Releases: SeleniumHQ/selenium
Releases · SeleniumHQ/selenium
Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 5
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Release Ruby bindings 4.0.0.alpha4 :: Alex Rodionov52b8149a49
- Adding support for relative locators for .NET :: Jim Evans5d0249496b
- Fix incorrectly used named parameters in string formatting in .NET :: Jan Trejbal5f38a0da9b
- Fixing the .NET WebSocket message handler :: Jan Trejbal89ce1c235f
- Updating EdgeOptions to allow specifying BrowserName :: Stanley Hon5e97ce3a52
- Updating .NET assembly versions and CHANGELOG for 4.0-alpha4 :: Jim Evans1962ec6660
- Update selenium-assistant.yml [skip ci] :: Diego Molina173e951e7d
- Bump java version to 4.0.0a5 :: Simon Stewartf818fb49da
- Make "info help" less misleading :: Simon Stewart7e34313a58
- Remove unused import statement :: Simon Stewart711217d153
- [grid] Add (hidden) support for self-signed https :: Simon Stewart9c24b1e861
- [grid] Abstract away HttpClient.Factory creation :: Simon Stewartb4bbfd349d
- Force netty server to use java.util.logging :: Simon Stewart7db852fda4
- [grid] Provide a method to just get the session uri from a session map :: Simon Stewartd7389a2ec0
- [grid] Abstract SessionMap creation away to the options :: Simon Stewartbf926fc608
- [grid] Add Redis-backed SessionMap :: Simon Stewart2aa4a74e22
- Reduce verbosity of logging message :: Simon Stewart62867fd906
- NetworkUtils.getNonLoopbackAddressOfThisMachine now returns an address, not a hostname :: Simon Stewart5e47c6af84
- [grid] Catch exception in local distributor that was preventing nodes being added :: Simon Stewartcc376279bd
- [grid] Nodes should log which address they are advertising as :: Simon Stewartd5cf59a972
- [grid] Allow cli commands to be hidden :: Simon Stewartbb8e2ce8d7
- [grid] Use logging rather than syserr to log warnings :: Simon Stewart18dfc4c3d4
- [grid] Add a command to run the message bus as a standalone component :: Simon Stewart705362faf1
- [grid] Build docker images for Grid components :: Simon Stewarte866f05f76
- fix typo in summary of down keys (#7946) :: Scott Sauber52b6789b66
- Updating Bazel build files to refer to correct assemblies :: Jim Evansc3de3ab285
- Upgrading to NUnit3 Test Adapter 3.16.1 :: Jim Evans29a2ac664e
- Adding assembly version stamping to .NET Bazel build process :: Jim Evansab31212a99
- Correcting .NET Bazel build files for new version of .NET build rules :: Jim Evanscfc2ae855b
- Remove vendor-specific names from ChromiumOptions base class. :: Brandon Walderman21246c9ae5
- [grid] node registration (#7949) :: adam goucherb51810e5ff
- Fix capabilties to support macOS platform (#7980) :: Maxim Lobanov81c0b5055c
- update closeNotSupportedIssueTypesComment for assistant bot [skip ci] :: Diego Molina4530919597
- Bump version of bazel toolchains :: Simon Stewart0e29f02f53
- Remove unused file. facepalm :: Simon Stewartb94185e003
- [tracing] Bring in OpenTelemtry APIs :: Simon Stewart16a703ccaf
- [tracing] Migrate to OpenTelemetry :: Simon Stewartf9ab9273b0
- [tracing] Add easy support for Jaeger tracing :: Simon Stewart0e143ca06d
- [tracing] Extract parent OpenTelemetry span safely :: Simon Stewart68bf012ece
- [tracing] Initialise tracer once, and once only :: Simon Stewart63a1bf85ce
- [tracing] Update user info for OpenTelemetry :: Simon Stewart952fe7f833
- Update maven deps :: Simon Stewart2a962b7bd8
- Add missing copyright headers :: Simon Stewart177754a364
- Make websocket message types clearer :: Simon Stewart35725b282b
- Allow netty server to close with open connections :: Simon Stewart3e4cc2b30c
- Allow netty server to handle websocket connections :: Simon Stewart543bc092ed
- Fixed comments for Safari referencing Chrome (#7990) :: trademark184c547754bc
- fix require paths :: Tomerd0b6ab1b24
- remove unnecessary dependency :: Tomer31696192e4
- [py] Automate RemoteConnection subclass selection (#8010) :: Abdelrahman Talaat20cae7e38e
- Fix clear actions in ActionChains (#7943) :: Ilyas Bayraktar62400e7f0d
- Fixed maven central 501 error, using of https. (#7961) :: Evgeniy Roldukhinbe6010c13c
- Rejuvenate log levels (#7737) :: Grace Tangd69ee9721b
- Add response to RemoteWebDriver's client log level (#7925) :: Vijendarn Selvarajah- [
Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 4
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Accepts rubyzip 1.3.0 and 2.0.0. Fixes #7606 (#7607) :: Vladimir Támara Patiño2f46354b51
