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TorchRec DLRM Example trains, validates, and tests a Deep Learning Recommendation Model (DLRM) with TorchRec. The DLRM model contains both data parallel components (e.g. multi-layer perceptrons & interaction arch) and model parallel components (e.g. embedding tables). The DLRM model is pipelined so that dataloading, data-parallel to model-parallel comms, and forward/backward are overlapped. Can be run with either a random dataloader or Criteo 1 TB click logs dataset.

It has been tested on the following cloud instance types:

Cloud Instance Type GPUs vCPUs Memory (GB)
AWS p4d.24xlarge 8 x A100 (40GB) 96 1152
Azure Standard_ND96asr_v4 8 x A100 (40GB) 96 900
GCP a2-megagpu-16g 16 x A100 (40GB) 96 1300

A basic understanding of TorchRec will help in understanding See this tutorial.


Install dependencies

pip install tqdm torchmetrics


We recommend using torchx to run. Here we use the DDP builtin

  1. pip install torchx
  2. (optional) setup a slurm or kubernetes cluster
  3. a. locally: torchx run -s local_cwd dist.ddp -j 1x2 --script b. remotely: torchx run -s slurm dist.ddp -j 1x8 --script


You can also use torchrun.

  • e.g. torchrun --nnodes 1 --nproc_per_node 2 --rdzv_backend c10d --rdzv_endpoint localhost --rdzv_id 54321 --role trainer

Preliminary Training Results


  • Dataset: Criteo 1TB Click Logs dataset
  • CUDA 11.0, NCCL 2.10.3.
  • AWS p4d24xlarge instances, each with 8 40GB NVIDIA A100s.


Common settings across all runs:

--num_embeddings_per_feature "45833188,36746,17245,7413,20243,3,7114,1441,62,29275261,1572176,345138,10,2209,11267,128,4,974,14,48937457,11316796,40094537,452104,12606,104,35" --embedding_dim 128 --pin_memory --over_arch_layer_sizes "1024,1024,512,256,1" --dense_arch_layer_sizes "512,256,128" --epochs 1 --shuffle_batches
Number of GPUs Collective Size of Embedding Tables (GiB) Local Batch Size Global Batch Size Learning Rate AUROC over Val Set After 1 Epoch AUROC Over Test Set After 1 Epoch Train Records/Second Time to Train 1 Epoch Unique Flags
8 91.10 256 2048 1.0 0.8032480478286743 0.8032934069633484 ~284,615 rec/s 4h7m00s --batch_size 256 --learning_rate 1.0
1 91.10 16384 16384 15.0 0.8025434017181396 0.8026024103164673 ~740,065 rec/s 1h35m29s --batch_size 16384 --learning_rate 15.0 --change_lr --lr_change_point 0.65 --lr_after_change_point 0.035
4 91.10 4096 16384 15.0 0.8030692934989929 0.8030484914779663 ~1,458,176 rec/s 48m39s --batch_size 4096 --learning_rate 15.0 --change_lr --lr_change_point 0.80 --lr_after_change_point 0.20
8 91.10 2048 16384 15.0 0.802501916885376 0.8025660514831543 ~1,671,168 rec/s 43m24s --batch_size 2048 --learning_rate 15.0 --change_lr --lr_change_point 0.80 --lr_after_change_point 0.20
8 91.10 8192 65536 15.0 0.7996258735656738 0.7996508479118347 ~5,373,952 rec/s 13m40s --batch_size 8192 --learning_rate 15.0

QPS (train record/second) is calculated by using the following formula: x it/s * local_batch_size * num_gpus. The it/s can be found within the logs of the training results.

The final row, using 8 GPUs with a batch size of 8192, was not tuned to hit the MLPerf benchmark but is shown to highlight the QPS (train record/second) achievable with torchrec.


Run the following command to reproduce the results for a single node (8 GPUs) on AWS. This command makes use of the script.

Ensure to:

  • set $PATH_TO_1TB_NUMPY_FILES to the path with the pre-processed .npy files of the Criteo 1TB dataset.
  • set $TRAIN_QUEUE to the partition that handles training jobs

NVTabular For an alternative way of preprocessing the dataset using NVTabular, which can decrease the time required from several days to just hours. See the run instructions [here] (

Preprocessing command (numpy):

After downloading and uncompressing the Criteo 1TB Click Logs dataset, process the raw tsv files into the proper format for training by running ./scripts/ with necessary command line arguments.

Example usage:

bash ./scripts/ \
./criteo_1tb/raw_input_dataset_dir \
./criteo_1tb/temp_intermediate_files_dir \

The script requires 700GB of RAM and takes 1-2 days to run. We currently have features in development to reduce the preproccessing time and memory overhead. MD5 checksums of the expected final preprocessed dataset files are in md5sums_preprocessed_criteo_click_logs_dataset.txt.

