Created: 04:01:2018
Last-Refresh: 18:02:2018
2) Finish Fly
3) Finish Jesus
3) Redo NoFall
4) Add Aim Patterns
8) Improve Speed check
9) Fix Speed patterns
10) Add setBack functions
11) Fix backwards and side sprint
12) Improve Phase
13) Redo Badpackets (merge with speed_timer, badpackets and morepackets)
14) Clean up Check class
16) Statistics Command
17) Improve Config Documentation
18) Check for Step (rod, hit, bow, slimes, jump potions etc)
19) Speed ground diff
21) Redo Scaffoldwalk
22) Add Tower Check
23) Improve Code Documentation
24) Finishing AuraBots
25) Finishing Record & Play System
26) Inventory -> Delay walk check in both directions
29) Finish InGame Configuration (/tnc settings)
30) Remove usages of
34) Write configuration variables in caps
35) Make use of the Parent-Child-Check System (config change)
Already Done (just a few) :
1) Fix equls roatations
2) Fix CharSpam
3) Gui for Violations
4) Redo Equals rotation
5) Remove Check Dependencies
5) Violation Menus
1) Merge Todo Lists
6) Update permissions.txt
15) Make TNCAPI a enum singleton (maby new class? for backwards compability?)
7) Register Permissions in plugin.yml
27) Add Check Listener Debugger(Enable/Disable)
33) Link ViolationExecuter up to Checkmanager
31) Add Listener Manager (only for listenrs how use static) and link it up in nocheatplus to remove static in listeners
28) Add Normal Scheduler Gui
32) Maby Extends check from YamlFile? = Would clear a few listeners in check
20) Fix GodMode Exceptions
Not used:
36) Make Violation Reason abstract or over enums