Please do not hesitate to ask questions; we are here to help you and make sure you are comfortable contributing to this project. If you need help following the design documents or need clarification about the codebase, please ask us, and we will help you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this document and for contributing to this project. We are very excited to have you on board, and we hope you enjoy your time here.