API to interact and manage the lifecycle of your machine learning models deployed through Seldon Deploy.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1alpha1
- Package version: 2.4.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python >= 3.6.* and <= 3.9.*
You can install from PyPI:
pip install seldon-deploy-sdk
or directly from Github:
pip install git+https://github.com/SeldonIO/seldon-deploy-sdk.git
or install from source:
make install-package
Then import the package:
import seldon_deploy_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import seldon_deploy_sdk
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import seldon_deploy_sdk
from seldon_deploy_sdk.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
configuration = seldon_deploy_sdk.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = seldon_deploy_sdk.AlertingServiceApi(seldon_deploy_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
# List currently firing alerts.
api_response = api_instance.alerting_service_list_alerts()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AlertingServiceApi->alerting_service_list_alerts: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://X.X.X.X/seldon-deploy/api/v1alpha1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlertingServiceApi | alerting_service_list_alerts | GET /alerting/alerts | List currently firing alerts. |
AlertingServiceApi | alerting_service_trigger_test_alert | POST /alerting/test | Triggers a test alert to check alerting workflow. |
ApplicationLogsApi | read_application_logs | POST /applicationlogs | Read application container logs from elastic search. |
BatchJobsApi | create_pipeline_batch_job | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/batchjobs | |
BatchJobsApi | create_seldon_deployment_batch_job | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/batchjobs | |
BatchJobsApi | get_deployment_batch_job | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/batchjobs/{jobName} | |
BatchJobsApi | get_pipeline_batch_job | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/batchjobs/{jobName} | |
BatchJobsApi | list_pipeline_batch_jobs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/batchjobs | |
BatchJobsApi | list_seldon_deployment_batch_jobs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/batchjobs | |
DriftDetectorApi | create_drift_detector_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/drift-detector | |
DriftDetectorApi | create_drift_detector_seldon_pipeline | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/drift-detector | |
DriftDetectorApi | delete_drift_detector_seldon_deployment | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/drift-detector/{detectorName} | |
DriftDetectorApi | delete_drift_detector_seldon_pipeline | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/drift-detector/{detectorName} | |
DriftDetectorApi | list_drift_detector_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/drift-detector | |
DriftDetectorApi | list_drift_detector_seldon_pipeline | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/drift-detector | |
DriftDetectorApi | read_drift_detector_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/drift-detector/{detectorName} | |
DriftDetectorApi | read_drift_detector_seldon_pipeline | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/drift-detector/{detectorName} | |
EnvironmentApi | read_cluster | GET /cluster | |
EnvironmentApi | read_health_check | GET /healthcheck | |
EnvironmentApi | read_user | GET /user | |
EnvironmentApi | read_version | GET /version | |
ExperimentsApi | create_canary_experiment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment/canary | |
ExperimentsApi | create_pipeline_experiment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment | |
ExperimentsApi | create_shadow_experiment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment/shadow | |
ExperimentsApi | delete_pipeline_experiment | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment | |
ExperimentsApi | get_pipeline_experiment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment | |
ExperimentsApi | promote_canary | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment/canary | |
ExperimentsApi | promote_shadow | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment/shadow | |
ExperimentsApi | remove_canary | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment/canary | |
ExperimentsApi | remove_shadow | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment/shadow | |
ExperimentsApi | update_pipeline_experiment | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/experiment | |
ExplainApi | explain_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/explain | |
ExplainApi | explain_seldon_pipeline | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/explain | |
GitOpsApi | read_experiment_git_diff | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/experiments/{name}/gitdiff | |
