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orb/geojson Godoc Reference

This package encodes and decodes GeoJSON into Go structs using the geometries in the orb package. Supports both the json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler interfaces. The package also provides helper functions such as UnmarshalFeatureCollection and UnmarshalFeature.


Unmarshalling (JSON -> Go)

rawJSON := []byte(`
  { "type": "FeatureCollection",
	"features": [
	  { "type": "Feature",
		"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]},
		"properties": {"prop0": "value0"}

fc, _ := geojson.UnmarshalFeatureCollection(rawJSON)

// or

fc := geojson.NewFeatureCollection()
err := json.Unmarshal(rawJSON, &fc)

// Geometry will be unmarshalled into the correct geo.Geometry type.
point := fc.Features[0].Geometry.(orb.Point)

Marshalling (Go -> JSON)

fc := geojson.NewFeatureCollection()
fc.Append(geojson.NewFeature(orb.Point{1, 2}))

rawJSON, _ := fc.MarshalJSON()

// or
blob, _ := json.Marshal(fc)

Feature Properties

GeoJSON features can have properties of any type. This can cause issues in a statically typed language such as Go. Included is a Properties type with some helper methods that will try to force convert a property. An optional default, will be used if the property is missing or the wrong type.

f.Properties.MustBool(key string, def ...bool) bool
f.Properties.MustFloat64(key string, def ...float64) float64
f.Properties.MustInt(key string, def int
f.Properties.MustString(key string, def ...string) string