- support for the SEP-12 endpoints get and post customer files
- experimental soroban passkey support
- include the changes from 1.9.1-beta
- fix contractID setter in XdrHashIDPreimage
- Improved Protocol 22 support backwards compatibility:
- revert createdAt to int in soroban TransactionInfo (getTransactions)
- make pagingToken in soroban EventInfo not nullable so it can still be used.
- Improve ErrorResponse object to contain the http response
- Protocol 22 support
- allow null values in account response for lastModifiedTime
- Improve and extend SEP-07 (UriScheme) support
- Updated toml to ^0.16.0
- Forwarded http client to EventSource
- minor fixes
- Add Soroban Contract Parser
- contract spec xdr fixes
- SEP-06: allow extra fields in deposit and withdraw request
- SEP-06: add userActionRequired by field in transaction response
- SEP-12: null safety improvements
- SEP-24: add userActionRequired by field in transaction response
- Update for Horizon API historical data changes
- add: submit async transactions (Horizon v2.31.0)
- soroban: add getTransactions, getFeeStats, getVersionInfo (RPC v21.4.0)
- sep12: add transaction_id to get and put customer
- sep: allow custom request headers
- improve submit tx timeout response handling
- improve request headers handling
- change sequence number from int to BigInt (web issue)
- null safety improvements
- add support for large amounts on web
- soroban improvements
- add soroban support to txRep (sep-11)
- add protocol 21 support
- update Soroban RPC args for sendTransaction and getTransaction
- add optional httpClient Parameter for StellarSDK
- add SEP-08 support
- improve SEP-06 support
- update SEP-01 currency fields: add contract field
- improve streams in the request builders
- update the request builder to maintain the original path and query
- update SEP-12 financial account fields
- update SEP-06 to reflect current SEP doc version
- add SEP-38 support
- update and extend SEP-09 KYC fields
- extend soroban send transaction response
- improve SEP-006 support
- update for new soroban version 20.0.2
- improve status code 429 handling
- fix soroban simulate tx response parsing
- fix a soroban test case
- improve sep-24 support
- add sep-30 support
- rename expirationLedgerSeq from rpc response
- add sep-30 support
- rename expirationLedgerSeq from rpc response
- update stable version of p20
- update horizon responses for p20
- remove soroban experimental flag
- multisigning for soroban prev 11.
- support for soroban prev 11
- anchor handling improvements
- preparations for web support
- xdr fixes: XdrSCNoceKey, data_io
- soroban contract source code loading
- 18 words mnemonic added
- add soroban prev. 10 support
- add SEP-24 support
- make streaming indefinite
- fix names in XdrSCSpec classes
- fix soroban events request
- extend soroban server (latest ledger, nonce for address)
- SEP 0006 improvements
- extend test cases
- add support for soroban prev 9
- improve soroban tests & docs
- add contract_id - strkey encoding
- add httpOverrides
- add SEP 0006 improvements
- update txrep for soroban prev 8
- add support for soroban prev 8
- improve soroban tests & docs
- add missing proof_of_liveness kyc field
- add support for soroban prev 7
- add support for soroban auth next
- extend txrep for soroban
- improve submit transaction response
- add fee meta xdr
- improve tx result xdr
- improve and bugfix tx result meta
- add soroban support
- add client domain signing delegate to webauth (sep-0010)
- extend and improve webauth test
- extend an improve webauth documentation
- improve null safety
- update api doc
- performance, test and docs improvements
- update dependency packages to newest versions
- update sdk to work with the newest packages
- fix example app build
- update sep-005 - add support for malay language
- update sep-001 - add new fields
- extend txrep to support protocol 19
- add SEP-0007 implementation
- protocol 19 support
- bugfix stack overflow error
- extend example app - add Stellar Quest Series 1 & 2
- bugfixes xdr transaction result parsing
- update end extend sep-011 support
- bugfixes in xdr parsing
- Muxed accounts are now supported by default
- fix sep-0012 headers
- improve documentation
- fix sep-10 transaction post
- fix revoke sponsorship operation
- improve documentation
- fix sep-10 transaction post
- fix sep-10 timebounds validation
- fix xdr parsing - claim predicate error
- P18: Fix for Unknown Enum Value in XdrClaimAtomType
- P18: Improve AMM Test Cases
- muxed accounts and memo support for SEP-10
- grace period for timebounds validation in SEP-10
- protocol 18 support
- null-safety support
- update http package version
- update eventsource package version
- extend sep-0010 support: add client attribution support
- extend sep-0010 support: accept multiple signers
- add sep-0006 support
- add sep-0009 support
- add sep-0012 support
- update support for horizon > 2.5.1 (representation of "..._muxed_id" field values changed to string)
- extend asset response for horizon 2.2.0
- add new endpont to fetch operations for claimable balances
- add new endpont to fetch transactions for claimable balances
- add 3 missing operations responses
- add access to _muxed and _muxed_id optional fields from horizon 2.4.0
- Add OPT-IN support for SEP0023 (Muxed Accounts M-strkeys)
- look-a-like G and M addresses
- add docs
- Add OPT-IN support for SEP0023 (Muxed Accounts M-strkeys)
- look-a-like G and M addresses
- add protocol 17 support
- bugfix claim claimable balance
- add support for sep-0010
- bugfixes & improvements
- add support for sep-0010
- add protocol 14 support
- make sep-0005 functions async
- minor improvements
- add fee bump support for TxRep
- add muxed accounts support for TxRep
- TxRep bugfixes and more tests
- add SEP-0011 implementation (txrep)
- add SEP-0011 examples and test
- refactor transaction, move network passphrase to signing
- improve examples
- add SEP-0011 MVP (experimental)
- SEP-0005 implementation:
- Key Derivation Methods for Stellar Keys
- Update documentation
- Add tests and examples
- SEP-0002 implementation - Federation
- update documentation
- add tests and examples
- SEP-0001 implementation
- loading and parsing stellar.toml data
- update documentation
- improve tests and examples
- update documentation
- improve tests and examples
- add tx_set_operation_count to ledger response
- finish beta testing phase
- improve path finding
- improve trades query
- fix and improve order book query
- change offer ids from int to String
- imporve tests and examples
- Handle muxed accounts on fee bump transactions (feeSource)
- Handle muxed accounts as transaction source
- Add fee bump example
- Add muxed account example
- Add support for muxed accounts
- Use XdrMuxedAccount in all supported operations
- Add fee stats implementation
- Add max operation fee
- Fix fee bump transaction
- Add query tests for accounts, efffects, ledgers.
- Fix ledger response parsing.
- Extend EffectsRequestBuilder for order, limit, cursor.
- remove many warnings/hints
- Add examples, app and more documentation.
- Restructuring of the project.
- Improve tests.
- Extend documentation and tests, extend orders result.
- Added examples, documentation, tests and bugfixes.
- Added tests and bugfixes.