GitOpsApi | read_experiment_git_logs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/experiments/{name}/gitlogs | |
GitOpsApi | read_git_diffs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/gitdiffs | |
GitOpsApi | read_git_ops_status | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/gitops-status | |
GitOpsApi | read_model_git_diff | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/models/{name}/gitdiff | |
GitOpsApi | read_model_git_logs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/models/{name}/gitlogs | |
GitOpsApi | read_pipeline_git_diff | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/gitdiff | |
GitOpsApi | read_pipeline_git_logs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/gitlogs | |
GitOpsApi | read_seldon_deployment_git_diff | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/gitdiff | |
GitOpsApi | read_seldon_deployment_git_logs | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/gitlogs | |
GitOpsApi | seldon_deployment_git_restore | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/gitrestore | |
GitOpsApi | seldon_deployment_git_revert | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/gitrevert | |
HealthcheckServiceApi | healthcheck_service_get_dependency_health | GET /healthcheck/{dependency} | List the current health of a specific Seldon Deploy dependency or all of them |
InferenceLogsServiceApi | inference_logs_service_get_deployment_inference_logs | POST /inference-logs/namespace/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{deploymentName} | Get inference logs for seldon deployments. |
InferenceLogsServiceApi | inference_logs_service_get_model_inference_logs | POST /inference-logs/namespace/{namespace}/pipelines/{pipelineName}/models/{modelName} | Get inference logs for seldon models. |
InferenceLogsServiceApi | inference_logs_service_list_deployment_inference_logs | GET /inference-logs/seldondeployments | Get inference logs metadata for seldon deployments. |
InferenceLogsServiceApi | inference_logs_service_list_model_inference_logs | GET /inference-logs/models | Get inference logs metadata for seldon models. |
KubernetesResourcesApi | list_seldon_deployment_resources | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/resources | |
LoadtestJobsApi | create_loadtest_pipeline | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/loadtestjobs | |
LoadtestJobsApi | create_loadtest_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/loadtestjobs | |
LoadtestJobsApi | delete_loadtest_pipeline | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/loadtestjobs/{jobName} | |
LoadtestJobsApi | delete_loadtest_seldon_deployment | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/loadtestjobs/{jobName} | |
LoadtestJobsApi | list_loadtest_pipeline | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/loadtestjobs | |
LoadtestJobsApi | list_loadtest_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/loadtestjobs | |
MetricsServerApi | create_metrics_server_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/metrics-server | |
MetricsServerApi | delete_metrics_server_seldon_deployment | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/metrics-server/{detectorName} | |
MetricsServerApi | list_metrics_server_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/metrics-server | |
MetricsServerApi | read_metrics_server_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/metrics-server/{detectorName} | |
ModelMetadataServiceApi | model_metadata_service_create_model_metadata | POST /model/metadata | Create a Model Metadata entry. |
ModelMetadataServiceApi | model_metadata_service_delete_model_metadata | DELETE /model/metadata | Delete a Model Metadata entry. |
ModelMetadataServiceApi | model_metadata_service_list_model_metadata | GET /model/metadata | List Model Metadata entries. |
ModelMetadataServiceApi | model_metadata_service_list_runtime_metadata_for_model | GET /model/metadata/runtime | List Runtime Metadata for all deployments associated with a model. |
ModelMetadataServiceApi | model_metadata_service_update_model_metadata | PUT /model/metadata | Update a Model Metadata entry. |
ModelsApi | create_model | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/models | |
ModelsApi | delete_model | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/models/{name} | |
ModelsApi | read_model | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/models/{name} | |
ModelsApi | update_model | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/models/{name} | |
MonitorApi | seldon_deployment_feature_distributions | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/featuredistributions | |
MonitorApi | seldon_deployment_feature_statistics | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/featurestatistics | |
MonitorApi | seldon_pipeline_feature_distributions | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/featuredistributions | |
MonitorApi | seldon_pipeline_feature_statistics | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/featurestatistics | |