- [netty] Add simple chain for handling http requests :: Simon Stewart9ea32fa4c1
- Move all classes into a top level SeleniumRake namespace and correct folder/file structure :: Luke Hill13f0e9783f
- Updating sonarqube settings :: Alexei Barantsev3cdbe1ad17
- [java] Restoring ability to run WDBS tests (from IDEA) :: Alexei Barantsevc35c26e255
- Adding lost dependency to IDEA project :: Alexei Barantsevc2a38eb047
- [java] Fixing compilation error. Looks like Bazel does not build this part of code so we couldn't catch this issue on CI :: Alexei Barantsev5a56387e02
- [java] Deleting unused code :: Alexei Barantsev263074f3d3
- [java] Fixing and adding to the suite a couple of lost WDBS tests :: Alexei Barantsevc65517e475
- [java] Deleting custom AppServer used for RC tests only. :: Alexei Barantsev18efc7245f
- [java] Changing test pages structure to allow running existing htmlrunner tests :: Alexei Barantsev820df9d4c1
- RuboCop autofixes on rakelib :: Luke Hill420921bb4b
- Loosen dependency on childprocess in ruby gemspec :: Connor Shea7a01fd8c9b
- [java] Preventing XXE when loading Firefox extensions. :: Alexei Barantsev74914ed923
- [java] Deprecating an unused exception class :: Alexei Barantsev04b4192c06
- [java] Deleting deprecated internal class :: Alexei Barantsev7108f3abff
- [java] Deleting unused imports :: Alexei Barantsev06a7dffb5b
- [java] Explicitly using no-args constructor to create an instance of HttpClient using reflection. :: Alexei Barantsev1374b338c0
- Fix visibility checking for descendants of details elements :: Thomas Walpole8adb0f220a
- [java] Improving FirefoxDriver javadoc, passing FirefoxProfile instance to the constructor is a bad practice. :: Alexei Barantsevc9649be83e
- [java] Reducing code duplication, no functional changes :: Alexei Barantseve76105bab5
- [java] Fixing unit tests for Preferences that check setting frozen preferences :: Alexei Barantsev1cd3276e9e
- [java] Simplifying code and deleting unused methods of an internal class :: Alexei Barantsev4954772a72
- [java] Merging three different preference storages into the single one. :: Alexei Barantsev7498da6372
- Updating .NET Bazel build files with correct references :: Jim Evanscb5a603a96
- Refactor/remove unused Rake tasks files :: Luke Hill635570974b
- Update Ruby changelog to include 3.142.5 :: Alex Rodionovf2555adaa9
- [py] Bump to 4.0a3 :: AutomatedTestercc2ae02681
- [java] Removing unnecessary unboxing :: Alexei Barantsev7dd46f21ba
- Use org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers instead of Mockito :: Tim van der Lippe318c819042
- [java] Updating mockito and its dependencies :: Alexei Barantsev26a63153db
- [java] Stop using deprecated WebDriverWait constructors in tests :: Alexei Barantseve22c13bad5
- [java] Fixing use of deprecated methods after updating mockito :: Alexei Barantsevbe841f854f
- [java] Deleting BuckBuild, it is not in use anymore :: Alexei Barantsev982baeb347
- [java] Test code cleanup, deleting unused imports and never thrown exception declarations :: Alexei Barantseve349318ff8
- [java] Test code cleanup, updating to Java 8 features :: Alexei Barantsev19d863da29
- [java] Deleting unused private methods :: Alexei Barantsev04f1714629
- [java] Oops, one change targeted Java 9, reverting it :: Alexei Barantsev81f83ca0bc
- [java] Deleting catch block for an exception that is neven thrown :: Alexei Barantsev8953f91a7a
- [java] Code cleanup, deleting a debug print and unnecessary casts :: Alexei Barantsevddea0d5fb2
- [java] Backing out more changes in tests that target Java 9 :: Alexei Barantsev1f67cbd9da
- [java] Backing out more changes in tests that target Java 9 :: Alexei Barantsev39bac8a9c9
- [crazyfun] Fixing use of recently deleted Platform class :: Alexei Barantsev8e9dca1cc8
- Fixing crazyfun-bazel integration that was broken on windows. :: Alexei Barantsev2d1e0bba3d
- Improving crazyfun-bazel integration for non-windows systems :: Alexei Barantsev0d2a9b4844
- Fixed references to chromedriver website :: Patrick Beart5a4ac1dbbf
- Actually improving crazyfun-bazel integration for non-windows systems :: Alexei Barantsev01afd4ad9e
- [java] Deleting code related to running tests in SauceLabs cloud, we use Travis now. :: Alexei Barantsevc141342538
- [bazel] Putting dependency versions to variables to reduce duplication and simplify dependency upgrade :: Alexei Barantsev41b6ec2d75
