Anthony Howe Snert 42 av. Isola Bella 06400 Cannes, France
This little mynx will give any Fiery Fox a run for its money. A nice complement to last years winning hibachi. The judges double dare any eager Obfuscationalists to submit the missing pieces to get a functioning LAMP stack.
cc -O2 -o mynx mynx.c
If this does not work for you, use the enclosed configure script.
I was rather impressed by last year's mini web server. So much so that it inspired me to try my hand at writing the client side complement.
A typical build would be command would be:
$ gcc -omynx mynx.c
While some others like to be a little different:
$ gcc -omynx mynx.c -lnsl -lsocket
I even managed to figure out a basic configure script, given last year's example, which is kinda of useful when you consider how many OSes put all the network functions in a variety of places. So a simpler build command sequence would be:
$ ./configure
$ make
After which, the rest of the documentation can be read by saying:
$ mynx manual.html
makefile pre-built generic Un*x
manual.html makefile template
entities.txt ISO 8859-1 entites configure script description
configure pre-built configure script