OutlierDetectorApi | create_outlier_detector_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector | |
OutlierDetectorApi | create_outlier_detector_seldon_pipeline | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector | |
OutlierDetectorApi | delete_outlier_detector_seldon_deployment | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector/{detectorName} | |
OutlierDetectorApi | delete_outlier_detector_seldon_pipeline | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector/{detectorName} | |
OutlierDetectorApi | list_outlier_detector_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector | |
OutlierDetectorApi | list_outlier_detector_seldon_pipeline | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector | |
OutlierDetectorApi | read_outlier_detector_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector/{detectorName} | |
OutlierDetectorApi | read_outlier_detector_seldon_pipeline | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/monitor/outlier-detector/{detectorName} | |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_add_user_to_group | PUT /iam/users/{username}/groups/{group} | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Add user to a group. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_create_group | POST /iam/groups | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Create a group. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_create_policy | POST /iam/policy | Create an authorization policy. The user must have `grant` permissions on the resource in the policy. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_create_user | POST /iam/users | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Create a user. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_delete_group | DELETE /iam/groups/{name} | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Delete a group. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_delete_policy | DELETE /iam/policy | Delete an authorization policy. The user must have `grant` permissions on the resource in the policy. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_delete_user | DELETE /iam/users/{username} | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Delete a user. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_delete_user_from_group | DELETE /iam/users/{username}/groups/{group} | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Delete user from a group. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_get_group_members | GET /iam/groups/{groupName}/members | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. List all members of a group. The caller must have `read` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_get_groups | GET /iam/groups | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. List all groups. The caller must have `read` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_get_permissions | GET /iam/policy/permissions | List all permissions associated with the given users and groups. A regular user will be able to see only their permissions and the permissions of their groups. A user with `read` permission on `system/iam` can see all permissions. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_get_policy_targets | GET /iam/policy/targets | List all users and groups who have access to the given resource/action pair. The user calling this endpoint must have `grant` access to the given resource. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_get_user_groups | GET /iam/users/{username}/groups | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. List all groups of a user. The caller must have `read` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_get_users | GET /iam/users | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. List users. The caller must have `read` permission on `system/iam`. |
PermissionManagementServiceApi | permission_management_service_reset_user_password | POST /iam/users/{username}/resetPassword | Endpoint is available only when user management is enabled configured - refer to the docs for how to do this. Sends an email to the user with a link to reset their password. The caller must have `write` permission on `system/iam`. |
PipelinesApi | create_pipeline | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines | |
PipelinesApi | create_pipeline_explainer | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/explainer | |
PipelinesApi | delete_pipeline | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name} | |
PipelinesApi | delete_pipeline_explainer | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/explainer | |
PipelinesApi | list_pipeline_models | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/models | |
PipelinesApi | list_pipelines | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines | |
PipelinesApi | read_pipeline | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name} | |
PipelinesApi | read_pipeline_explainer | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/explainer | |
