Status: Alpha
Please note this project has now been moved to
A set of templates designed to unify common AWS deployment topology. The common use cases it currently aim to facilitate includes:
- Web Hosting with only ELB exposed.
- Database with isolated subnets.
- Source Control; using Phabricator
- Continuous Integration; using Jenkins1 and Go.CD1
- Intelligence and Analytics; AWS log collection, Elasticsearch, Logstash1 and Kibana1
- Middle Ware and Support; Zookeeper, Kafka1
1 Denotes work in progress
Also others to come later:
- Clustering and Orchestration of Docker deployment; Mesospohere + HAProxy + Kubernetes
- A unified monitoring, alerting, reporting and anlytics topology across Windows and Linux. Encompassing all web servers, applications and runtimes; Apache, Nginx, Windows and all the listed software packages and nodejs, java, .net, etc etc.
- And more, Storm, Hadoop, Druid
With an all encompassing deployment topology, software vendors would then be able to create step by step walk through of deployment scenarios that map precisely to topologies that choose to dopt AWS-Lego.
One of the most common task of a starting dev team is 1) source control and 2) build server. Let's try deploy a complete VPC with both a Phabricator and a Jenkins installation.
Install AWS .Net SDK and have access to PowerShell From PowerShell: ``` Set-AWSCredentials -AccessKey -SecretKey Set-DefaultAWSRegion -Region ``` Setting up a VPC with public subnets, private subnets, and NAT (And all associated firewall and routing rules.) Then set up Phabricator, Jenkins Download: (Please note there are currently some issues with us-east-1 due to the possible skipping of AZ returned from [Fn::GetAZs]( Powershell ISE (or just Powershell) and run New-CompleteReferenceTopology.ps1
You will be prompted for required details.
Download and run: Download and run: