Installation ** Ruby *** Rails *** Non-Rails ** JVM *** Maven *** Ant *** Ivy *** Gradle *** Manual
Running ** JVM *** JUnit *** CLI *** Maven (refer to JUnit and CLI with example) *** Ant ** Ruby *** CLI *** Rake (how to use Rake task, show default in Rails) ** CI ** Reporting
Gherkin ** Feature ** Scenario ** Step *** DataTable *** DocString ** Scenario Outline *** Examples ** Background (link to Hooks and back) ** Tags
API (Intro - talk about Glue code) ** General API - tabs with examples *** Step Definitions **** Assertions (just use JUnit/RSpec/whatever) - explain exceptions fail *** Hooks **** Before **** After **** Tagged Hooks *** Transforms *** Organisiing Stepdefs/Glue (patterns, antipatterns) ** JVM API *** Java **** DI *** Groovy *** Etc...
Web Applications (drawing describing relationships) ** Selenium ** Capybara ** Watir
Databases ** Describe the problem (needs to be clean, different connections, ref Web) ** Transaction ** Truncation
Related Tools ** The family *** Gherkin, Cucumber-*, etc... *** Ports... ** Editors and Syntax highlighters *** IDEA, Eclipse, TextMate, Vim, Emacs, Visual Studio, GitHub/Pygments, ...
FAQ ** Difference with Unit testing
Misc ** Artwork ** Wire protocol
Learn more ** Books ** Videos ** Conference Talks ** Courses/Training