- Fixing path to a library in IDEA project :: Alexei Barantsev- [
Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 3
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- The chromium maven jars are now required :: Simon Stewart80eb45ed02
- Hive .Net config into its own setup :: Simon Stewartaf41412df2
- Mark small tests as being small :: Simon Stewart0d47cc2234
- Minor typo fix: no logical changes :: Simon Stewart593c17ad0c
- Remove dependency on guava :: Simon Stewart5263a2dfb7
- prevent json package depending on remote :: Simon Stewart9754373c95
- HttpHandler is no longer a Function :: Simon Stewart951f9f4a43
- Deprecate CommandHandler :: Simon Stewartbd03257118
- Deprecate the original Route class in favour of the new one :: Simon Stewart48c45b5ed3
- Add a Routable interface and make the old Route an HttpHandler :: Simon Stewart7df7c1b435
- Route should handle failure to match or no response gracefully :: Simon Stewartba67fbdea4
- Make OkHttp calls appear to be Just Another HttpHandler :: Simon Stewart2505fb370e
- Move helper servlets to use HttpHandler :: Simon Stewart84fcbf0f7a
- Extract JEE interop features to a helper class :: Simon Stewartc5f138c80d
- Move away from the old Routes class :: Simon Stewartd18d60ad2c
- Finish removing old routes :: Simon Stewartf17525ca65
- Move most command handlers in distributor to http handlers :: Simon Stewartc5b8a70594
- Migrate most command handlers to http handlers in router :: Simon Stewart5fc74cd7dd
- Migrate most command handlers to http handlers in session map :: Simon Stewart6569cb9589
- Remove unused class :: Simon Stewarte5ed023a46
- Router is now just an http handler :: Simon Stewartbf74b7d7c4
- Routes can be created from anything that is both Routable and an HttpHandler :: Simon Stewart2c24f307a3
- Make HttpClient an HttpHandler :: Simon Stewart21a2ceb6ad
- Replace bazel identified instanceof checks of CommandHandler with HttpHandler :: Simon Stewartd062f62a67
- Continue removing the old CommandHandler :: Simon Stewart644776db35
- Update the JreAppServer to use HttpHandlers :: Simon Stewart6be6012f74
- Make Routable also be an HttpHandler :: Simon Stewart46d3642954
- Switch to using ClientConfig to configure the HttpClient :: Simon Stewart8e5176c567
- Move the okhttpclient to the okhttp package :: Simon Stewart90cd946d40
- Make the OkHttpClient use the OkHttpHandler :: Simon Stewartc856f4a743
- Delete the unused CommandHandler class :: Simon Stewart470622bc3b
- [java] Fixing HTML tags in javadoc :: Alexei Barantsev16559ddb46
- [java] Ignoring a test broken in Chrome 75 :: Alexei Barantsevad9f331939
- [rb] fix incongruent name spacing :: Titus Fortnera417af2f03
- Extracting .NET cookie expiration time calculation to private method :: Jim Evans438c5fad7d
- Fixing .NET test EnvironmentManager directory detection :: Jim Evansc8caa955b8
- Adding additional logging to .NET ProxyTest :: Jim Evansfafa44799b
- Updating logging prefs capability in .NET ChromiumOptions class :: Jim Evans103245a577
- Adding Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) support to .NET bindings :: Jim Evans5644886f43
- Updating .NET nuspec files to replace deprecated LicenseUrl with License :: Jim Evans45ce2ef9aa
- Updating assembly versions and CHANGELOG for .NET 4.0-alpha02 release :: Jim Evans415371e390
- [rb] minor updates to specs and docs :: Titus Fortner2e75b914ba
- [rb] bump version to 4.0.0.alpha3 :: Titus Fortner4b43143d33
- [rb] delete empty spec :: Titus Fortnerb28fab0a8c
- [rb] add missing change to log :: Titus Fortnerdc6dbc18c6
- [bazel] Avoid test names clashing if declared repeatedly :: Simon Stewarte6764e4d52
- [bazel]: Expose filegroups to allow java appserver tests to run :: Simon Stewart796bb2d98b
- Provide utility classes for cleaning up tests neatly :: Simon Stewart2eeed81d7c
- Expose presence of devtools support on a role-based interface :: Simon Stewart14348a757b
- [bazel] Add devtools tests :: Simon Stewart5e04a20a19
- [bazel] Add build rules for Edge HTML :: Simon Stewart2ea018e949
- [bazel] Expose devtools APIs from chromium derived drivers. :: Simon Stewartd14c7384ee
- Provide abstraction for dealing with form encoded http requests :: Simon Stewartd34ac6b4ad
- [bazel] Get the RC emulation servlet running with bazel :: Simon Stewart- [
Selenium 3.150.0
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
