Phaser CE is the Community Edition of Phaser. It was started with the 2.7.0 release and since then the community has worked to continue updating it, fixing bugs and adding new features.
Via: If a class has an entry in the Via column it means you can quickly access it through a local reference: e.g., you can control the camera via
from any state, or
if game has been globally defined.
Class |
Via |
Description |
Game |
game |
Manages booting, creating subsystems and running the logic and render loop. |
World |
world |
The Game World in which all Game Objects live. |
Camera |
camera |
The Camera is your view into the Game World. |
Stage |
stage |
The Stage is the root display object. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
StateManager |
state |
Creates, manages and swaps your Game States. |
State |
- |
A base Game State object you can extend. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Cache |
cache |
The Cache is where all loaded assets are stored and retrieved from. |
Loader |
load |
Loads all external asset types (images, audio, json, xml, txt) and adds them to the Cache. Automatically invoked by a States preload method. |
LoaderParser |
- |
A Static Class used by the Loader to handle parsing of complex asset types. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
ScaleManager |
scale |
Manages the sizing and scaling of your game across devices. |
FlexGrid |
scale.grid |
A responsive layout grid (still in testing) |
FlexLayer |
- |
A responsive grid layer (still in testing) |
Class |
Description |
Signal |
Signals are Phasers internal Event system. |
SignalBinding |
Manages which callbacks are bound to a Signal. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
PluginManager |
plugins |
Installs, updates and destroys Plugins. |
Plugin |
- |
A base Plugin object you can extend. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
GameObjectFactory |
add |
A helper class that can create any of the Phaser Game Objects and adds them to the Game World. |
GameObjectCreator |
make |
A helper class that can creates and returns any Phaser Game Object. |
Group | |
Groups can contain multiple Game Objects and have the ability to search, sort, call, update and filter them. |
InputHandler |
<object>.input |
If a Game Object is enabled for input this class controls all input related events, including clicks and drag. |
Events |
<object>.events |
All of the Game Object level events. |
Create |
create |
Dynamic Sprite and Texture generation methods. |
Class |
Description |
Sprite |
A Game Object with a texture, capable of running animation, input events and physics. |
Image |
A lighter Game Object with a texture and input, but no physics or animation handlers. |
TileSprite |
A Game Object with a repeating texture that can be scrolled and scaled. |
Button |
An Image Game Object with helper methods and events to turn it into a UI Button. |
SpriteBatch |
A custom Sprite Batch. Can render multiple Sprites significantly faster if they share the same texture. |
Rope |
A jointed Game Object with a strip-based texture. |
Class |
Description |
Graphics |
Allows you to draw primitive shapes (lines, rects, circles), setting color, stroke and fills. |
BitmapData |
Provides a powerful interface to a blank Canvas object. Can be used as a Sprite texture. |
RenderTexture |
A special kind of texture you can draw Sprites to extremely quickly. |
Class |
Description |
Text |
Displays text using system fonts or Web Fonts, with optional fills, shadows and strokes. |
BitmapText |
A texture based text object that uses a Bitmap Font file. |
RetroFont |
Similar to a BitmapText object but uses a classic sprite sheet. Each character is a fixed-width. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
AnimationManager |
sprite.animations |
Adds, plays and updates animations on Sprite Game Objects. |
Animation |
- |
The base Animation object that the Animation Manager creates. |
AnimationParser |
- |
Used internally by the Phaser Loader to parse animation data from external files. |
FrameData |
- |
A collection of Frame objects that comprise an animation. |
Frame |
- |
A single Frame of an Animation. Stored inside of a FrameData object. |
Class |
Description |
Circle |
A Circle object consisting of a position and diameter. |
Ellipse |
An Ellipse object consisting of a position, width and height. |
Line |
A Line object consisting of two points at the start and end of the Line. |
Point |
A Point object consisting of an x and y position. |
Polygon |
A Polygon object consisting of a series of Points. |
Rectangle |
A Rectangle object consisting of an x, y, width and height. |
RoundedRectangle |
A Rectangle object consisting of an x, y, width, height and corner radius. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Time |
time |
The core internal clock on which all Phaser time related operations rely. |
Timer |
time.create |
A custom Timer that contains one or more TimerEvents. Can be used either once or be set to repeat. |
TimerEvent |
time.add |
A single time related event object. Belongs to a Phaser.Timer. |
Class |
Description |
Tilemap |
A Tilemap consists of one or more TilemapLayers and associated tile data. Contains methods for tile data manipulation and TilemapLayer generation. |
TilemapLayer |
A single layer within a Tilemap. Extends from Phaser.Sprite and is responsible for rendering itself. |
Tileset |
An object containing a texture and data used for rendering tiles by a TilemapLayer. |
Tile |
A single Tile object with related properties. One of these exists for every tile in a map. |
TilemapParser |
A Static class used to parse externally loaded map data. Typically called directly by Phaser.Loader. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Math |
math |
Contains lots of math related helper methods including fuzzy logic and interpolation. |
QuadTree |
- |
A stand-alone QuadTree implementation. Used by Arcade Physics but can also be used directly. |
RandomDataGenerator |
rnd |
A seedable repeatable random data generator. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Net |
net |
Browser URL and query string related methods. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Particles |
particles |
The Phaser Particle Manager. Called during the game loop and updates any associated Particle Emitters. |
Emitter |
add.emitter |
An Arcade Physics based Particle Emitter. |
Particle |
- |
A single Particle object as emitted by the Emitter. Extends Phaser.Sprite. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Physics |
physics |
The core Physics Manager. Provides access to all of the physics sub-systems. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Arcade |
physics.arcade |
The Arcade Physics handler. Contains collision, overlap and movement related methods. |
Body |
sprite.body |
An Arcade Physics Body. Contains velocity, acceleration, drag and other related properties. |
Weapon |
game.add.weapon |
An Arcade Physics powered Weapon plugin, for easy bullet pool management. |
Ninja Physics is not bundled in Phaser by default. Please see the README custom build details section.
