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Peripherals Integration

This documentation file summarizes how to integrate a hardware peripheral in the x-heep platform.


This document features:

  • Where to place the peripherals description files
  • How to interface the peripheral in the x-heep platform
  • How to implement the registers
  • How to implement an RX window (for data stream)
  • How to access the peripheral via software
  • How to run a simulation

Note This document is a stub. You can contribute by detailing the implementation of other peripheral interfaces you encounter.

Where to place the peripherals description files

Peripherals RTL code are placed under :


The module folder typically contains:

├── data
│   └── <peripheral>.hjson
├── rtl
│   ├── <peripheral>
│   ├── <peripheral>
│   ├── <peripheral>
│   ├── <peripheral>.sv
│   ├── <peripheral>
│   └── ...
├── <peripheral>.core
├── <peripheral>.sh
└── <peripheral>.vlt

The <peripheral>.hjson file is a manifest file that provides peripheral's metadata, bus interfaces, registers declaration and data windows declaration.

The <peripheral> and <peripheral> files are automatically generated at the peripheral build time.

The <peripheral> file contains the hardware description of the data window. It it necessary only if the peripheral features such a window and can be merged into the peripheral hardware description. The naming is free.

The <peripheral>.sv file is the top of the standalone peripheral, without the interface to the x-heep platform. The <peripheral> is a wrapper that interfaces the standalone peripheral with the signals coming from the auto-generated files. The naming is free and the files can be merged together but it is useful to keep them separated in order to separately simulate the standalone peripheral.

The <peripheral>.core file is a manifest file that declares files and dependencies of the peripheral.

The <peripheral>.sh file is a script file that is used to build the peripheral. It will generate the auto-generated files.

The <peripheral>.vlt is a waiver file. By default, warnings make the simulation compilation fail. When a warning message is proven not to affect the robustness of the peripheral, a waiver can be added to this file in order to ignore the warning and resume the simulation compilation.

How to interface the peripheral with the x-heep platform

  1. A <peripheral>.hjson file must be created (see hw/ip/pdm2pcm/data/pdm2pcm.hjson for an example). See below for more details.

  2. A <peripheral>.core file must be created (see hw/ip/pdm2pcm/pdm2pcm.core for an example). Dependencies must be declared under depend: and peripheral description files must be declared under files:.

  3. A <peripheral>.sh file must be created. It can be adapted from the example given in

Warning When a file has a template (another file that has the same name but with a .tpl extension), this file is auto-generated. Therefore, do only edit the template file. Otherwise, the modifications will be overriden at the platform generation.

  1. In case of modification of the GPIOs usage, the hw/fpga/ must be adapted.

a. In the x_heep_system_i instance, GPIOs can be replaced by the desired signals:

-      .gpio_X_io(gpio_io[X]),
+      .your_signal_io(your_signal_io),

b. The module xilinx_core_v_mini_mcu_wrapper should be modified as follows:

+    inout  logic your_signal_io,

-    inout logic [X:0] gpio_io,
+    inout logic [X-1:0] gpio_io,

c. The pads configuration (pad_cfg.json) must be adapted as well:

         gpio: {
-            num: <N>,
+            num: <N-D>,
             num_offset: 0, #first gpio is gpio0
             type: inout
+        pdm2pcm_pdm: {
+            num: 1,
+            type: inout
+            mux: {
+                <peripheral_io>: {
+                    type: inout
+                },
+                gpio_K: {
+                    type: inout
+                }
+            }
+        },
  1. The peripheral subsystem (hw/core-v-mini-mcu/ must also be adapted:

I. The I/O signals can be added in the peripheral_subsystem module:

    inout  logic your_signal_io,

II. The module must be instantiated in the peripheral subsystem:

  <peripheral> #(
  ) <peripheral>_i (
  1. The core MCU I/O must be adapted as well (hw/core-v-mini-mcu/ Add the I/Os to the peripherals subsystem instanciation:
  peripheral_subsystem #(
  ) peripheral_subsystem_i (
+      .your_signal_io(your_signal_io),
  1. The peripheral package and the waiver files must be declared in the core-v-mini-mcu.core manifest:
     - x-heep:ip:<peripheral>

     - hw/ip/<peripheral>/<peripheral>.vlt
  1. The MCU configuration (mcu_cfg.json) must be adapted:
    peripherals: {
+        <peripheral>: {
+            offset:  0x00060000,
+            length:  0x00010000,
+        },