This release has been created for the solely purpose of uploading the IEDriverServer releases done after the last Selenium 3 release (3.141.59)
Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 2
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- [py] license specified twice in setup :: Corey Goldbergcfdbfb1f75
- Updating .nuspec files for generating NuGet packages for platforms :: Jim Evans9cbc45b37c
- Updating .NET assembly versions for Selenium 4.0-alpha01 :: Jim Evans103f12ad15
- Adding checking for max expiriation date in IE driver cookie handling :: Jim Evans4570582475
- Fix shutdown_supported in services [rb] :: Thomas Walpole126829895b
- Allow to pass profile name to :: Alex Rodionov8d4be12e67
- Update changelog to include Ruby bindings 3.142.0 :: Alex Rodionov05c74ce94c
- Package Grid TNG as a java release :: Simon Stewarta5a885154c
- Bumping up version number :: Alexei Barantsevd1d3728cae
- Chrome 74 passes more tests :: Alexei Barantseve0dd6a8078
- Removes old exception and dead code from py lib. :: Alan Verresen74d1a91aa6
- Improve SocketPoller unit tests to actually use real sockets :: Alex Rodionovcbceccc259
- Pull in JRuby dependencies :: Alex Rodionov22a0f94819
- Ruby unit tests against JRuby on Travis :: Alex Rodionovd3834b5092
- Update tests for Safari 12.1 and Safari Technology Preview build 80 :: Alex Rodionov87d060e17d
- Update socket poller test for Ruby 2.4 :: Thomas Walpolebf3a65fb82
- Fix rubocop error with test naming :: Thomas Walpole045f12b274
- Force 2.4+ compatible version of JRuby on Travis :: Alex Rodionovc205391f1c
- Start TCPServer before all SocketPoller tests and stop after :: Alex Rodionov44d6a8b40e
- Use constants over class instance variables in Service classes :: Alex Rodionov127b2826f6
- Fix JavaScript atom for Element Clear :: John Chen87efe1b3cf
- Make sure the fix doesn't break IE :: John Chen8fe0635da9
- Use W3C version of Edge (version 18) :: Alex Rodionov1857ae29fc
- Improve Ruby tests for IE driver :: Alex Rodionovdf40c28b41
- Reduce window size in tests to 700x700 for CI :: Alex Rodionov7af172729f
- Setting up bazel build rules for javascript stuff. :: jleyba19298e2246
- Updating .NET build tools for assembly merge and package generation :: Jim Evans90e738ad1d
- Updating NuGet package generation files (.nuspec) for .NET bindings :: Jim Evans59991ec2b8
- Exposing JavaScript atoms Bazel targets to other language bindings targets :: Jim Evansce68a3f0e0
- Exposing WebDriverBackedSelenium JavaScript files to Bazel targets :: Jim Evansbaaf56f9ac
- Removing unused Bazel custom rule definition file :: Jim Evans1bfa64e25e
- Adding Bazel rules for building .NET targets :: Jim Evansa14a79361c
- Release Ruby bindings 4.0.0.alpha1 :: Alex Rodionova0fc86cf47
- Updated Json.NET dependency to 12.0.2 :: Jim Evans16e2bc1c9b
- Updating .NET test infrastructure to allow path to config file :: Jim Evansa436b19b23
- Linting .NET code. No functional changes :: Jim Evans5ad95b4799
- Reverting previous removal of Bazel build rule file :: Jim Evans1b253f9851
- Make http client deal with suppliers of inputstreams :: Simon Stewarta758261bd2
- Release Ruby bindings 4.0.0.alpha2 :: Alex Rodionovd0875056d0
- [java] Fixing tests with onbeforeunload event to work in IE :: Alexei Barantsev653da1a808
- [java] Setting script timeout to zero is nonsense, but default (30 seconds) is too long for tests :: Alexei Barantsev0bf27febe9
- [java] IE driver does not allow to execute scripts when an alert (or a native dialog?) is open :: Alexei Barantsev7904d5c9fe
- [java] Test actualization for the current state of IE driver :: Alexei Barantsev2cba710ab0
- [java] Refactoring, no functional changes :: Alexei Barantsev79c0e1277d
- Adding bazel build files for all of third_party/java :: jleyba44af7059e7
- Start introducing bazel BUILD files for the java/client test. :: jleybafb2b08586d
- Not all systems have zip, so use a simple java utility to strip META-INF/services from the repackaged jetty jar. :: jleyba1945ed52dc
- Windows friendly path handling (hopefully) :: jleyba8c74517098
- Rename the webserver java_binary to WebServer. :: jleybaee193d8e94
- The JettyAppServer crashes if it can't find javascript resources on startup. This is not ideal with bazel since we're still sorting out build rules and the data dependencies haven't been nailed down. :: jleybaa25638dfb6
- Support installing web extensions with :: Alex Rodionov6b069e2614
