Title: R P S By: Steve Hanlon Nov. 23, 2017
Goal: Develop a React App based on the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. One player plays the computer in a first-to-win-three match.
- Develop index.html static site with hard-coded content.
- Create React project
- Create Components based on HTML static site then create Component Directories with JS and CSS files.
- Copy/Paste the hard-coded HTML and CSS into the various React components, rewrite file/link paths
- Create logic through methods, pass props, onClick and onChange handlers
- App
- Get Hands appearing on DOM
- Get Score to increment based on outcome
- Get referee call messages to show on DOM
- GameArea
- ScoreBar
- ButtonBar
- Button
- Set up onClick handler and State of player choice
Component Mapping
App component - to handle logic and states and render gameArea component, header Title
GameArea component renders ScoreBar, GameHand, ButtonBar
- GameHand component - use state to set state of hand images
ScoreBar component - to handle score logic (increment score) and Winner state, player name (input) and computer name (hardcoded), renders
- PlayerName component
- ScoreNumber component
ButtonBar component
- Button component - onClick for each button to control the GameHand for your player (note: Computer's hand will be picked separately)