- Migrate
.// Old final style = HeaderStyle( headerTextStyle : TextStyle(), headerMargin : EdgeInsets.zero, headerPadding : EdgeInsets.zero, titleAlign : TextAlign.center, decoration : BoxDecoration(), mainAxisAlignment : MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, leftIcon : Icon(Icons.left), rightIcon : Icon(Icons.right), leftIconVisible : true, rightIconVisible : true, leftIconPadding : EdgeInsets.zero, rightIconPadding : EdgeInsets.zero, );
// After Migration // NOTE: leftIconVisible and rightIconVisible is removed in // latest version. set leftIconConfig and rightIconConfig null to // hide the respective icon. final style = HeaderStyle( headerTextStyle : TextStyle(), headerMargin : EdgeInsets.zero, headerPadding : EdgeInsets.zero, titleAlign : TextAlign.center, decoration : BoxDecoration(), mainAxisAlignment : MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, // Set this null to hide the left icon. leftIconConfig : IconDataConfig( padding: EdgeInsets.zero, icon: Icon(Icons.left), ), // Set this null to hide the right icon. rightIconConfig : IconDataConfig( padding: EdgeInsets.zero, icon: Icon(Icons.right), ), );
- Migrate
:// Old final header = MonthPageBuilder({ date = DateTime.now(), dateStringBuilder = (date, {secondaryDate}) => '$date', backgroundColor = Constants.headerBackground, iconColor = Constants.black, });
// After Migration final header = MonthPageBuilder({ date = DateTime.now(), dateStringBuilder = (date, {secondaryDate}) => '$date', headerStyle = HeaderStyle.withSameIcons( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Constants.headerBackground, ), iconConfig: IconDataConfig( color: Constants.black, ), ), });