- Fix ArgumentError when starting persistent HTTP client :: Alex Rodionov- [
Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 1
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Implement equals() and hashCode() inSelect
element wrapper (#6617) :: Valery Yatsynovich750dbaa6e3
- Fix Javadoc comment issues. (#6648) :: User25348927e45726d6
- [py] flake8 issues :: Alexei Barantsev7901e07fc1
- [java] Reducing visibility of internal classes (they were deprecated beforehand to warn users) :: Alexei Barantsevd3b3c557a1
- [java] Deleting unused internal utility class :: Alexei Barantsev017f2c7f62
- [java] Secession of legacy firefox driver to a separate maven artifact :: Alexei Barantsev88e056c3fb
- [java] Moving legacy Firefox driver to a separate package to make Java 9 module system happy :: Alexei Barantsev41815c0d01
- Make the remote package publicly visible :: Simon Stewarte834e68290
- [bazel] Set name of workspace :: Simon Stewart3652070c9d
- [bazel]: move to using BUILD.bazel for build files :: Simon Stewart4acc09c876
- selenium-version.bzl was actually just the java version :: Simon Stewart476b059fb0
- Build the tracing library using bazel :: Simon Stewart2ee1a2f1d3
- [java] Linking a test to a bug-report :: Alexei Barantsev0c6ce82918
- [java] Deleting unused private fields :: Alexei Barantsev8255f904ae
- [java] Less guava, more standard java :: Alexei Barantsev82ba4d6544
- [debug-server] Fixing ability of Utf8Servlet to find files :: Alexei Barantsev15c8a0fc66
- [java] Unignoring a test that seems to work in all major browsers :: Alexei Barantseve3fd3fa710
- [java] An attempt to run tests with bazel :: Alexei Barantsev82e41c4875
- [bazel] Enough build files to build the new grid session map :: Simon Stewart005395db25
- [bazel] Define a macro to generate test cases :: Simon Stewartd76cba8505
- [bazel]: Update remote common tests to use generated tests :: Simon Stewartb8fb6e1857
- [bazel]: add distributor tests :: Simon Stewart0345df02fa
- [bazel]: Add node tests :: Simon Stewartd500a66cc3
- [bazel]: adding back the end to end test :: Simon Stewart1c1103cf17
- [bazel]: each test generates its own name. No need for the macro to require it :: Simon Stewart9c722fa480
- Update Rack to 1.6.11 to mitigate CVE-2018-16471 :: Alex Rodionov47f4439c1b
- Completing IE implementation of strictFileInteractability capability :: Jim Evansadae7e4b6a
- Updating IE scroll-into-view algorithm for element click :: Jim Evanscb8aa77853
- Updating IE prebuilts with latest changes :: Jim Evans771c93ce5d
- [java] Deleting a test that contains duplicated cases, they are covered by Firefox-specific tests that can be run in remote or grid mode. :: Alexei Barantsev4698e43edf
- [java] Adding mockito to bazel build :: Alexei Barantsev67220587c5
- Removal of legacy Firefox driver from .NET bindings :: Jim Evans1a2c53f50b
- [java] Moving a test to a more appropriate package where the target class is located :: Alexei Barantsev30d04e9d56
- [java] Fixing visibility of third-party libs for bazel build :: Alexei Barantsev4da217c0fc
- [atoms] Preparing a test for an upcoming PR merge :: Alexei Barantsevb3062fc720
- Fix error code for unsupported locator strategy :: John Chen579395bd02
- [java] Fixing buck build, the test file moved :: Alexei Barantsevb86e375238
- [java] Ignoring a test broken in HtmlUnit :: Alexei Barantsev99f01ff449
- [java] Fixing development mode detection in tests :: Alexei Barantsevb51b5e525d
- [java] Fixing path to webdriver.xpi resource :: Alexei Barantsev47758c4a5b
- [skip travis] Adding new issue templates :: Diego Molina444cea2749
- [java] Adding bazel build files for drivers :: Alexei Barantsev3d7937f026
- [java] Building test drivers with bazel :: Alexei Barantsev9643057008
- Updating dependencies in Ruby module of IDEA project :: Alexei Barantsevc770b54034
- [java] Building test base with bazel :: Alexei Barantsev2ed1c5e747
- [bazel] Restructure build files :: Simon Stewarta178bc7a9a
- [bazel] Reformat all build and bzl files using buildifier :: Simon Stewartac18576709
- [bazel]: allow users to override bazel configs locally :: Simon Stewart4b18ac6ca2
- [bazel]: Start adding data to allow browser tests to run :: Simon Stewart02c3b92030
- Ignore bazel ij config files :: Simon Stewart53be4977e5
- [bazel]: making progress on running large tests :: Simon Stewart15f31bd47a
- Circling round the distributed tracing apis :: Simon Stewartc18f2f3124
- Get d...
