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Run over to the disclaimer page generated by AI. In plain English, we are doing this for fun. None of the code should be considered production ready out of the box. We are building these code bases as potential solutions to problems. The focus being inspiration instead of production grade code.
The brain child of the Named Solution Engineering leadership team.
Yes, of course, this is not exclusive. Based on scheduling, Named SEs have the dedicated time to participate in such an activity. If you - a non-named SE - feel you can dedicate the time to participate, follow the instructions, include youself and/or reach out to join a team!
Unfortunately no, this is an internal undertaking with hopeful, positive outcomes for both customers and users of Snyk's tool.
I missed 2023 Summer Namedapolooza, will this happen again?
We are hoping this will become a regular type of activity, if the interest is there.
The inaugural event aligns with training that does not include the solution engineering team. In theory, this should provide the team with two to three days of time to focus on other tasks. It was decided this could be a positive use of that time.
Aside from eternal glory, there will be prizes.