A list of Modpack tool mods for 1.16.x forge/fabric.
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Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Client/Server | Wiki | Label | License |
Asset Validator![]() |
Unknown | Asset Validator fixes a bug with snapshot versions of Minecraft (1.16+) that causes assets to fail to load in certain circumstances. The assets that fail to load may include language files, textures, models, and more. | HeyAmAK9, modmuss50 | Client | none | none | MIT |
KubeJS![]() KubeJS Addons Page |
Unknown | This mod lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to manage your server, add new blocks and items, change recipes and tags, add custom handlers for quest mods, change worldgen and more! | LatvianModder | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-3.0 |
MixinTrace![]() |
Unknown | This is a Fabric mod that adds a list of mixins (and Mixin configuration names) to classes in the stack trace to crash reports. | comp500 | Both | none | none | MIT |
Open Loader![]() |
Unknown | Open Loader is a utility mod that allows data packs and resource packs to be applied globally across all save files in a game instance. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Client/Server | Wiki | Label | License |
Bad Mobs![]() |
Unknown | his mod allows you to remove mobs from the natural mob spawning list. Simply open the config file and add the IDs for the mob you want to remove. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Kinda | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Bansōkō [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher![]() |
Unknown | a simple coremod that streamlines patching of mods. | Rongmario | Both | Kinda | none | All Rights Reserved |
Cauldron Recipes![]() |
Unknown | This mod provides cauldrons with a data pack recipe system. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
CraftTweaker![]() CraftTweaker Addons Page |
Unknown | Allows modpacks and servers to customize the game. With CraftTweaker you can change recipes, script events, add new commands and even change item properties! When used with other mods the possibilities become endless. Ranging from custom machine recipes to entirely new blocks and items! | Jaredlll08 | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
Default Options![]() |
Unknown | A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. Also allows local options from any mod .cfg file. | BlayTheNinth | Client | Yes | none | All Rights Reserved |
Emendatus Enigmatica![]() |
Unknown | This mod is a Data-Driven solution created for Modpack Developers to create their own materials, unify the look and feel of modded Minecraft, and provides them with a handful of feature generation options. | Ridanisaurus | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
Game Stages![]() Game Stages Addons Page |
Unknown | This mod provides a framework for creating progression systems in modpacks. These progression systems are based on stages which are player specific flags used to track their progress. Using other mods and addons you can configure the game to react differently to a player depending on the stages they have unlocked. While the term stage may imply a linear progression they can be used for virtually all types of progression systems. Some common examples of this include using stages for RPG classes and skills, Pack modes (expert, hardcore, easy), and branching quests. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Gui Builder![]() |
Unknown | This mod allows modpack developers to create, modify and replace GUIs using the Nashorn Javascript engine. This can be used for things like replacing the main menu, adding a Patreon supporter page, or adding an in-game help button. | Blargerist | Client | none | none | MIT |
Info Datapack![]() |
Unknown | A mod to add tooltip and jei information to items with a datapack. | GoryMoon | Client | Yes | none | MIT |
ISpawner![]() |
Unknown | The iSpawner Mod is primarily focused to be used in the VaultHunters Modpack. The Mod adds a custom MobSpawner, which allows for extensive configuration on its spawning behavior. This includes the area where mobs are spawned in, the speed, the amount, the limits on spawning in case existing mobs are around and more. | Iskall85_Dev | Both | none | none | All Rights Reserved |
It's the little things![]() |
Unknown | It's the little things that make all the difference, the finishing touches to your modpack. | Zlepper, Paint_Ninja | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
KubeJS![]() KubeJS Addons Page |
Unknown | This mod lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to manage your server, add new blocks and items, change recipes and tags, add custom handlers for quest mods, change worldgen and more! | LatvianModder | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-3.0 |
My Server Is Compatible![]() |
Unknown | Sometimes when you make a server Forge shows an "Incompatible FML modded server" message even if you're still able to join the server. So I made this Client-Side mod, which completely disables these messages. | Focamacho | Client | none | none | MIT |
OldJavaWarning![]() |
Unknown | This mod is intended to be used by Mod Packs. If a user tries to launch the game with an outdated version of Java they will be given a warning. | DarkhaxDev | Client | none | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Open Loader![]() |
Unknown | Open Loader is a utility mod that allows data packs and resource packs to be applied globally across all save files in a game instance. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Ore Tweaker![]() |
Unknown | Ore Tweaker is a super lightweight utility mod that allows you to customize and tweak the underground generation in Minecraft. | EwyBoy | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
Seed Drop![]() |
Unknown | Seed Drop is a super lightweight utility mod that allows you to customize the drops from grass in vanilla Minecraft. | EwyBoy | Both | Kinda | none | MIT |
Splashy![]() |
Unknown | This mod gives you more control over the splash text that is displayed on the main menu. For example you can disable the vanilla splash texts, or add new splash text entries. | DarkhaxDev | Client | none | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Tips![]() |
Unknown | This mod will display useful tips on certain game screens such as the world loading screen. The tip shown will be cycled out every five seconds. The pool of tips can be expanded by resource packs, other mods, and even modpacks. | DarkhaxDev | Client | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Topography![]() |
Unknown | Topography is a mod designed to allow modpack developers the ability to create custom defined dimensions for their modpacks using a scripting system. Custom terrain generators, skyboxes, spawn structures, world presets and more are available. | bloodnbonesgaming, superckl, Blargerist | Both | Config | none | All Rights Reserved |
World Stripper![]() |
Unknown | World Stripper is a utility mod that allows you to strip away the terrain to view the underground world generation. | EwyBoy | Both | Kinda | none | MIT |