Selenium 3.141.59
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- [nodejs] add pollTimeout argument to wait() in WebDriver class (#6520) :: Oleksiic9b57f0182
- Copy static resources required by java tests into place :: Simon Stewartcacc0208e3
- Rework how we obtain command handlers :: Simon Stewart0dd0327f2e
- Migrate router to use the new routes :: Simon Stewart1dcd1b9d09
- Migrate the Node to use the new routes :: Simon Stewarteda8bb8e09
- Move the Distributor to the new routes :: Simon Stewartcd4450a9a7
- Move the session map to the new routes :: Simon Stewart12ae931dee
- Installing Requests in Python (#6628) :: wildloop5b0a928495
- ImplementWrapsElement
element wrapper (#6616) :: Valery Yatsynovichfea631688f
- [Grid] Adding a test to check that remoteHost is properly read and set. :: Diego Molinab1fbb3b0a5
- [py] Fixing/tidying docstring. :: Lucas Diniz37ba6ab28f
- Reveal the cunning plan of where to place java tracing :: Simon Stewartb162748f8b
- Replace CompoundHandler with Routes :: Simon Stewart07a116aa32
- Restored remoteHost support :: wildloopa2a97bcad6
- Delete the old IDE :: Simon Stewart700f5b1ea6
- Encourage people to access help over https :: Simon Stewart24dbcddd65
- Organise imports. No logical changes :: Simon Stewart72bc0f07a8
- Fix mime-types of displayed content in help servlet :: Simon Stewart6aa186b6a0
- Start binding distributed tracing into selenium :: Simon Stewart173e41ac82
- Allow us to inject tracing information into headers :: Simon Stewart465fc74e52
- Oops. Did not mean to check this in :: Simon Stewartb66fe3e8dc
- Add the distributed tracer to the grid :: Simon Stewartc7c9ecb3f2
- Move tracing into the http client factory :: Simon Stewart570f533c5c
- Wire tracing into the node :: Simon Stewart00a7ba7738
- Add the ability to autodetect opentracing implementations :: Simon Stewart2778509e64
- Continue wiring up distributed tracing for the new Grid :: Simon Stewartb32e053049
- Removing premature break statements in IE obscured element check :: Jim Evans0adb38f936
- Adding support for strictFileInteractability capability in IE :: Jim Evanse4248409f2
- Updating error message return from unserializable JavaScript result in IE :: Jim Evans46bdda0a67
- Updating IE prebuilts with latest binaries :: Jim Evans48c3eb6a55
- Add a test to check for trace propagation :: Simon Stewartdce76b5aa8
- Removing client-side references to tracing. For now :: Simon Stewart3f8670ddf1
- delete unnecessary return value, nil :: Takuma Chiba96ddac513b
- Removing the scratch test. Again. Furrfu :: Simon Stewart0840fb9b23
- Avoid checking in temp tests again :: Simon Stewart7312f98094
- Ensure that the tracing library does not touch the old grid code :: Simon Stewarte82be7d358
- Bump the java version and update changelogs :: Simon Stewart
Selenium 3.141.5
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Also look in third party for crazy fun build files :: Simon Stewart69dbba53bc
- Updating csproj file to find legacy Firefox driver xpi in correct location :: Jim Evansff9877de62
- Updating .NET CHANGELOG for 3.141.0 release :: Jim Evans6439c29a9d
- Updating IE prebuilts for 3.141.0 release :: Jim Evanscb45dc1afe
- Release Ruby bindings 3.141.0 :: Alex Rodionov9d8522e3e7
- [py] Update change log for 3.141.0 :: AutomatedTesterf7c4f70d22
- Bump python version :: AutomatedTesterc3a4a4b231
- Remove deprecated AugmenterProviders :: Simon Stewart5a12162ae3
- I have no idea why buck-out was added as test root :: Simon Stewart530eca5c28
- Remove sysout debugging :: Simon Stewart1911c51734
- [java] Moving code that finds Firefox binary from WindowsUtils to FirefoxBinary :: Alexei Barantsev1220214e9f
- [java] Deleting unused deprecated class :: Alexei Barantsev1c3a037f0e
- [java] Moving (firefox) Executable out of internal package to the main one, but making it package private :: Alexei Barantsev7d4cb1aeb1
- [java] Refactoring Firefox executable wrapper and adding tests for it :: Alexei Barantsev8a0ef8d205
- [java] More refactoring firefox executable wrapper :: Alexei Barantsevd95b0333a2
- [java] Moving all legacy Firefox driver related code from FirefoxBinary to XpiDriverService :: Alexei Barantsev2bab50b881
- Avoid possible confusion caused by removing ioexception from consumer.apply :: Simon Stewart2c3a16bb54
- Initial spike on bazel compilation :: Simon Stewartd6daaa0a0b
- Revert "I have no idea why buck-out was added as test root". It was added because buck puts there generated JS fragments and webdriver.xpi file. :: Alexei Barantsevbf81e77998
- [java] Ignoring a test that should be run in legacy Firefox only :: Alexei Barantsevff7c00b3b9
