This guide provides information to get Motr component ready.
The prerequisite that is necessary to install the Motr component is mentioned below.
- Kernel Version - 3.10.0-1062.el7
- To know the version being used, type the following:
- uname -r
- Different kernel versions that come from Centos7.7 or RHEL7.7 are supported.
The below mentioned procedure must be followed to install the Motr component and to perform tests.
- Cloning the Source Code
- Building the Source Code
- Running the Tests
Note: The procedure mentioned above must be initiated in accordance with the order of listing.
To clone the source code, perform the following steps:
Run the following commands:
- $ git clone --recursive -b main
- $ cd cortx-motr
Note: To clone the source code, it is necessary to generate the SSH public key. To generate the key, refer SSH Public Key.
Perform the below mentioned procedure to build the source code.
- Build and install the necessary dependencies. Run the following command to install all the dependent packages.
- $ sudo ./scripts/install-build-deps
- Reboot your system. After reboot, run the following commands to check if the lustre network is functioning accurately.
- $ sudo modprobe lnet
- $ sudo lctl list_nids
- To compile, run either of the following commands:
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 make
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 rebuild
Note: The ./scripts/m0 rebuild command includes some clean up.
- To perform unit tests, run the following command:
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 run-ut
- Running Time (approximate) - 20 to 30 minutes
- To perform kernel space unit tests, run the following command:
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 run-kut
- To list all the system tests, run the following command:
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 run-st -l
- To perform the motr sanity test, run the following command:
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 run-st 52motr-singlenode-sanity
- To perform all the system tests, run the following command:
- $ sudo ./scripts/m0 run-st
- If the pip installation fails while installing build dependencies, run the following commands:
- $ python -m pip uninstall pip setuptools
- $ sudo ./scripts/install-build-deps
- If an installation failure occurs due to the dependency of pip3 , run the following commands:
- $ sudo yum install -y python34-setuptools
- $ sudo easy_install-3.4 pip
- If an installation failure occurs due to ply dependency, run the following command:
- $ pip3 install ply
- If lctl list_nids does not render an output, perform the following steps:
- Create the lnet.conf file, if it does not exist.
- Restart the lnet service, and run the following commands:
- cat /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf
- options lnet networks=tcp(eth1) config_on_load=1
- sudo systemctl restart lnet
- sudo lctl list_nids
Note: Make sure that the eth1 interface is present in the node by checking ifconfig. Else, update the new interface in the file.
- **Build the documents **
Steps used to 'make' this doc:
install pip itself: - curl -o - python - pip install -U sphinx (you may need to do "rpm -e --nodeps pyparsing.noarch") - pip install sphinxcontrib.plantuml
$ cat /bin/plantuml #!/bin/sh /somewhere_to_your/bin/java -jar /somewhere_to_your/plantuml.jar $@