These boxes are for selecting the colour you want your block placed next to be.
To place a block, select the colour and click on an empty tile in the grid. You may drag to place multiple tiles next to each other.
In order to add block attachments, select the attachment and place it on the block. For move counts, there are buttons to change the number.
To add wall attachments to your level, select one of them and choose a side where it will be attached afterwards.
To place force fields, select the colour and click on a tile in the grid. You may put several force fields on the same tile.
You can put chains between blocks by selecting the associated button in the editor and clicking on one of the four sides of one block and another one after that. A block may accordingly have up to four chains with other blocks.
Wall blocks placed next to each other in the editor will be merged by default. If you want to avoid that, set certain shapes with the given tools to separate them.
If you want to delete already placed blocks, click on the red X and with that on the tiles you want to remove.
Click on the red square to change the boundaries of your level. Afterwards, press and hold on the grid to set an area.
If you want to copy a complete tile in your grid, press the dashed green square, select the tile you want to copy afterwards and place it somewhere.
You may use the green dotted square to remove by the cursor currently held tiles as well.
Select the four possible gravity directions the player may choose from as well as the direction of the gravity the player starts the level with.
If you want to activate shape mode for your level, tick the associated box and set the amount of shapes of each colour needed for completion.
There is a bar at the bottom of the editor showing some helpful information when selecting certain tiles.