In this early version, the following plot types are supported:
- line
- point
- scatter
- bar
- histogram
In the near future many more will be implemented as horizontal barplot, boxplots,pie-charts, etc.
Pandas-Bokeh is a high-level API for Bokeh. Nevertheless there are many options for customizing the plots, for example:
- figsize: Choose width & height of the plot
- title: Sets title of the plot
- xlim/ylim: Set visibler range of plot for x- and y-axis (also works for datetime x-axis)
- xlabel/ylabel: Set x- and y-labels
- logx/logy: Set log-scale on x-/y-axis
- xticks/yticks: Explicitly set the ticks on the axes
- colormap: Defines the colors to plot. Can be either a list of colors or the name of a Bokeh color palette
- hovertool: If True a Hovertool is active, else if False no Hovertool is drawn.
Plots like scatterplot or histogram also have many more additional customization options.
- Fixed Error when importing Pandas-Bokeh in Python 2.7
- Small refactoring and Black code formatting
- WebGL now as plotting backend as default
- Code Refactoring & many bugfixes
- Added panning/zooming keyword options
- Toolbar now visible per default
- Kwargs names are checked in columns of DataFrame/Series and kept if there is a match, such that additional keyword arguments can be used to specify for example line_width or alpha value of plots
- Improved Functionalities (row, column) for Pandas-Bokeh Layouts
- Added <hovertool_string> for providing an HTML string to the hovertool
- Many additional customization arguments
- Additional plot types:
- areaplots (with stacked and normed kwargs)
- horizontal & stacked barplots
- piecharts
- mapplot
- Added accessors similar to the pandas.DataFrame.plot API:
df.plot_bokeh(kind="line", ...)
df.plot_bokeh(kind="bar", ...)
df.plot_bokeh(kind="hist", ...)
- ...
- Smarter x-axis formatting for barplots when using datetimes
- Histogram parameter also accepts integers (to specify number of bins)
- Added support for categorical x-axis for all plot types (line, scatter, area, ...)
- Smarter autodetection of x- and y-labels
- Added <tile_attribution> & <tile_alpha> parameter for background tiles of geoplots
- Support for xlim & ylim in WGS84 (Latitude/Longitude) for geoplots
- Greatly Improved performance for Polygon Geoplots
- Refactoring of mapplot API (calls GeoPandas API of Pandas-Bokeh), such that all options of GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame.plot_bokeh are available.
- Allow passing a Pandas_Bokeh figure to overlay geoplots (not fully supported for category/dropdown/slider yet)
- Bug Fix for new Pandas 0.24 release
- Implementation of first tests
- PySpark support
- Zeppelin Notebooks support
- Added "disable_scientific_axes" option for Plots
- Bugfixes
- Implementation of number_format keyword for line, scatterplots
- Official support also for Python 3.4 & 3.5
- Official Pandas backend switch support for pandas >= 0.25
- Add stepplot
- Add support for colormap ticker formatting in Geoplots
- Support for multipolygons & holes in Geoplots
- Bugfixes
- conda support
- Rangetool support
- Autoscaling support using the sizing_mode keyword
- Bugfixes
- speedup when plotting GeoDataFrames
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes (#55-Multipolygon plotting error)
- Improvements with sizing & zooming (#61)
- Implementation of geometry_column-parameter for geoplots (#14 Plotting LineString)
- Fix of deprecation warnings for Bokeh >= 2.0 and future minimum requirement Bokeh>=2.0 (#51-BokehDeprecationWarnings with Bokeh v1.4.0, #59-Bokeh 2.0 is imminent)
- Fix of Problem with Datetime Hovertool columns with Bokeh>=2.0 (#60-Hovertool datetime shows as percentage.)
- Fix broken Dropdown and Slider for Geoplots (#68 Not compatible with Bokeh 2.x)
- Added fontsize settings for Labels, Title and Ticks
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- keep aspect ratio for map-plots
- add support for Bokeh 2.3
- fix problem with Pandas Extension-Datatypes (#94)
- fix problem when passing string-values to
- Display adaptive xticks per default
- Drop support for Python 3.6
- Rename plot_height -> height, plot_width -> width in
interface - Bugfixes (i.e. fix of lattitude/longitude checking -> thanks @vroger11)