docker image search
searches for images on Dockerhub
docker search ubuntu
docker image pull
downloads images
docker image pull ubuntu
docker image ls
lists pulled images
docker image ls
docker image rm
removes images
docker image rm ubuntu
docker image build
builds image
docker image build /path/to/Dockerfile
-t, --tag : give our image a name
docker run
creates and starts a container
docker run ubuntu echo hello world
--name : custom container name for easy reference
-i, --interactive : redirect STDIN
-t, --tty : pseudo-terminal
-d, --detach : detach
-p, --publish : map port 80 in your container to localhost:8000
-v, --volume : host/path:container/path
-v, --volume : named_volume:container/path
docker inspect
inspects container
docker inspect 13e8cddfdb76
docker create
creates a container (without starting it)
docker create ubuntu echo hello world
docker ps
lists containers
docker ps
-a, --all : list all containers
-q, --quiet : only show IDs
-l, --latest : only show latest container
docker start
starts (re-runs) a container
docker start 13e8cddfdb76
docker stop
stops a running container
docker stop 13e8cddfdb76
docker ps -q | xargs docker stop
docker rm
removes a container
docker rm 13e8cddfdb76
docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm
docker exec
execute a command in a running container
docker exec -it 13e8cddfdb76 echo hello world
-i, --interactive : redirect STDIN
-t, --tty : pseudo-terminal
docker volume ls
list volumes
docker volume ls
docker volume inspect
inspect volumes
docker volume inspect 1a28dcffdb76
docker cp
copy from container
docker cp 13e8cddfdb76:/data/db /tmp/db
docker cp /tmp/db 13e8cddfdb76:/data/db
Browse a running container on the host
cd /proc/$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} `docker ps -ql`)/root
FROM base_image
indicates the image's base image
COPY relative/path/host/ /absolute/path/container
copies files/directories over
RUN command arg1 arg2
runs a command on image build
CMD ["command", "arg1", "arg2"]
command to run on container build
docker-compose up
spins up a docker-compose.yml
docker swarm init
initialises a new swarm
docker join-token
gets the tokens to join a new node to the cluster
docker stack deploy
deploys a new stack