We are working on improving this experience, for updates about this see

Example command:

torchx run --scheduler slurm --scheduler_args partition=$TRAIN_QUEUE,time=5:00:00 --num_trainers=8 -- --pin_memory --batch_size 2048 --epochs 1 --num_embeddings_per_feature "45833188,36746,17245,7413,20243,3,7114,1441,62,29275261,1572176,345138,10,2209,11267,128,4,974,14,48937457,11316796,40094537,452104,12606,104,35" --embedding_dim 128 --dense_arch_layer_sizes "512,256,128" --over_arch_layer_sizes "1024,1024,512,256,1" --in_memory_binary_criteo_path $PATH_TO_1TB_NUMPY_FILES --learning_rate 15.0 --shuffle_batches --change_lr --lr_change_point 0.80 --lr_after_change_point 0.20

Upon scheduling the job, there should be an output that looks like this:

torchx 2022-01-07 21:06:59 INFO     Launched app: slurm://torchx/14731
torchx 2022-01-07 21:06:59 INFO     AppStatus:
  msg: ''
  num_restarts: -1
  roles: []
  state: UNKNOWN (7)
  structured_error_msg: <NONE>
  ui_url: null

torchx 2022-01-07 21:06:59 INFO     Job URL: None

In this example, the job was launched to: slurm://torchx/14731.

Run the following commands to check the status of your job and read the logs:

# Status should be "RUNNING" if properly scheduled
torchx status slurm://torchx/14731

# Log file was automatically created in the directory where you launched the job from
cat slurm-14731.out

The results from the training can be found in the log file (e.g. slurm-14731.out).


The --validation_freq_within_epoch x parameter can be used to print the AUROC every x iterations through an epoch.

The in-memory dataloader can take approximately 20-30 minutes to load the data into memory before training starts. The --mmap_mode parameter can be used to load data from disk which reduces start-up time for training at the cost of QPS.

Inference A module which can be used for DLRM inference exists here. Please see the TorchRec inference examples for more information.

Running the MLPerf DLRM v2 benchmark

Create the synthetic multi-hot dataset

Step 1: Download and uncompressing the Criteo 1TB Click Logs dataset

Step 2: Run the 1TB Criteo Preprocess script.

Example usage:

bash ./scripts/ \
./criteo_1tb/raw_input_dataset_dir \
./criteo_1tb/temp_intermediate_files_dir \

The script requires 700GB of RAM and takes 1-2 days to run. MD5 checksums for the output dataset files are in md5sums_preprocessed_criteo_click_logs_dataset.txt.

Step 3: Run the script

python \
    --in_memory_binary_criteo_path $PREPROCESSED_CRITEO_1TB_CLICK_LOGS_DATASET_PATH \
    --output_path $MATERIALIZED_DATASET_PATH \
    --num_embeddings_per_feature 40000000,39060,17295,7424,20265,3,7122,1543,63,40000000,3067956,405282,10,2209,11938,155,4,976,14,40000000,40000000,40000000,590152,12973,108,36 \
    --multi_hot_sizes 3,2,1,2,6,1,1,1,1,7,3,8,1,6,9,5,1,1,1,12,100,27,10,3,1,1 \
    --multi_hot_distribution_type uniform

Step 4: Run the MLPerf DLRM v2 benchmark, which uses the materialized multi-hot dataset

Example running 8 GPUs:

export TOTAL_TRAINING_SAMPLES=4195197692 ;
export GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE=65536 ;
export WORLD_SIZE=8 ;
torchx run -s local_cwd dist.ddp -j 1x8 --script -- \
    --embedding_dim 128 \
    --dense_arch_layer_sizes 512,256,128 \
    --over_arch_layer_sizes 1024,1024,512,256,1 \
    --synthetic_multi_hot_criteo_path /home/ubuntu/mountpoint/multi_hot2 \
    --num_embeddings_per_feature 40000000,39060,17295,7424,20265,3,7122,1543,63,40000000,3067956,405282,10,2209,11938,155,4,976,14,40000000,40000000,40000000,590152,12973,108,36 \
    --validation_freq_within_epoch $((TOTAL_TRAINING_SAMPLES / (GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE * 20))) \
    --epochs 1 \
    --pin_memory \
    --mmap_mode \
    --batch_size $((GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE / WORLD_SIZE)) \
    --interaction_type=dcn \
    --dcn_num_layers=3 \
    --dcn_low_rank_dim=512 \
    --adagrad \
    --learning_rate 0.005

Note: The proposed target AUROC to reach within one epoch is 0.80275.

(Alternative method that trains multi-hot data generated on-the-fly)

It is possible to use the 1-hot preprocessed dataset (the output of ./scripts/ to create the synthetic multi-hot data on-the-fly during training. This is useful if your system does not have the space to store the 3.8 TB materialized multi-hot dataset. Example run command:

export TOTAL_TRAINING_SAMPLES=4195197692 ;
export BATCHSIZE=65536 ;
export WORLD_SIZE=8 ;
torchx run -s local_cwd dist.ddp -j 1x8 --script -- \
    --embedding_dim 128 \
    --dense_arch_layer_sizes 512,256,128 \
    --over_arch_layer_sizes 1024,1024,512,256,1 \
    --in_memory_binary_criteo_path $1tb_numpy_contiguous_shuffled_dataset \
    --num_embeddings_per_feature 40000000,39060,17295,7424,20265,3,7122,1543,63,40000000,3067956,405282,10,2209,11938,155,4,976,14,40000000,40000000,40000000,590152,12973,108,36 \
    --validation_freq_within_epoch $((TOTAL_TRAINING_SAMPLES / (BATCHSIZE * 40))) \
    --epochs 1 \
    --pin_memory \
    --mmap_mode \
    --batch_size $((GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE / WORLD_SIZE)) \
    --interaction_type=dcn \
    --dcn_num_layers=3 \
    --dcn_low_rank_dim=512 \
    --adagrad \
    --learning_rate 0.005 \
    --multi_hot_distribution_type uniform \