- Geometric Algebra and proof of cramers rule
- Forward and Reverse Mode Differentiation.
- P-adic Numbers
- Group action based interpretation of Fenwick Tree (Orbit Based)
- Cauchy Schwarz Inequality Proof By geometry
- Von Neumann Ordinal - Construction of Natural Numbers
- Cauchy Sequences
- Constructions of real from set theory
- Noob Arithmetic Functions (Euler -Totient Function, Mobius Functions, Relations between both, Mobius Inversion?, Dirichlect Convolution )
- Template Metaprogramming & Turing Complete Machines, languages.
- Segment Trees and recursive lazy propagation, implementation of generic abstraction for segment trees through templates.
- Max flow and min cut graph problems, Explanation of ford fulkerson, dinitz and push relabel.
- Fourier transforms, convolutions, why fourier transformers are important, the notion of delay and linear time invariant systems.
- Fractals and haussdorf dimensions.
- String Preprocessing, Tries, Z Algorithms, Suffix Array, Preprocessing of pattern (P) & Text (T)
- Li theory, Differential Geometry, Frame of Reference
- Lowest common ancestor and Range minimum Query Equivalence
- Ukkonen's Algorithm for Suffix tree construction & proof
- Z algorithm, Boyer Moore Algorithm, KMP Algorithm