Please feel free to update this list along with any pull requests.
Version 1 contributors can be found in the v1 readme.
Unfortunately it's only possible to view master branch contributions. Once the v2 branch is switched to master, the development contributors list will be updated.
- Chinese: ahdg, Hi_Michael
- Czech: Ethxrnity, LukarioJapans, Nekomitsuki, Renzotom, Volgeop, Zemos
- Dutch: Akela, Derkades, Jesse Geerts, Rody Molenaar, Sander Lambrechts, smessie
- English UK (default)
- English US (default)
- German: BattleDev, BukkitTNT, H4nSolo
- Greek: ArisC
- Italian: alsoGAMER
- Japanese: Mari0914, SimplyRin
- Lithuanian: Govindas, Justas
- Norwegian: HeyImSushii, Maiu, OscarWoHA
- Polish: brzezinsky, Cubixor, kacperleague9
- Portuguese: dasilvaj4, Douglas Teles
- Romanian: BaxAndrei
- Slovak: JozefSorokac
- Spanish: Ariuw, iMaykolRD_, TheSuperSkills, zJerino
- Swedish: IsS127
- Turkish: xOrcun
- French: WhiteSkyAngel