- Implemented more fully the Python Data Model for the Discography and Album classes.
- Now individual albums or songs in a Discography object can be individually accessed by indexing or slicing on top of previously being iterable.
- For example Discography.albums[0].songs[0] or Discography.albums[0].songs[2:5]
- Updated dependencies.
- Enhanced support for utf-8 characters even when the html encoding has wrong information. (see #211)
- Fixed AzLyrics bug when Artist had song but no album on the service.
- Updated dependencies.
- Enhanced support for utf-8 characters even when the html encoding has wrong information. (see #211)
- Fixed MusixMatch bug when only the first sentence of some lyrics was parsed.
- updated logger configuration to avoid repeated logs when lyricsmaster was used as a library instead of standalone.
- Updated dependencies.
- Fixed bug when trying to download lyrics from urls containing unicode characters. (see #211)
- Replaced use of print() with Python logging facilities.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated lyricsmaster to reflect changes in MusixMatch and Lyrics007 APIs.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated to latest tor version.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated to latest tor version.
- Updated documentation.
- Catch exceptions when the release date of the album is not in the title tag for all providers.
- Improved Tests.
- Updated documentation.
- General improvements.
- Added Command Line Interface.
- Added Genius provider.
- Added python 2.7 compatibility
- Added AzLyrics provider.
- Added full documentation.
- Corrected asynchronous requests bug when renewing Tor circuit.
- Added save method to Discography, Album, Song objects.
- Added Asynchronous Requests.
- Added Tor Anonymisation.
- Added LyricWiki provider.
- First release on PyPI.