There are some predefined BDD Style Steps for the Cucumberish
Given the app is running
Given/When/Then/ I tap (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (button|label|tab|view|field|textView
Given/When/Then/ I double tap (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (button|label|tab|view|field|textView
Given/When/Then/ I tap (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (button|label|tab|view) ([1-9]{1}) time(?:s)
Given/When/Then/ I write \"([^\\\"]*)\" (?:into|in) (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (field|text view)
Given/When/Then/ I switch (on|off) the \"([^\\\"]*)\" switch
Given/When/Then/ I launched an App
Given/When/Then/ I terminated an App
Given/When/Then/ I see an alert with title \"([^\\\"]*)\" and clicked \"([^\\\"]*)\" action
Given/When/Then/ I see an alert with title \"([^\\\"]*)\" and clicked \"([^\\\"]*)\" action
Given/When/Then/ I allow system alert with \"([^\\\"]*)\" description
Given/When/Then/ I slide a slider by \"([^\\\"]*)\" normalised Value
Given/When/Then/ I select an item \"([^\\\"]*)\" from picker
Given/When/Then/ I click link \"([^\\\"]*)\" from webview
Given/When/Then/ I should see menubar with \"([^\\\"]*)\" header
Given/When/Then/ I should see menu with \"([^\\\"]*)\" items
Given/When/Then/ I should see screen with \"([^\\\"]*)\" cells
Given/When/Then/ I check \"([^\\\"]*)\" checkbox