Commissioning can be done using an Android Phone through the following steps.
Download pre-build application from the Matter Artifacts page.
- Open the .apk that is installed in the Android mobile
- Connect the Android phone to the Wi-Fi Access Point that is going to be used
- Run the installed CHIP app
- Click 'Provision Chip device with Wi-Fi'
- The app will bring up the camera:
- Hold the camera to the LCD on the WSTK board
- Scan the QR Code displayed on LCD screen of EFR32 MG12 Platform
- Input the SSID/Passphrase of the Wi-Fi Access Point on the next screen
- Hold the phone very close (a few centimeters) from the EFR32 platform (as the Bluetooth Antenna is slightly weak)
- You will see messages (Toasts) pop up - saying that the App is 'Scanning', then 'Pairing', followed by 'Commissioning Done'
- Once commissioning is completed, the app will go back to the original/home screen
- Click on 'Light ON/OFF & Level Cluster'
- You can then bring up the On/Off Cluster and send On/Off Commands (Toggle does not work as required currently) - this will cause LED 1 on the WSTK to change states
If the Commissioning is not successful, try to re-boot your mobile and try again.
Once commissioning is completed, if you want to repeat the test, follow these steps:
- Remove power to the system (EFR32MG12 + RS9116)
- Power up the system again - this should cause the LCD to turn on and the QR code to show up
- Press the BTN0 button and keep it pressed for about 1 min - this should cause LED0 and LED1 to turns ON and OFF for 3 times. You can then leave the button