- [java] Setting environment for legacy Firefox process. :: Alexei Barantsevad4d1c7608
- [java] Passing extra options to legacy Firefox process :: Alexei Barantsev23995e0f43
- Bump java version number prior to release :: Simon Stewartd54ebd709a
- Bump the number of jetty threads to 200 :: Simon Stewart
Selenium 3.141.0
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Update python changelog and versions for release :: AutomatedTester6f1c265b31
- Updating version resources and CHANGELOG for 3.14 release of IE driver :: Jim Evansc5f3f0d775
- Updating .NET CHANGELOG for 3.14 release :: Jim Evansc2dd6739ed
- Unignoring alert tests for Edge :: Jim Evans757c52d33c
- Disable overlapping element tests for Edge :: Clay Martin80ee962524
- Release Ruby bindings 3.14.0 :: Alex Rodionovdcadfb956b
- [py] fix docs build :: Lucas Tierney2198602e88
- use xenial for travis :: Lucas Tierneyde14071dfd
- [py] update travis testing to use 3.7 :: Lucas Tierney0c561b6cf6
- revert change to xenial and python 3.7, builds are taking too long :: Lucas Tierneyb39ea54475
- Added a basic ServiceBuilder for Internet Explorer (#6181) :: Josh Goldberg969b05d413
- [py] use Firefox w/ geckodriver for remote testing :: Lucas Tierney42b5e4b5d4
- [py] update remote xfail markers for change to geckodriver :: Lucas Tierneyb594931dd0
- [py] copy LICENSE file to directory during //py:prep :: Lucas Tierney3ae0b62454
- [java] Separating standalone/node/hub configuration itself from loading configs out of JSON files or resources, and initialize new config instances with data loaded from default config resources. :: Alexei Barantsev921f489172
- Remove unused method from AppServer :: Simon Stewartbfe567d77a
- Set the cookie "path" property when a document is specified in IE :: Jim Evans20e8ee0e09
- Remove the deprecated Locatable interface. Cause carnage :: Simon Stewartf4d445112d
- Tidy up getting headers in HttpMessage :: Simon Stewart1229d40632
- Introduce a jre-based app server for testing :: Simon Stewartecb2712ee6
- Adding missing copyright headers :: Simon Stewarte5fbba12d5
- Introduce a base server for use in all servers. :: Simon Stewart63ebe3326a
- Delete deprecated servletHttp* wrappers :: Simon Stewartee8e6d4e42
- Adding the ability to configure things. :: Simon Stewart63c86bb68b
- Explicitly enabling all non-TRACE method in server to get rid of jetty security warning :: Simon Stewart4965564f10
- Precalculate the port to use and extend the existing race a little :: Simon Stewart4ee517f48b
- [Grid] 1) Fixing 'servlets' and 'withoutServlets' loading from JSON, :: Alexei Barantsev91d368f554
- [java] Instance coercer should not touch static fields :: Alexei Barantsevdf2df0de9c
- [grid] Refactoring CLI, another step toward making configuration effectively immutable :: Alexei Barantsevb6653ed69b
- [java] Deleting one more deprecated class :: Alexei Barantsev224e2af928
- [java] Restoring Coordinates interface to deprecate it by the usual procedure :: Alexei Barantsev6ec1d7659d
- [grid] Verify 'role' in JSON file if it is present only :: Alexei Barantsev01cbb2a6d9
- [java] Restoring Locatable interface, to be removed in 3.1415, HtmlUnit should be updated when 3.141 is out. :: Alexei Barantsevdf47c85fec
- [java] Actuall HtmlUnit driver uses this Locatable interface. :: Alexei Barantsev663edd4339
- Truncating obscured element description to first angle bracket :: Jim Evans20bdf475b1
- Handle null pointers for cookie values in IE :: Jim Evansba7ad22ef2
- [grid] Deleting unnecessary checks, -hub just has precedence as stated in the docs :: Alexei Barantsev530a08d007
- [grid] cleanUpCycle option can be specified for a node too :: Alexei Barantsev8193e98c6e
- [grid] Fixing -id option handling :: Alexei Barantseva6d4cdefe0
- [grid] More configuration tweaks :: Alexei Barantsev788d15208f
- [grid] Replacing Chrome with HtmlUnit in tests :: Alexei Barantsevd3155a1f9a
- [grid] Restoring exception on an attempt to read configuration file in legacy format :: Alexei Barantsevd9f0937c29
- Updating HtmlUnit and its driver :: Alexei Barantsev7c63cea394
- [java] Fixing sendKeys to throw if it sees a null somewhere :: Alexei Barantsev6ca14aaa92
- Move all option processing on boot into one place. :: Simon Stewart3c8453c328
- Rename CommonConfig to BaseServerConfig to make it easier to find :: Simon Stewart9a30412ec8
- Remove unused method :: Simon Stewart132e075f47
- Start using DI for the WebDriverServlet :: Simon Stewartcd61ee9ba1
- Make the concatenating config easier to use with properties. :: Simon Stewart6c6625d1ad
- Fixing compilation error :: Alexei Barantsevab2b3e95ea
- Disabling insercure cert cookie tests :: Clay Martin2a54bd6d7e
- Disabling test in Edge :: Clay Martin...
