Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) API.
Copyright (c) 2015 Silent Circle
Authors: Edwin Fine (
This is the API to the GCM Service Provider.
In the example below, all optional values are shown with their defaults if omitted.
Opts = [
%% Required GCM API key
{api_key, <<"ahsgdfjkjkjfdk">>},
%% Required, even if empty list. Defaults shown.
{ssl_opts, [
{verify, verify_peer},
{reuse_sessions, true}
%% Optional, defaults as shown.
{uri, ""},
%% Optional, omitted if missing.
{restricted_package_name, <<"my-android-pkg">>},
%% Maximum times to try to send and then give up.
{max_attempts, 10},
%% Starting point in seconds for exponential backoff.
%% Optional.
{retry_interval, 1},
%% Maximum seconds for a request to live in a retrying state.
{max_req_ttl, 3600},
%% Reserved for future use
{failure_action, fun(_)}
{ok, Pid} = gcm_erl:start_session('gcm-com.example.MyApp', Opts).
RegId = <<"e7b300...a67b">>, % From earlier Android registration
Opts = [
{id, RegId},
{collapse_key, <<"New Mail">>},
{data, [{msg, <<"You have new mail">>}]}
{ok, Result} = gcm_erl:send('gcm-com.example.MyApp', Opts),
{UUID, Props} = Result.
{ok, Result} = gcm_erl_session:send('gcm-com.example.MyApp',
{UUID, Props} = Result.
ok = gcm_erl:stop_session('gcm-com.example.MyApp').
async_send/2 | Asynchronously send a notification specified by proplist
Notification to SvrRef . |
async_send/3 | Asynchronously send a notification specified by proplist
Notification to SvrRef with options Opts . |
send/2 | Send a notification specified by proplist Notification
to SvrRef . |
send/3 | Send a notification specified by proplist Notification
to SvrRef with options Opts . |
start_session/2 | Start a named session. |
stop_session/1 | Stop named session. |
async_send(SvrRef, Notification) -> Result
SvrRef = term()
Notification = gcm_json:notification()
Result = {ok, {submitted, Reply}} | {error, Reason}
Reply = term()
Reason = term()
Asynchronously send a notification specified by proplist
to SvrRef
See also: async_send/3, gcm_erl_session:async_send/2.
async_send(SvrRef, Notification, Opts) -> Result
SvrRef = term()
Notification = gcm_json:notification()
Opts = proplists:proplist()
Result = {ok, {submitted, Reply}} | {error, Reason}
Reply = term()
Reason = term()
Asynchronously send a notification specified by proplist
to SvrRef
with options Opts
See also: send/3, gcm_erl_session:async_send/3.
send(SvrRef, Notification) -> Result
SvrRef = term()
Notification = gcm_json:notification()
Result = {ok, Reply} | {error, Reason}
Reply = term()
Reason = term()
Send a notification specified by proplist Notification
to SvrRef
See also: send/3, gcm_erl_session:send/2.
send(SvrRef, Notification, Opts) -> Result
SvrRef = term()
Notification = gcm_json:notification()
Opts = proplists:proplist()
Result = {ok, Reply} | {error, Reason}
Reply = term()
Reason = term()
Send a notification specified by proplist Notification
to SvrRef
with options Opts
. Opts
currently only supports
{http_headers, [{string(), string()}]}
to provide extra headers.
Note that SvrRef
may be the registered name or {Name, Node}
where Node
is an Erlang node on which the registered process
called Name
is running.
Name = 'gcm-com.example.MyApp', % Note: atom() !
Notification = [
%% Required, all others optional
{id, <<"abc">>},
{collapse_key, <<"Something">>},
{priority, <<"high">>},
{content_available, true},
{data, []},
{delay_while_idle, false},
{time_to_live, 3600},
{restricted_package_name, <<"foo_pkg>>},
{dry_run, false}
gcm_erl:send(Name, Notification, []),
gcm_erl:send({Name, node()}, Notification, []).
See also: gcm_erl_session:send/3.
start_session(Name::atom(), Opts::gcm_erl_session:start_opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, already_started} | {error, Reason::term()}
Start a named session.
See also: gcm_erl_session:start_link/2.
stop_session(Name::atom()) -> ok | {error, Reason::term()}
Stop named session.