A markdown editor based on Vue
$ npm install mavon-editor --save
// Global Registration
// import with ES6
import Vue from 'vue'
import mavonEditor from 'mavon-editor'
import 'mavon-editor/dist/css/index.css'
// use
new Vue({
'el': '#main',
data() {
return { value: '' }
// The same below
<div id="main">
<mavon-editor v-model="value"/>
If you do not need code highlighting, you need set ishljs to false
Set ishljs = true
// default value is true
<mavon-editor :ishljs = "true"></mavon-editor>
For optimize the size of pack, since v2.4.2, the following files will default to using cdnjs
outside the chain:
The language parsing files and code highlighting in Code Highlighting highlight.js
will be loaded on demand.
and katex
will load only when mounted.
Notice: Option hljs color scheme and Supported language is export from highlight.js/9.12.0
<mavon-editor ref=md @imgAdd="$imgAdd" @imgDel="$imgDel"></mavon-editor>
exports default {
methods: {
// bind @imgAdd event
$imgAdd(pos, $file){
// step 1. upload image to server.
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append('image', $file);
url: 'server url',
method: 'post',
data: formdata,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' },
}).then((url) => {
// step 2. replace url  -> 
$vm.$img2Url(pos, url);
- Default size: min-height: 300px , min-width: 300px , Can be covered
- z-index: 1500
- Just for show html of md: toolbarsFlag: false , subfield: false, defaultOpen: "preview"
name | type | default value | describe |
value | String | Initial value | |
language | String | zh-CN | Language switch, zh-CN: Simplified Chinese , en: English , fr: French, pt-BR: Brazilian Portuguese |
fontSize | String | 15px | font-size of edit area |
scrollStyle | Boolean | true | Open the scroll bar style(Temp only support chrome) |
boxShadow | Boolean | true | css: box-shadow of mavonEditor |
subfield | Boolean | true | true: Double columns - Edit preview same screen , Single Columns - otherwise not |
defaultOpen | String | edit: default show edit area , preview: default show preview area , other = edit | |
placeholder | String | Begin editing... | The default prompt text when the textarea is empty |
editable | Boolean | true | Edit switch |
codeStyle | String | code-github | markdown Style: default github, option hljs color scheme |
toolbarsFlag | Boolean | true | Show toolbars |
navigation | Boolean | false | Show navigation |
toolbars | Object | As in the following example | toolbars |
ishljs | Boolean | true | highlight code switch |
imageFilter | Function | null | Image file filter Function, params is a File Object , you should return Boolean about the test result |
imageClick | function | null | Image Click Function |
The default toolbar properties are all true,
You can customize the object to cover them.
eg: {
bold: true,
italic: true,
header: true,
At this point, the toolbar only displays the three function keys.
toolbars: {
bold: true,
italic: true,
header: true,
underline: true,
strikethrough: true,
mark: true,
superscript: true,
subscript: true,
quote: true,
ol: true,
ul: true,
link: true,
imagelink: true,
code: true,
table: true,
fullscreen: true,
readmodel: true,
htmlcode: true,
help: true,
/* 1.3.5 */
undo: true,
redo: true,
trash: true,
save: true,
/* 1.4.2 */
navigation: true,
/* 2.1.8 */
alignleft: true,
aligncenter: true,
alignright: true,
/* 2.2.1 */
subfield: true,
preview: true
name | params | describe |
change | String: value , String: reder | Edit area change callback event (render: Html source code) |
save | String: value , String: reder | Ctrl+s and click save button |
fullScreen | Boolean: status , String: value | Fullscreen editing toggle callback event(boolean: Fullscreen status) |
readModel | Boolean: status , String: value | Reading mode toggle callback event(boolean: Reading mode status) |
htmlCode | Boolean: status , String: value | Html code mode toggle callback event(boolean: status) |
subfieldToggle | Boolean: status , String: value | Double columns edit mode toggle callback event(boolean: double columns status) |
previewToggle | Boolean: status , String: value | Preview & Edit toggle callback event(boolean: preview status) |
helpToggle | Boolean: status , String: value | Help-me toggle callback event(boolean: help status) |
navigationToggle | Boolean: status , String: value | Navigation mode toggle callback event(boolean: nav status) |
imgAdd | String: filename, File: imgfile | Add image file callback event(filename: write in origin md, File: File Object) |
imgDel | String: filename | Delete image file callback event(filename: write in origin md) |
key | keycode | fun |
F8 | 119 | toggle navigation |
F9 | 120 | toggle [edit/preview] |
F10 | 121 | toggle fullscreen |
F11 | 122 | toggle readModel |
F12 | 123 | toggle [double columns / single column] |
TAB | 9 | \t |
CTRL + S | 17 + 83 | @save |
CTRL + D | 17 + 68 | remove selected lines |
CTRL + Z | 17 + 90 | prev step |
CTRL + Y | 17 + 89 | next step |
CTRL + BreakSpace | 17 + 8 | trash |
CTRL + B | 17 + 66 | Bold |
CTRL + I | 17 + 73 | Italic |
CTRL + H | 17 + 72 | # Header |
CTRL + U | 17 + 85 | ++Underline++ |
CTRL + M | 17 + 77 | ==Mark== |
CTRL + Q | 17 + 81 | > Quote |
CTRL + O | 17 + 79 | 1. OL |
CTRL + L | 17 + 76 | link |
CTRL + ALT + S | 17 + 18 + 83 | ^Superscript^ |
CTRL + ALT + U | 17 + 18 + 85 | - UL |
CTRL + ALT + C | 17 + 18 + 67 | ``` Code |
CTRL + ALT + L | 17 + 18 + 76 | |
CTRL + ALT + T | 17 + 18 + 84 | Table |
CTRL + SHIFT + S | 17 + 16 + 83 | |
CTRL + SHIFT + D | 17 + 16 + 68 | |
CTRL + SHIFT + C | 17 + 16 + 67 | align center |
CTRL + SHIFT + L | 17 + 16 + 76 | align left |
CTRL + SHIFT + R | 17 + 16 + 82 | align right |
SHIFT + TAB | 16 + 9 | remove \t |
mavonEditor is open source and released under the MIT Licence.
Copyright (c) 2017 hinesboy