📃 Note: All operations listed in the tables below, are S3 compliant.
Table 1: Basic Operations
Service Operations | Bucket Operations | Operation on Objects |
Get | Get Bucket (List Objects) | Get Object |
Put Bucket | Put Object | |
Delete Bucket | Delete Object | |
Head Bucket | Head Object | |
Copy Object |
Table 2: Moderately Complex Operations
📃 Note: Operations have limited support for groups.
Bucket Operations | Operation on Objects |
Get Bucket ACL | Get Object ACL |
Put Bucket ACL | Put Object ACL |
List Multipart Uploads | Delete Multiple Objects |
Table 2.1: Additional Features
Additional Features |
Initiate Multipart Upload |
Upload Part |
Complete Multipart Upload |
Abort Multipart Upload |
List Part |
📃 Note: CORTX has following limitations in Multipart upload APIs:
- Each part other than last part of multipart upload, has to be of same size.
- Part 1 needs to be uploaded first. If other parts are received first at CORTX-S3server, then the request will be rejected with error code: '503', with retry interval as 1 second.
- Each part other than the last part, should have size in multiples of 1MB.
- Parallel simultaneous multipart upload of same object is not allowed.
Table 3: Advance Complex Operations
Bucket Operations |
Get Bucket Location |
Get Bucket Tagging |
Put Bucket Tagging |
Delete Bucket Tagging |
Get Bucket Policy (Limited Condition Support) |
Put Bucket Policy |
Delete Bucket Policy |
- List all your buckets
aws s3 ls
GetBucket (List objects in the specified bucket)
aws s3 ls s3://<your_bucket>
aws s3api list-objects --bucket <your_bucket>
aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket <your_bucket>
Put bucket
aws s3 mb s3://<your_bucket>
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <your_bucket>
Head bucket
aws s3api head-bucket --bucket <your_bucket>
Delete bucket
aws s3 rb s3://<your_bucket>
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket <your_bucket>
Put Bucket ACL
aws s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket <your_bucket>
Get Bucket ACL
aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket <your_bucket>
Multipart uploads
7.1 Create multipart upload in bucket
aws s3api create-multipart-upload --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>
7.2 Upload part
aws s3api upload-part --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --part-number 1 --body <part>
7.3 Lists parts of a multipart upload
aws s3api list-parts --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --upload-id <id>
7.4 Abort/Complete multipart
aws s3api complete-multipart-upload --multipart-upload <mpustruct_file> --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --upload-id <id>
aws s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --upload-id <id>
7.5 Lists in-progress multipart uploads in a bucket
aws s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket <your_bucket>
Put Bucket policy
aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <your_bucket> --policy <policy_json_file>
Get Bucket policy
aws s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket <your_bucket>
Delete bucket policy
aws s3api delete-bucket-policy --bucket <your_bucket>
Put Bucket tagging
aws s3api put-bucket-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --tagging <tagging_json_file>
Get Bucket tagging
aws s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket <your_bucket>
Delete bucket tagging
aws s3api delete-bucket-tagging --bucket <your_bucket>
Get bucket location
aws s3api get-bucket-location --bucket <your_bucket>
Put Object
aws s3api put-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --body <file>
aws s3 cp <local_file> s3://<your_bucket>/<key>
Get Object
aws s3api get-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> <save_to_file>
aws s3 cp s3://<your_bucket>/<key> <local_file>
Delete Object
aws s3api delete-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>
Head Object
aws s3api head-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>
Put Object ACL
aws s3api put-object-acl --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --grant-* emailaddress=<email>
Get Object ACL
aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>
Delete multiple objects
aws s3api delete-objects --bucket <your_bucket> --delete <del_struct_json_file>
Put Object tagging
aws s3api put-object-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --tagging <tagging_json_struct>
Get Object tagging
aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>
Delete Object tagging
aws s3api delete-object-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>
Copy Object
aws s3api copy-object --copy-source <full_source_key> --key <dest_object_name> --bucket <dest_bucket>
Create an account
s3iamcli CreateAccount -n <Account Name> -e <Email Id>
Delete an account
s3iamcli DeleteAccount -n <Account Name>
List accounts
s3iamcli ListAccounts
Create IAM User, with optional path
s3iamcli CreateUser -n <User Name> [-p path]
Change/update the name of existing IAM user
s3iamcli UpdateUser -n <Old User Name> --new_user <New User Name> [-p <New Path>]
Delete IAM user
s3iamcli DeleteUser -n <User Name>
Create access key for IAM user
s3iamcli CreateAccessKey -n <User Name>
List access keys/secret keys of IAM user
s3iamcli ListAccessKeys -n <User Name>
Delete access key of IAM user
s3iamcli DeleteAccesskey -k <Access Key Id> -n <User Name>
Update the status of access key of IAM user (Change status to active or inactive)
s3iamcli UpdateAccessKey -k <Access Key Id> -s <Active/Inactive> -n <User Name>
List all IAM users of current account, matching the path prefix
s3iamcli ListUsers [-p <Path Prefix>]
Change the password of an IAM user
s3iamcli ChangePassword --old_password <Old User Password> --new_password <New User Password>
Create temporary authentication credential for an account or IAM user
s3iamcli GetTempAuthCredentials -a <Account Name> --password <Account Password> [-d <Duration in seconds>] [-n <User Name>]
Creates a password for the specified account
s3iamcli CreateAccountLoginProfile -n <Account Name> --password <Account Password> [--password-reset-required |--no-password-reset-required]
Updates/changes password for the specified account
s3iamcli UpdateAccountLoginProfile -n <Account Name> [--password <Account Password>] [--password-reset-required|--no-password-reset-required]
s3iamcli UpdateAccountLoginProfile -n <Account-name> --password <new-password> --access_key <ldap-user-name> --secret_key <ldapapssword>
Retrieves the account name and password-creation date for the specified account
s3iamcli GetAccountLoginProfile -n <Account Name>
Creates a password for the specified IAM user
s3iamcli CreateUserLoginProfile -n <User Name> --password <User Password> [--password-reset-required |--no-password-reset-required]
Updates/changes password for the specified IAM user
s3iamcli UpdateUserLoginProfile -n <User Name> [--password <User Password>] [--password-reset-required | --no-password-reset-required]
Retrieves the user name and password-creation date for the specified IAM user
s3iamcli GetUserLoginProfile -n <User Name>