Update package.jsons of individual modules under packages
as well as dependent module package.jsons and root package.json.
Npm Packages are:
- @signalk/server-admin-ui-dependencies
- @signalk/server-admin-ui
- @signalk/server-api
- @signalk/streams
- @signalk/resources-provider
- signalk-server
npm version major | minor | patch
This will update root package.json, commit the change and create the version git tag. Then push master & the tag to Github with git push && git push --tags
and GH Actions will take care of the rest.
Prerelease versions
- Check the status in npm
- Set package.json version & git tag using
npm version
as usual but specify the version, for examplenpm version 1.19.0-beta.2
- Prerelease version MUST CONTAIN THE STRING beta as the release actions branch on that
This will trigger GH action that
- builds and publishes all the submodules whose version does not match the latest version in npm
- builds and publishes the server
- builds docker images tagged with version and
- deploys the version at fly.io as https://demo.signalk.org/