Class |
Via |
Description |
Ninja | |
The Ninja Physics handler. Contains collision, overlap and movement related methods. |
Body |
sprite.body |
A Ninja Physics Body. Contains velocity, acceleration, drag and other related properties. |
- |
An AABB Ninja Physics Body type. |
Circle |
- |
A Circle Ninja Physics Body type. |
Tile |
- |
A Tile Ninja Physics Body type. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Input |
input |
The Input Manager. Responsible for handling all Input sub-systems. Also looks after Input enabled Game Objects. |
Pointer |
input.pointer |
Pointers encapsulate all mouse or touch related input, regardless of how it was generated. On multi-touch systems more than one Pointer can be active at any one time. In Input related events a reference to the corresponding Pointer is passed. |
DeviceButton |
pointer.leftButton , … |
Represents a button on a mouse or pen/stylus. |
Keyboard |
input.keyboard |
The Keyboard input handler. Listens for device related events. Can also create Key objects. |
Key |
- |
A Key object is responsible for listening to a specific Key. Created by the Keyboard class. |
KeyCode |
- |
The KeyCode constants are used when creating new Key objects. |
Mouse |
input.mouse |
A Mouse event handler. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer. |
MouseWheel |
input.mouseWheel |
A Mouse Wheel event handler. |
MSPointer |
input.mspointer |
An event handler for the Pointer Events API. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer. |
PointerLock |
input.pointerLock |
An event handler for the Pointer Lock API. |
Touch |
input.touch |
A Touch event handler. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Gamepad |
input.gamepad |
The Gamepad Manager looks after all connected Gamepads to the device. Creates SinglePad instances. |
SinglePad |
input.gamepad.pad<1,4> |
Represents a single connected gamepad. |
DeviceButton |
- |
Represents a button on a SinglePad instance. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
TweenManager |
tweens |
The Tween Manager creates, updates and destroys all active tweens. |
Tween |
add.tween |
A Tween object. Consists of TweenData objects that represent the tween and any child tweens. |
TweenData |
- |
A TweenData object contains all the information related to a tween. Created by and belongs to a Phaser.Tween object. |
Easing |
- |
A static class containing all of the easing functions available to Tweens. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
SoundManager |
sound |
The Sound Manager controls all Sound objects and can play, loop, fade and stop Sounds. |
Sound | , add.sound |
A Sound object. Can be played, paused and stopped directly, and have its volume adjusted. |
AudioSprite |
add.audioSprite |
An Audio Sprite is a Sound object with related marker data representing sections of the audio. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
Canvas |
- |
A static class containing Canvas creation and manipulation methods. Such as adding to the dom, setting touch actions, smoothing and image rendering. |
Device |
game.device |
The Device class checks system capabilities and settings on boot and stores them for later access. |
- |
A static class containing DOM specific methods including offset handling, viewport calibration and bounds checks. |
RequestAnimationFrame |
game.raf |
Abstracts away the use of RAF or setTimeOut for the core game update loop. |
Class |
Via |
Description |
ArraySet |
- |
ArraySet is a Set data structure (items must be unique within the set) that also maintains order. |
ArrayUtils |
- |
Array specific methods such as getRandomItem, shuffle, transposeMatrix, rotate and numberArray. |
Color |
- |
Phaser.Color is a set of static methods that assist in color manipulation and conversion. |
Debug |
game.debug |
A collection of methods for displaying debug information about game objects. |
LinkedList |
- |
A basic Linked List data structure. |
Utils |
- |
Utility methods for Object and String inspection and modification. Including getProperty, pad, isPlainObject, extend and mixin. |