A list made to ideally narrow down what After Hours specifically needs, borrowing partly from https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-minecraft-fabric and https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fabulously-optimized.
Go to server mods list.
Go to entire mods list.
- Sodium - General performance optimization.
- Dynamic FPS - Sets the FPS to 1 when game is not focused.
- Hydrogen - Optimizes memory usage.
- Krypton - Optimizes networking slack.
- LazyDFU - Do not wake up DataFixerUpper unless needed to for bootup (i.e. migration for newer MC versions).
- Enhanced Block Entities - Improves block entities lag by using baked block models rather than entity models.
- FerriteCore - Optimizes memory usage (again!).
- Entity Culling - Stops rendering entities that are behind a wall.
- Language Reload - Makes language switching instant.
- Inventory Profiles Next - Convenient inventory and storage sorting solution.
- Emotecraft - Perform and create your own emotes.
- OK Zoomer - Allows for Optifine-like zooming controls.
- LambDynamicLights - Allows for dynamic lighting from items on hand to items on the ground.
- Inspecio - Extended support for tooltips.
- Pettable - You know it, baby. Pet animals with shift right-click.
- AppleSkin - Visualizes hunger and saturation while holding food.
- Xaero's Minimap - Mini map in the corner of your screen.
- Fabric Seasons - Implements worldwide seasons that cycle through every 28 days.
- Croptopia - Plenty more food items to farm and craft.
- Charm - Various gameplay additions, such as casks for storing potions and being unable to accidentally hurt your own pets.
- BetterEnd - Expands on End dimension gameplay.
- Additional Bars - Implements gold and wood bars, alongside being able to place bars horizontally.
- CleanCut - Attacking entities takes priority over cutting grass.
- Go Fish - Overhauls fishing and adds new content, to boot!
- More Villagers - New jobs, trades, and workbenches!
- More Banner Features - Offer more things to do with banners.
- Snow Under Trees for Fabric - Cold biomes will allow for snow underneath trees.
- Villager Names - Give villagers names.
- Fabric Waystones - Physical teleporters to locations.
- Litematica - Holographic building visualizers for your building comfort.
- Iris Shaders - Implements Optifine shader compatibility into Fabric.
- Figura - Fully customizable character creation.
- Better Dropped Items - Scatter items on the ground instead of spinning around on the spot.
- Illuminations - Fireflies! I love fireflies!
- Falling Leaves - Trees now produce leaf particle effects.
- NotEnoughAnimations - Adds brand new animations that fit contextually better.
- Fabulous Clouds - Clouds are tinted appropriately during sunrise and sunset, along other cloud-related configruations.
- Visuality - More particle effects for specific situations.
- Blur - Background blur while in menus.
- NPC Variety - Expressive villagers and various skintones.
- Axolotl Bucket Fix - Different axolotl species will be represented inside the bucket.
- BedrockWaters - Biome-specific water colours, similar to that of Bedrock edition.
- Villager Names - Give villagers names.
- Better Mount HUD - Horse health and your food are displayed at the same time, jump bar appears when jumping.
- Item Model Fix - Fixes transparent gaps in held items.
- BedrockWaters - Biome-specific water colours, similar to that of Bedrock edition.
- Skin Layers 3D - Outer skin layer is rendered as 3D.
- Wavey Capes - Makes capes a little cooler by having them wave around instead of being static.
- Particle Rain - Sandstorms, rain, and snow improved.
- Presence Footsteps - More dynamic footsteps.
- Charmonium - Ambient sound control.
- Sound Physics Remastered - Provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.
- Extra Sounds - Extra UI sound effects.
- Couplings - Couple the usage of doors, fence gates, and trapdoors.
- Simple Voice Chat - Enables proximity voice chat.
- SimplerHarvest - Right-click to harvest.
- Adorn - Furniture! Chairs! Sofas! Kitchens! Oh my!
- Grim's Transportables - Adds rideable carriages and new rail types.
- Animatica - Animated texture support.
- CIT Resewn - Custom item texture support.
- Colormatica - Custom colour support.
- ConnectedTexturesMod for Fabric - Connected textures support.
- Custom Entity Models (CEM) - Custom entity models support.
- MinecraftCapes Mod - Custom capes support.
- LambDynamicLights - Dynamic lights.
- Ok Zoomer - Zoom functionality
- Fabrilous Updater - Come on, do I need to explain this one? (Installable clientside)
- LambdaControls - Controller support.
- Sodium Extra - Brings forward more Optifine-like features to Sodium.
- Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) - Keeps your settings when updating the modpack.
- Cake Chomps - Added cake eating immersion.