PipelinesApi | update_pipeline | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name} | |
PipelinesApi | update_pipeline_explainer | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/explainer | |
PredictApi | predict_file_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/predictfile | |
PredictApi | predict_file_seldon_pipeline | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/predictfile | |
PredictApi | predict_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/predict | |
PredictApi | read_predict_curl_seldon_deployment | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name}/predictcurl | |
PredictApi | read_predict_curl_seldon_pipeline | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/pipelines/{name}/predictcurl | |
SecretsServiceApi | secrets_service_create_gcs_bucket_secret | POST /secrets/{namespace}/bucket/gcs/{remote} | Creates a GCS bucket secret according to specified parameters. |
SecretsServiceApi | secrets_service_create_rclone_bucket_secret | POST /secrets/{namespace}/bucket/rclone/{remote} | Creates a generic rclone bucket secret according to specified parameters. |
SecretsServiceApi | secrets_service_create_registry_secret | POST /secrets/{namespace}/registry/{name} | Creates a registry secret according to specified parameters. |
SecretsServiceApi | secrets_service_create_s3_bucket_secret | POST /secrets/{namespace}/bucket/s3/{remote} | Creates a S3 bucket secret according to specified parameters. |
SecretsServiceApi | secrets_service_delete_secret | DELETE /secrets/{namespace}/{secretType}/{name} | Deletes the specified secret. |
SecretsServiceApi | secrets_service_list_secrets | GET /secrets/{namespace}/{secretType} | Lists the names and metadata of secrets used by Seldon Deploy. |
SeldonDeploymentsApi | create_seldon_deployment | POST /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments | |
SeldonDeploymentsApi | delete_seldon_deployment | DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name} | |
SeldonDeploymentsApi | list_seldon_deployments | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments | |
SeldonDeploymentsApi | read_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name} | |
SeldonDeploymentsApi | update_seldon_deployment | PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/{name} | |
SeldonDeploymentsApi | validate_seldon_deployment | GET /namespaces/{namespace}/seldondeployments/validate |
- AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource
- AdvancedConfig
- Affinity
- AlibiExplainerType
- ApplicationLog
- ApplicationLogsParams
- ApplicationLogsResponse
- AuditLog
- AzureDataDiskCachingMode
- AzureDataDiskKind
- AzureDiskVolumeSource
- AzureFileVolumeSource
- BasicDetectorConfiguration
- BatchJobDefinition
- BatchJobDescription
- BatchJobDescriptionList
- BatchJobGetResponse
- BatchJobPostResponse
- BatchJobsListResponse
- Body
- Body1
- CSIVolumeSource
- Capabilities
- Capability
- CephFSVolumeSource
- CinderVolumeSource
- ClaimSource
- ClientIPConfig
- ClusterInfo
- ClusterTrustBundleProjection
- Component
- ConditionStatus
- Conditions
- ConfigMapEnvSource
- ConfigMapKeySelector
- ConfigMapProjection
- ConfigMapVolumeSource
- Container
- ContainerPort
- ContainerResizePolicy
- ContainerResourceMetricSource
- ContainerRestartPolicy
- ContainerState
- ContainerStateRunning
- ContainerStateTerminated
- ContainerStateWaiting
- ContainerStatus
- CrossVersionObjectReference
- DNSPolicy
- Deployment
- DeploymentFeatureData
- DeploymentList
- DeploymentSpec
- DeploymentStatus
- DeploymentStrategy
- DeploymentStrategyType
- DetectorConfigData
- DetectorConfiguration
- DetectorData
- DetectorDeploymentConfiguration
- DetectorStatus
- DownwardAPIProjection
- DownwardAPIVolumeFile
- DownwardAPIVolumeSource
- EmptyDirVolumeSource
- Endpoint
- EndpointType
- EnvFromSource
- EnvVar
- EnvVarSource
- EphemeralContainer
- EphemeralVolumeSource
- Error
- ExecAction
- Experiment
- ExperimentCandidate
- ExperimentMirror
- ExperimentSpec
- ExperimentStatus
- Explainer
- ExplainerSpec
- ExternalMetricSource
- FCVolumeSource
- Fallback
- FeatureDistribution
- FeatureDistributionBucket
- FeatureDistributionParameters
- FeatureDistributionResponse
- FeatureFilter
- FeatureInteraction
- FeatureStatisticsResponse
- FeatureStats
- FeatureStatsBucket
- FieldsV1
- FileDiff
- FinalizerName
- FlexVolumeSource
- FlockerVolumeSource
- GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource
- GRPCAction
- GitRepoVolumeSource
- GlusterfsVolumeSource
- HPAScalingPolicy
- HPAScalingPolicyType
- HPAScalingRules
- HTTPGetAction
- HTTPHeader
- HealthCheckInfo
- HorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior
- HorizontalPodAutoscalerConfig
- HostAlias
- HostIP
- HostPathType
- HostPathVolumeSource
- IPFamily
- IPFamilyPolicy
- ISCSIVolumeSource
- IntOrString
- JoinType
- KeyToPath
- LabelSelector
- LabelSelectorOperator
- LabelSelectorRequirement
- Lifecycle
- LifecycleHandler
- ListMeta
- LocalObjectReference
- Logger
- LoggerMode
- LoggingSpec
- ManagedFieldsEntry
- ManagedFieldsOperationType
- Message
- MetricIdentifier
- MetricSourceType
- MetricSpec
- MetricTarget
- MetricTargetType
- Model
- ModelSpec
- ModelStatus
- MonitorInputData
- MountPropagationMode
- NFSVolumeSource
- Namespace
- NamespaceCondition
- NamespaceConditionType
- NamespacePhase
- NamespaceSpec
- NamespaceStatus
- NodeAffinity
- NodeInclusionPolicy
- NodeSelector
- NodeSelectorOperator
- NodeSelectorRequirement
- NodeSelectorTerm
- OSName
- ObjectFieldSelector
- ObjectMeta
- ObjectMetricSource
- OwnerReference
- Parameter
- ParameterSpec
- ParmeterType
- PersistentVolumeAccessMode
- PersistentVolumeClaimSpec
- PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate
- PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
- PersistentVolumeMode
- PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource
- Pipeline
- PipelineBatch
- PipelineOutput
- PipelineSpec
- PipelineStatus
- PipelineStep
- Pod
- PodAffinity
- PodAffinityTerm
- PodAntiAffinity
- PodCondition
- PodConditionType
- PodDNSConfig
- PodDNSConfigOption
- PodFSGroupChangePolicy
- PodIP
- PodList
- PodOS
- PodPhase
- PodQOSClass
- PodReadinessGate
- PodResizeStatus
- PodResourceClaim
- PodResourceClaimStatus
- PodSchedulingGate
- PodSecurityContext
- PodSpec
- PodStatus
- PodTemplateSpec
- PodsMetricSource
- PortworxVolumeSource
- PredictiveUnit
- PredictiveUnitImplementation
- PredictiveUnitMethod
- PredictiveUnitType
- PredictorSpec
- PreemptionPolicy
- PreferredSchedulingTerm
- Probe
- ProcMountType
- ProjectedVolumeSource
- ProtobufAny
- ProtobufNullValue
- Protocol
- PullPolicy
- Quantity
- QuobyteVolumeSource
- RBDVolumeSource
- ResourceClaim
- ResourceFieldSelector
- ResourceList
- ResourceMetricSource
- ResourceName
- ResourceRequirements
- ResourceResizeRestartPolicy
- ResourceType
- RestartPolicy
- RollingUpdateDeployment
- RpcStatus
- SELinuxOptions
- ScaleIOVolumeSource
- ScaleTriggers
- ScaledObjectAuthRef
- ScalingPolicySelect
- SeccompProfile
- SeccompProfileType
- SecretEnvSource
- SecretKeySelector
- SecretProjection
- SecretVolumeSource
- SecurityContext
- SeldonAddressable
- SeldonDeployment
- SeldonDeploymentList
- SeldonDeploymentSpec
- SeldonDeploymentStatus
- SeldonExperiment
- SeldonHpaSpec
- SeldonModel
- SeldonModelList
- SeldonPdbSpec
- SeldonPipeline
- SeldonPipelineList
- SeldonPodSpec
- SeldonScaledObjectSpec
- ServerType
- Service
- ServiceAccountTokenProjection
- ServiceAffinity
- ServiceExternalTrafficPolicy
- ServiceInternalTrafficPolicy
- ServiceList
- ServicePort
- ServiceSpec
- ServiceStatus
- ServiceType
- SessionAffinityConfig
- SleepAction
- StatusState
- StorageMedium
- StorageOSVolumeSource
- SvcOrchSpec
- Sysctl
- TCPSocketAction
- TaintEffect
- TerminationMessagePolicy
- Toleration
- TolerationOperator
- TopologySpreadConstraint
- Transport
- Type
- TypedLocalObjectReference
- TypedObjectReference
- URIScheme
- UnsatisfiableConstraintAction
- UserInfo
- V1AddUserToGroupResponse
- V1ArtifactType
- V1BucketSecretFormat
- V1CreateGCSBucketSecretResponse
- V1CreateGroupRequest
- V1CreateGroupResponse
- V1CreatePolicyResponse
- V1CreateRcloneBucketSecretResponse
- V1CreateRegistrySecretResponse
- V1CreateS3BucketSecretResponse
- V1CreateUserRequest
- V1CreateUserResponse
- V1DataType
- V1DefaultProtocol
- V1DeleteGroupResponse
- V1DeletePolicyResponse
- V1DeleteSecretResponse
- V1DeleteUserFromGroupResponse
- V1DeleteUserResponse
- V1DependencyHealthResponse
- V1DeployDependency
- V1DeployDependencyHealth
- V1DeployDependencyStatus
- V1DeploymentStatus
- V1DeploymentType
- V1FeatureCategorySchema
- V1FeatureSchema
- V1FeatureType
- V1FiringAlert
- V1GetDeploymentInferenceLogsResponse
- V1GetGroupMembersResponse
- V1GetGroupsResponse
- V1GetModelInferenceLogsResponse
- V1GetPermissionsResponse
- V1GetPolicyTargetsResponse
- V1GetUserGroupsResponse
- V1GetUsersResponse
- V1Group
- V1GroupPolicy
- V1InferenceLogsDeploymentItem
- V1InferenceLogsModelItem
- V1InferenceLogsRawPayload
- V1ListAlertsResponse
- V1ListDeploymentInferenceLogsResponse
- V1ListModelInferenceLogsResponse
- V1ListSecretsResponse
- V1Model
- V1ModelMetadataCreateResponse
- V1ModelMetadataDeleteResponse
- V1ModelMetadataListResponse
- V1ModelMetadataUpdateResponse
- V1Policy
- V1PredictionSchema
- V1RcloneConfig
- V1ResetUserPasswordResponse
- V1ResourceActionPair
- V1RuntimeDefaults
- V1RuntimeMetadata
- V1RuntimeMetadataListResponse
- V1S3Credentials
- V1Secret
- V1SecretType
- V1SecretVersion
- V1TriggerTestAlertResponse
- V1User
- V1UserPolicy
- VersionInfo
- Volume
- VolumeDevice
- VolumeMount
- VolumeProjection
- VolumeResourceRequirements
- VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource
- WeightedPodAffinityTerm
- WindowsSecurityContextOptions
- WorkflowPhase
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: password
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- email:
- groups:
- openid:
- profile: