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Releases: Shopify/hydrogen


11 Dec 17:13
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Patch Changes

  • Added namespace support to prevent conflicts when using multiple Pagination components: (#2649) by @scottdixon

    • New optional namespace prop for the <Pagination/> component
    • New optional namespace option for getPaginationVariables() utility
    • When specified, pagination URL parameters are prefixed with the namespace (e.g., products_cursor instead of cursor)
    • Maintains backwards compatibility when no namespace is provided
  • Introduce getProductOptions, getAdjacentAndFirstAvailableVariants, useSelectedOptionInUrlParam, and mapSelectedProductOptionToObject to support combined listing products and products with 2000 variants limit. (#2659) by @wizardlyhel

  • Add params to override the login and authorize paths: (#2648) by @blittle

    const hydrogenContext = createHydrogenContext({
      // ...
      customerAccount: {
        loginPath = '/account/login',
        authorizePath = '/account/authorize',
        defaultRedirectPath = '/account',
  • Add selectedVariant prop to the VariantSelector to use for the initial state if no URL parameters are set (#2643) by @scottdixon

  • Updated dependencies [a57d5267]:

    • @shopify/hydrogen-react@2024.10.1


11 Dec 17:13
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Patch Changes

  • Introduce getProductOptions, getAdjacentAndFirstAvailableVariants, useSelectedOptionInUrlParam, and mapSelectedProductOptionToObject to support combined listing products and products with 2000 variants limit. (#2659) by @wizardlyhel


11 Dec 17:13
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Patch Changes


11 Dec 17:13
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Patch Changes


30 Oct 21:00
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Patch Changes


30 Oct 21:00
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Patch Changes


30 Oct 14:27
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Patch Changes


29 Oct 17:05
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Patch Changes

  • Stabilize getSitemap, getSitemapIndex and implement on skeleton (#2589) by @juanpprieto

    1. Update the getSitemapIndex at /app/routes/[sitemap.xml].tsx
    - import {unstable__getSitemapIndex as getSitemapIndex} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
    + import {getSitemapIndex} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
    1. Update the getSitemap at /app/routes/sitemap.$type.$page[.xml].tsx
    - import {unstable__getSitemap as getSitemap} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
    + import {getSitemap} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

    For a reference implementation please see the skeleton template sitemap routes

  • Breaking change by @wizardlyhel

    Set up Customer Privacy without the Shopify's cookie banner by default.

    If you are using Shopify's cookie banner to handle user consent in your app, you need to set withPrivacyBanner: true to the consent config. Without this update, the Shopify cookie banner will not appear.

      return defer({
        consent: {
          checkoutDomain: env.PUBLIC_CHECKOUT_DOMAIN,
          storefrontAccessToken: env.PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
    +      withPrivacyBanner: true,
          // localize the privacy banner
          language: args.context.storefront.i18n.language,
  • Update to 2024-10 SFAPI (#2570) by @wizardlyhel

  • Breaking change by @frandiox

    Update createWithCache to make it harder to accidentally cache undesired results. request is now mandatory prop when initializing createWithCache.

    // server.ts
    export default {
      async fetch(
        request: Request,
        env: Env,
        executionContext: ExecutionContext,
      ): Promise<Response> {
        try {
          // ...
    -     const withCache = createWithCache({cache, waitUntil});
    +     const withCache = createWithCache({cache, waitUntil, request});

    createWithCache now returns an object with two utility functions: and withCache.fetch. Both have a new prop shouldCacheResult that must be defined.

    The original withCache callback function is now This is useful to run multiple fetch calls and merge their responses, or run any arbitrary code. It caches anything you return, but you can throw if you don't want to cache anything.

      const withCache = createWithCache({cache, waitUntil, request});
      const fetchMyCMS = (query) => {
    -    return withCache(['my-cms', query], CacheLong(), async (params) => {
    +    return{
    +      cacheKey: ['my-cms', query],
    +      cacheStrategy: CacheLong(),
    +      // Cache if there are no data errors or a specific data that make this result not suited for caching
    +      shouldCacheResult: (result) => !result?.errors,
    +    }, async(params) => {
          const response = await fetch('', {
            method: 'POST',
            body: query,
          if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText);
          const {data, error} = await response.json();
          if (error || !data) throw new Error(error ?? 'Missing data');
          params.addDebugData({displayName: 'My CMS query', response});
          return data;

    New withCache.fetch is for caching simple fetch requests. This method caches the responses if they are OK responses, and you can pass shouldCacheResponse, cacheKey, etc. to modify behavior. data is the consumed body of the response (we need to consume to cache it).

    const withCache = createWithCache({cache, waitUntil, request});
    const {data, response} = await withCache.fetch<{data: T; error: string}>(
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'},
        cacheStrategy: CacheLong(),
        // Cache if there are no data errors or a specific data that make this result not suited for caching
        shouldCacheResponse: (result) => !result?.error,
        cacheKey: ['my-cms', body],
        displayName: 'My CMS query',
  • Breaking change by @wizardlyhel

    Deprecate usages of product.options.values and use product.options.optionValues instead.

    1. Update your product graphql query to use the new optionValues field.
      const PRODUCT_FRAGMENT = `#graphql
        fragment Product on Product {
          options {
    -        values
    +        optionValues {
    +          name
    +        }
    1. Update your <VariantSelector> to use the new optionValues field.
    -    options={product.options.filter((option) => option.values.length > 1)}
    +    options={product.options.filter((option) => option.optionValues.length > 1)}
  • Updated dependencies [d97cd56e, 809c9f3d, 8c89f298, a253ef97, 84a66b1e, 227035e7, ac12293c, c7c9f2eb, 76cd4f9b, 8337e534]:


29 Oct 17:05
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Patch Changes


29 Oct 17:05
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Minor Changes

  • [Breaking change] by @wizardlyhel

    Support worker compatibility date that aligns with SFAPI release.

    Starting from this major version, on each deploy to Oxygen, Hydrogen will be on Cloudflare worker compatibility date 2024-10-01. Onwards, Hydrogen will update worker compatibility date on every SFAPI release.

    There is no specific project update that needs to be done in order to get this feature. However, please ensure your project is working properly in an Oxygen deployment when updating to this Hydrogen version. (#2380)