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My name is Sean Tomlinson. I'm a PhD student registered at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Lancaster University, funded by the MRC on their Doctoral Training Partnership. This site is where I host interactive plots relating to my work to share with colleagues and post information about my work that may be of interest to others.
This site is a work in progress, please do message me if you spot an error/mistake/typo or anything of the like.
My PhD topic is focusing on identifying genetic introgression between malaria mosquitoes, in the context of insecticide resistance. Specifically, I am working with the Anopheles gambiae 1000 genome consortium members to analyse the third phase of genetic data which includes sympatric populations of An. arabiensis and An. gambiae. I'm also working with members of the Malaria Atlas Project to develop models which explain the temporal and spatial structures underlying resistance phenotype data.
In addition to my academic projects, I'm a 3D printing (3DP) enthusiast and keen to explore areas in which 3DP can be utilised in solving laboratory issues.