Selenium 3.14.0
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Make generating the docs more robust :: Simon Stewartb78d5bc7a5
- [py] bump version to 3.13.0 in :: Lucas Tierney794148c998
- Mention ChromeDriver 2.31 as minimum version for Ruby :: Alex Rodionovd9de47c696
- Remove package_data and data_files options from (#5982) :: wiggin15eb3e5f2d22
- Make firefox matching more exact :: Simon Stewart9d766a113e
- [java] This test is flaky in Chrome, but it passes more frequently than it fails. :: Alexei Barantseve79c9145e4
- Fixing a test to match commit 0f49c42 :: Alexei Barantsevb605d9ab2e
- Add inifile gem to JRuby package :: Alex Rodionov0aa8dd4ff1
- allow overriding python location during builds using .buckconfig or .buckconfig.local (only applies to Windows) :: Titus Fortnerab87a06d1e
- At SeleniumConf: delete a deprecated method :: Simon Stewartc4acbe511f
- Fix windowSize option in Firefox in Javascript (#6075) :: Rod McNew3e99112a0d
- Allow temporary installation of FF extension (#1) (#5751) :: kvetko02f793dd37
- [py] Remove unused util methods from remote :: AutomatedTester68b0ff1376
- Removing deprectated class and event from .NET HttpCommandExecutor :: Jim Evans254f16fe82
- Updating CHANGELOG and version resources for .NET point release :: Jim Evansb2d4df628e
- Removing long-deprecated local PhantomJS support from .NET :: Jim Evansd006b4cfdd
- Removing deprecated methods from .NET bindings :: Jim Evans178b07e8d5
- Fixes empty options merge :: Artem Kozaev6bb3e14e11
- Refactor custom desired_capabilities spec in driver_spec :: Artem Kozaev18f9b958a4
- Marking .NET hardware manipulation interfaces deprecated :: Jim Evans0b310c1114
- Refactoring .NET capability handling :: Jim Evans205ac91997
- Ignoring maven auxiliary files :: Alexei Barantsev5457171bd5
- Fixing potential Zip Slip Vulnerability, see :: Alexei Barantsev5820c5740c
- Drivers don't return 'takesScreenshot' capability anymore, it's enabled by default. :: Alexei Barantsev61f35cfdf2
- Adding more info to the error message :: Alexei Barantsev5a8b4804ff
- Remove guava dep from logging package :: Simon Stewartd8f6fd3467
- Remove guava dep from interactions package :: Simon Stewarta78662432e
- Break dependency on profiler to the json package :: Simon Stewart3962e3d10c
- Simplify the core selenium target to avoid a split package :: Simon Stewart8aaf8c7c1a
- [java] Unignoring tests that are green in IE11, stop targeting tests to old IE versions. :: Alexei Barantsev550cd0c54b
- Enabling retries in OkHttp. Fixes #6025 :: Alexei Barantsevf54e39af25
- Add cause when JsonException occurs (#6112) :: Florian LOPES52483384e6
- Fix test to work with newer byte-buddy (#6029) :: Joshua Bruning6b3598d366
- No logical changes: just reformatting :: Simon Stewart52a2f6ab12
- Add tests to allow new builder to only have capabilities set :: Simon Stewart3ffb8eb477
- Drop support for ancient geckodriver versions :: Simon Stewart5289e9779a
- Enriching Hub Status to include Node info (#6127) :: Krishnan Mahadevan67b6c8d909
- Reformatting code and organising imports. No logical change :: Simon Stewart94678f77f3
- Correcting invalid session ID response JSON payload for IE driver :: Jim Evans1eaa2d79f9
- Updating reset action for IE driver :: Jim Evans8096ef71c0
- Updating to automatically dismiss onBeforeUnload event dialogs in IE :: Jim Evans96b8cc59a5
- Adding a test for the fixed OkHttp issue :: Alexei Barantsev821c6f3aee
- Adding High Sierra to the platform set. Fixes #5969 :: Alexei Barantsev046ab75f76
- Deleting more tests related to ancient geckodriver support :: Alexei Barantsevda6efc1b1b
- Upload file if file detector set :: Aleksei Moskvina062cd3118
- Use proper file upload extension command :: Alex Rodionova6a19b1d44
- Add a lightweight Dependency Injection service :: Simon Stewart501da5f6ff
- Hook injector into the server, replacing old DI approach :: Simon Stewart2cbcd08b81
- Fix failing hub tests :: Simon Stewart4c9379516c
- Deprecate ourClock
class in favour of the one
:: Simon Stewart0efc0be17c
- Apparently the Safari tech preview has a different browser name :: Simon Stewartb99fa0d475
- Start making the SafariOptions w3c safe :: Simon Stewart3d6ab4635f
- Sco...