How to implement the registers

  1. Registers must be declared under the registers: list in the <peripheral>.hjson file. To add a register, append the following:
    { name:     "REGISTER_NAME"
      desc:     "Description"
      swaccess: "rw"
      hwaccess: "hro"
      fields: [
        { bits: "15:0",  name: "LSBITS", desc: "Those are the least significant bits." }
        { bits: "31:16", name: "MSBITS", desc: "Those are the most significant bits." }
  1. In order to access registers from hardware, the wrapper file (.sv) must be adapted:

a. The module interface must be as follows:

module <peripheral> #(
    parameter type reg_req_t = logic,
    parameter type reg_rsp_t = logic,
) (
    input logic clk_i,
    input logic rst_ni,

    // Register interface
    input  reg_req_t reg_req_i,
    output reg_rsp_t reg_rsp_o,

    // I/Os
    inout  logic your_signal_io,

b. The corresponding package must be imported:

import <peripheral>_reg_pkg::*;

c. There are two objects used to interact with registers:

  • reg2hw, that contains signals to read values from registers (hardware readable)
  • hw2reg, that contains signals to write values into the registers (hardware writable).

d. The signals used to interact with registers are the following:

  • q contains the current value of a register to be read by hardware
  • d is written to assign a value to the register
  • de is an enable signal to get the value written by the hardware from software. It must be asserted to 1 to be able to read it from software.

e. A register with only one filed is accessed by its name and a register with several fields is accessed by its fields.

f. Some examples: // Data enable signal of a hardware-written field
hw2reg.register.d        // Data to be written on a hardware-written register
reg2hw.register.q        // Data to be read from a register

How to implement an RX window

  1. Windows must be declared under the registers: list in the <peripheral>.hjson file. To add a window, append the following:
    { window: {
        name: "RX_WINDOW_NAME",
        items: "1",
        validbits: "32",
        desc: '''Window purpose description'''
        swaccess: "ro"
  1. An RX window typically looks as follows:
module <peripheral>_window #(
    parameter type reg_req_t = logic,
    parameter type reg_rsp_t = logic
) (
    input  reg_req_t        rx_win_i,
    output reg_rsp_t        rx_win_o,
    input            [31:0] rx_data_i,
    output logic            rx_ready_o

  import <peripheral>_reg_pkg::*;

  logic [BlockAw-1:0] rx_addr;
  logic rx_win_error;

  assign rx_win_error = (rx_win_i.write == 1'b1) && (rx_addr != <peripheral>_reg_pkg::<peripheral>_RXDATA_OFFSET);
  assign rx_ready_o = rx_win_i.valid & ~rx_win_i.write;
  assign rx_win_o.rdata = rx_data_i;
  assign rx_win_o.error = rx_win_error;
  assign rx_win_o.ready = 1'b1;
  assign rx_addr = rx_win_i.addr;

endmodule : <peripheral>_window
  1. Data is presented on the rx_data_i signal and rx_ready_o is asserted.

How to access the peripheral via software

  1. Include the following headers to get the peripherals addresses macros and the I/O manipulation functions:
#include "core_v_mini_mcu.h"
#include "<peripheral>_regs.h"

#include "mmio.h"
  1. The function used to get the base address of the peripheral is the following (the base address is defined in sw/device/lib/runtime/core_v_mini_mcu.h.tpl):
mmio_region_t <peripheral>_base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr((uintptr_t)<peripheral>_START_ADDRESS);
  1. The read and write functions are the following:
mmio_region_write32(pdm2pcm_base_addr, <peripheral>_REGISTERNAME_REG_OFFSET ,<value_to_write>);
uint32_t response = mmio_region_read32(<peripheral>_base_addr, <peripheral>_REGISTERNAME_REG_OFFSET);

How to run a simulation

Use the hello_world (sw/applications/hello_world) program to quickly test a design.

The hardware platform is contained in the (tb/ test bench.

If the GPIOs usage has changed, the testbench must be adapted as follows:

- .gpio_X_io(gpio[X]),
+ .your_signal_io(gpio[X]),

Add an interrupt

You must register the interrupt in the MCU configuration mcu_cfg.json.

    interrupts: {
        number: 64, // Do not change this number!
        list: {
+          <interrupt identifier>: <interrupt num>

and then connect your signal in to the plic

+   assign intr_vector[${interrupts["<interrupt identifier>"]}] = <your signal>;

In software the interrupt gets trigger as "external" interrupt see rv_plic documentation, your interrupt number to be used in c is automatically added to the core_v_mini_mcu.h under the preprosessor define <YOUR INTERRUPT> .