We don't want to depend on third party services for our CI
We need this in order to trigger the post-recieve
$ git init --bare /var/beer/ci-update-repo
This can be as easy as issuing a git pull
or as complex as creating packages, containers
and running smoke tests.
$ cd ci-update-repo/hooks
$ cat <<EOF >> post-recieve
# Just pull on the repo
echo `date +"%m-%d-%y-%H:%m"`:"TRIGGERING POOR MAN's CI" >> $REPODIR/ci.log
git --git-dir=${REPODIR}/.git --work-tree=${REPODIR} pull -v origin master &>> $REPODIR/ci.log
$ cd git-local-repo
$ git remote add ci-repo ssh://user@remote.repo.com:1234/var/beer/ci-update-repo
After we make changes and commit them push them to the CI
$ git push ci-repo master
Be Happy!!